Future of OASIS Conference - Bios
Conference Goals and Objectives
Monroe Landrum – Conference Chairman
Southern Company
Timothy Roberts – Conference Moderator
Timothy Roberts is a IT Project Manager and Business Analyst for the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). For the last 5 years Mr. Roberts has specialized in developing and implementing scheduling systems for the Power Business Line (PBL), the power marketing unit of BPA. Mr. Roberts is a new participant in the NAESB & NERC technical groups.
Marvin Rosenberg
Marvin Rosenberg is a senior economist at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. For the past decade Mr. Rosenberg has worked with the wholesale electric power and the natural gas pipeline industries to use electronic communications to further the Commission’s policy objectives. Mr. Rosenberg meets regularly with industry groups to develop communication standards and business practices.
Industry Panel
Jason Cox
Regulatory Affairs
Jason Cox is Director, Regulatory Affairs for Dynegy. Mr. Cox is involved in market and RTO development in PJM and MISO. Dynegy is a merchant energy company with plants in the Midwest, Northeast, and West.
Mark Hackney
Generation Control and Transmission Scheduling
Mark Hackney is the Supervisor for Generation Control and Transmission Scheduling for Arizona Public Service Company. Mr. Hackney is co-Chair of the wesTTrans Technical Committee. The committee works on improvements to OASIS.
Donald S. Watkins
Operating and Scheduling Practices
Don Watkins isthe Manager for Operating and Scheduling Practices at BPA. An electricalengineer, hehas been at BPA for nearly 24 years, the last 20 years in system operations. Mr. Watkins has been involved in industry restructuring in the North Westand the western interconnection, particularly with regard to the systems and infrastructure to address the "seams" between operating entities including business process interfaces.
Terry Dodson
Mr. Dodson is Director Transmission Analysis and Market Analysis for Calpine.
John M. Simonelli
Manager Tariff, Schedules & OASIS
John Simonelli is Manager of Tariffs, Schedules and OASIS at ISO New England (ISO NE). Mr. Simonelli is a current member of the NERC Interchange Subcommittee (IS) and has previously been a member of the EPRI OASIS "How" Group, NERC Market Committee, NERC Transaction Information System Working Group and Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee, and Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee.
Dan O’Hearn
NorthWest Portfolio Manager, PowerEx
Dan O'Hearn has worked for Powerex Corp. for 8 years. This included roles as a realtime trader, cash trader and term trading. He is a member of the WECC OC and participates in various committees with a focus on operations issues that affect the trading and scheduling of Power. Prior to Powerex Mr. O'Hearn utilized his Electrical Engineering background in a variety of roles with BCHydro that included managing generating stations and implementing BCHydro's first FERC compliant transmission tariff.
Karl Tammar
ISO/RTO Council
Mr. Tammar is the chairman of the ISO/RTO Standards Review Committee.
Bob Schwermann
Energy Trading and Contracts
Bob Schwermann is a Project Manager for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. Mr. Schwermann Chairs the WECC Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee and is a member of both NERC and NAESB Coordinate Interchange Standard Drafting Teams. He was active in the original development of the Westtrans OASIS node.
Andrew J. Rodriquez
Senior Analyst
Andy Rodriquez is currently involved in implementing the PJM/MISO Joint Operating Agreement and Congestion Management Process for PJM. Mr. Rodriquez has served as chairman of the NERC Transaction Information Systems Working Group and the OASIS Standards Collaborative, as well as co-chairman of the NAESB Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee and Joint OASIS Implementation Task Force.
Related Industry Initiatives
Robert Harshbarger
OASIS Trading Manager
Bob Harshbarger is currently the OASIS Trading Manager for Puget Sound Energy (PSE). PSE is an investor owned gas and electric utility in the State of Washington. Mr. Harshbarger has been involved with OASIS since 1996, and is a member of NAESB’s Electronic Scheduling Subcommittee.
David Becker
David Becker is the manager of Control Center Technologies in the Grid Operations and Planning Business Area of the Power Delivery and Markets Group at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Mr. Becker is involved in the development of international design standards for the transfer of real time operational and system model data.
Open Discussion
Barbara M. Rehman
Oasis Policy Manager
Barbara Rehman is currently the OASIS Policy Manager for the Bonneville Power Administration. Ms. Rehman has been involved in OASIS development from its inception and is a member of several NAESB WEQ groups, including the ITS/ESS. BPA, a Federal agency under DOE, is a major transmission owner and wholesale power marketer in the Pacific Northwest.
Paul Sorenson
Open Access Technology International
Mr. Sorenson is Manager of Central Markets Strategy for OATI. Mr. Sorenson has involved in a number of groups associated with OASIS, E-Tagging, and the scheduling of interchange.