July 31, 2014

Members present: Dave Kingsbury,Kevin Silvernail,Mari Bottoms, Rocky Desimini,Chancy Ferguson, Jennifer Fox, Mike Barry and Perry & Corinna Jacobs

The meeting was opened byPresident Dave Kingsburyat 7:38 pm. The minutes from the previous meeting were read. Mari advised that it should read that LaGrande helicopter assisted EagleValley with rapellors. Kevin Silvernailmoved to approve the minutes as corrected, the motion was seconded by Mari Bottoms and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: There is $11,472.27 in the account at this time.

FallFireSchool: Corinna requests class descriptions from all instructors. As soon as the flyer is done, it will be posted on the website, distributed electronically and Dave will get it on Thelma Denney/Daily Dispatch.

DPSST: Rocky reminded everyone that the maintenance re-certification packets have been mailed to all agencies and will be processed in the order that they are received back at DPSST. Steve and Era retired at the end of July. DPSST is in the process of recruiting to fill both of those positions. DPSST received a grant to purchase two mobile ventilation props which will be maintained and managed by DPSST Fire Training Staff. DPSST finished maintenance and upgrade work on the TacticalTrainingTower at the academy.

DLO: Kevin assisted Emmitt with the review at BakerCity. The next review is scheduled for LaGrande in September.

Trainings: Mike Barry advised that he is able to teach NWCG sanctioned 130/190 wildland class. It was suggested to add or tie it to the FFIAcademy scheduled in BakerCounty for January 2015. Kevin states that the prop trailer is ready for use. The instructors want to have a play day to experiment with the new props and practice assembling and disassembling the props and how they fit into the trailer. No date was set.

Chancy has been in touch with Blue Mountain Community College and they would like District 13 to be involved in their fire science degree program.

OFIA Conference: Dave will contact Jason McKinnon regarding financial information. Rocky has contacts for instructors for a Train the Trainer class for trucks, and for positive pressure attack training. Also DPSST has a Forms class that helps with understanding fire programs forms, how to apply for certification, information that goes into a training file, and the online application system. Rocky will contact them to see about scheduling that class for OFIA. Suggestions for a keynote speaker were discussed.

Recent Incidents: Elgin responded to a couple human caused incidents. Imbler also had a call that was suspected to be human caused. IslandCity had a couple structure fires. BakerCounty has activated the Task Force four times already this fire season.

The next meeting will be Thursday, August 28, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the Elgin Fire Station.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Corinna Jacobs, Secretary


Dave Kingsbury, President Date


Corinna Jacobs, Secretary Date