Drug Prevention Through Policy Development in a Sports Setting

The Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) is Ireland's largest cultural and sporting organisation and promotes the four indigenous Irish games of Gaelic football, hurling, handball and rounders. The GAA have developed a comprehensive alcohol and drug prevention programme over the past five years to help clubs prevent problems from arising in the first instance and respond effectively when they do. The Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Programme has a harm reduction focus and is aimed at both adults and young people.

Each of our 2,000 clubs are obliged to appoint an ASAP Club Officer who is responsible for developing a Club Drug and Alcohol Policy as a roadmap for what can be done in their local area. This policy outlines the prevention, education and response measures that each club will take and is developed in conjunction with local alcohol/drug services. To date the GAA has over 1,400 ASAP Officers in place.

Each Club Drug and Alcohol Policy is devised under the guidance of the Club ASAP Officer by a group of players, coaches, parents and club executives using a template that is adapted to suit individual clubs.

Every ASAP Club Officer works with an ASAP County Officer and ASAP Provincial Officer under the guidance of the ASAP National Office. All of the officers are volunteers and are trained with the aid of the ASAP Manual, DVD and website to develop polices, coordinate educational workshops and provide brief interventions and referrals to alcohol and drug services.

In addition short viral video messages about alcohol and other dugs fromIreland's best known footballers and hurlers are circulated throughout our club network and to promote positive health behaviours.

Discussions have taken place with the Irish Government to assess the feasibility of widening the ASAP Programme beyond the GAA and developing it as an initiative for all other Irish sports organisations.

See for more details.


Brendan Murphy was appointed as National Coordinator of the Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Programme for the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) in 2005. The GAA isIreland's leading sports organisation promoting Gaelic football, hurling, handball and rounders. Brendan is an accredited addiction counsellor, supervisor and trainer and has worked for 20 years in drug/alcohol prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services in theScotlandandIreland. With an initial qualification in addiction studies, he has undertaken post-graduate training in health promotion and psychotherapy.

Brendan Murphy
National Coordinator
Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention (A.S.A.P.) Programme
Gaelic Athletic Association
Connacht Council Office
Clare Street
Co Mayo

(T) (094) 9631804
(F) (094) 9630175