/ LSE ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) /

LSE ESRC Doctoral ResearcherTraining Needs Analysis(2017-2018)

Student’s name
Student id number:
Supervisor(s) name(s)
Degree: / MRes/MPhil/PhD: Part-time/Full-Time:
LSE email address:

This form should be filled in with your supervisor(s). It will help you to structure and record the formal training needs analysis that you conduct with your supervisor(s) at the start of the academic year and to formulate a strategy to meet these needs. It will help the PhD Academy to design its professional development programme. It is also a mandatory requirement of your ESRC scholarship.

In doing this you will need to consider:

  1. Discipline specific training;
  2. Methodological training; and
  3. Personal development needs.

The skill set expected of PhD Students in the UK is summarised in the Vitae Researcher Development Frameworkand in the ESRC Postgraduate Training and Development Guidelines.

Useful Links

The following links indicate the training opportunities open to LSE PhD students. Please consult with your Department about discipline specific training.

  • LSE PhD Academy Events and Courses Page
  • LSE CareersWebpage
  • LSE Department of Methodology – PhD Courses (listed under MY)
  • LSE Language Centre
  • LSE New Graduate Teaching Assistants Induction Programme
  • Bloomsbury Postgraduate Skills Network (BPSN)
  • National Centre For Research Methods (NCRM)–
  • MOOCS–
  • Please complete the form, ensuring it is signed and dated by both yourself and your supervisor. Then returnelectronicallyto byFriday 13 October (end Week 3, Michaelmas Term). Please also upload a copy to your PhD Log to review 2018-9.

Training Needs Analysis

Type of training
Please supply details below / Sources of training (& course code if applicable). This includes training by your department (e.g auditing master classes, compulsory courses for MPhil/PhD students; by the Methodology Department; by the PhD Academy as well as self-directed and peer supported activities / Priority
1 / Discipline specific knowledge that you need to acquire this year e.g., advanced courses in the student’s subject or topic area:
2 / Methodological training that you need to acquire this year:
3 / Language skills that you need to acquire this year:
4 / Research skills e.g., Endnote training, citation practices
5 / Research Environment e.g., legal and ethical issues, health and safety
6 / Personal and transferable skills e.g., giving presentations, career management
7 / Other
Please specify

Please give an indication of any training needs that you have identified it will be necessary or desirable to acquire in subsequent years:

Do you require any training which is currently not available at the LSE? If yes, please specify:

Training Plan agreed

Supervisor…………………………………………………………….. Date……………………..

Researcher……………………………………………………………. Date……………………..

ESRC DTP Director……………………………………………..…… Date……………………..