FORTUNE/U.S. State Department
Global Women’s Mentoring Partnership
Application Checklist
Previous travel to the U.S.? If yes, please specify duration and type of visit
Egyptian Citizen / ÿ Yes
ÿ No
Number of Years of Work Experience
Current Employer
Have you ever worked for a Fortune 500 Company? / ÿ Yes
ÿ No
Level of Education (bachelors, masters, PhD, other)
In order for your application to be complete, please make sure you have:
ÿ Completed Application Checklist Form (this page)
ÿ Completed Application form (pages 2- 6 of this document)
ÿ Copy of National ID and/or passport
ÿ Most recent curriculum vitae
* Completed applications and required attachments must be received via e-mail by January 3, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. Any applications received after this time will not be considered. Please e-mail all applications and supporting documents to:
For more information on the program, please visit:
FORTUNE/U.S. State Department
International Mentoring Partnership
Application Form 2012
A. Name: ______
(First name) (Middle name) (Last name)
B. City and Country of Birth: ______
C. Date of Birth written in full: ______
(Month) (Day) (Year)
D. Passport no: ______
Date of issue: ______
Date of expiration: ______
E. Marital Status:______
F. Citizenship: ______
G. Special considerations, such as allergies, medical and physical challenges, dietary preferences:
H. Does nominee smoke? Yes ( ) No ( )
I. Business address, telephone and fax numbers:
J. E-mail address:
K. Home address and telephone:
L. Preferred Mailing Address: Business ( ) Home ( )
M. Languages:
1) Native Language:
2) English Proficiency: (5 point FSI scale)
N. Present Position: (exact title, starting date, and brief description of role in company)
O. Full Name of Company or Institution:
P. Brief Description of Company/Institution: (Please include type of industry, number of employees, annual budget, etc.)
Q. Publications (if any):
R. Professional memberships in local, national or international professional organizations or associations or clubs:
S. Previous Travel to the United States: (Please note if grantee has ever traveled on a U.S. Government program)
Places Visited:
Sponsorship/Purpose of Visit:
T. Other Travel Abroad
City and Country:
Principal Purpose of Visit:
City and Country:
Principal Purpose of Visit:
City and Country:
Principal Purpose of Visit:
U. Educational Background: (List highest degree first. Include significant training programs.)
Field of Specialization:
V. Other Interests: (Sports, Hobbies, Volunteer Activities)
Please answer all of the following questions in your personal statement: This can be more than one page, but it is important that all four questions are answered in the following order.1- Why do you think you will be a good fit for this exchange program?
2- What do you hope to gain from being mentored by a top U.S. female business executive?
3- What are your personal interests outside business?
3- How do you expect the program to impact your work when you return to Egypt?
Identify one individual who can provide you a letter of recommendation. Please have this recommendation letter ready with you if you are called back for an interview.
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
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