What We Believe:
Prophecies of Revelation for Teens
Author: Seth J. Pierce
©2011 by Pacific Press®
Readability Level 7.2 / Points 15
Pages 256 / Word Count: 94,505
1. / Historical criticism _____. (18)a. / Picks out mistakes
b. / Studies ancient history
c. / Figures out where a Bible text came from
d. / Proves prophecy
2. / The 4 methods of understanding prophecy are _____. (22-25)
a. / Lateral, vertical, horizontal, oblique
b. / Literal, figurative, conservative, fundamental
c. / Preterism , futurism, idealism, historicism
d. / Topical, exegesis, eisegeses, contextual
3. / Which of these is NOT one of the 7s of Revelation? (36)
a. / Lampstand
b. / Devils
c. / Trumpets
d. / Angels
4. / What other book is especially linked with Revelation? (52)
a. / Daniel
b. / John
c. / Isaiah
d. / Leviticus
5. / The church of Laodicea was not . (79)
a. / Awake
b. / Hot or cold
c. / Blind, naked or poor
d. / God’s church
6. / In Revelation there were white_____ , all of which related to Christ and His people. (99)
a. / Stones
b. / Horse
c. / Robes
d. / All of these
7. / What did wormwood do? (119)
a. / Contaminated water
b. / Prevented pregnancies
c. / Killed people
d. / All of these
8. / What died and was raised again during the 1260 years of papal power? (141)
a. / The Bible
b. / Jesus
c. / Religious freedom
d. / None of these
9. / What characterized the Little Horn power _____ . (157)
a. / Tries to change times and laws
b. / Oppresses the saints
c. / Speaks boastfully
d. / All of these
10. / What was the first angel’s message? (177)
a. / Fear God and give Him glory
b. / The hour of God’s judgement has come
c. / Worship Him who made heaven and earth in 6 days
d. / All of these
Correct Answers / 1-c 2-c 3-b 4-a 5-b 6-d 7-d 8-a 9-d 10-d