McClure Middle School Suggested Supply List

*VanDrisse’s (7B Math) Additional Supplies Are Listed On The Back

1-inch notebook for each subject – we will use the following colors school-wide

Math = Green Social Studies = Blue Language Arts = White

Science = Red Connections = Black Reading/Foreign Language=Gray (8th Only)

Standard Supplies for McClure School:

·  Blue or black pens

·  Green pens

·  Pencils (extra lead if mechanical pencils)

·  Erasers

·  Colored pencils

·  Glue sticks

·  Inexpensive 4-function calculator (w/sq. root key)

·  Notebook paper (not torn from a notebook)

·  Dividers for each subject (3-5 per subject)

·  Highlighters (4 colors)

·  Pencil sharpener (with shavings catcher)

Clinic donations would be appreciated: band-aids, 3 oz. cups, peppermints, juice boxes, ziploc bags

McClure Middle School Suggested Supply List

*VanDrisse’s (7B Math) Additional Supplies Are Listed On The Back

1-inch notebook for each subject – we will use the following colors school-wide

Math = Green Social Studies = Blue Language Arts = White

Science = Red Connections = Black Reading/Foreign Language=Gray (8th Only)

Standard Supplies for McClure School:

·  Blue or black pens

·  Green pens

·  Pencils (extra lead if mechanical pencils)

·  Erasers

·  Colored pencils

·  Glue sticks

·  Inexpensive 4-function calculator (w/sq. root key)

·  Notebook paper (not torn from a notebook)

·  Dividers for each subject (3-5 per subject)

·  Highlighters (4 colors)

·  Pencil sharpener (with shavings catcher)

Clinic donations would be appreciated: band-aids, 3 oz. cups, peppermints, juice boxes, ziploc bags

VanDrisse’s (7B) Math Suggested Supply List

*McClure’s Suggested Standard Supplies Are Listed On The Back

·  All standard supplies listed on the McClure Suggested Supply List

·  1 inch green notebook (a binder) – if you cannot find a green binder, then you may use a binder with the see-through cover and insert a green sheet of paper to represent MATH class

·  Reinforced pencil pouch to keep in binder

·  Graph paper

·  Protractor (will also serve as student ruler)

·  Pencils and Erasers are very important for math, so please stock your pencil pouch….math work will not be accepted in ink

The following donations would be greatly appreciated, but are not required…

·  Decks of Cards

·  Tissues

·  Paper Towels

·  Dry Erase Markers

·  Lysol Wipes

·  Vis-à-vis Markers (for laminated sheets/games)

·  Baby Wipes (Generic brand to wipe laminated sheets)

·  Hand Soap/Sanitizer

VanDrisse’s (7B) Math Suggested Supply List

*McClure’s Suggested Standard Supplies Are Listed On The Back

·  All standard supplies listed on the McClure Suggested Supply List

·  1 inch green notebook (a binder) – if you cannot find a green binder, then you may use a binder with the see-through cover and insert a green sheet of paper to represent MATH class

·  Reinforced pencil pouch to keep in binder

·  Graph paper

·  Protractor (will also serve as student ruler)

·  Pencils and Erasers are very important for math, so please stock your pencil pouch….math work will not be accepted in ink

The following donations would be greatly appreciated, but are not required…

·  Decks of Cards

·  Tissues

·  Paper Towels

·  Lysol Wipes

·  Dry Erase Markers

·  Vis-à-vis Markers (for laminated sheets/games)

·  Baby Wipes (Generic brand to wipe laminated sheets)

·  Hand Soap/Sanitizer