Tuesday October 23rd, 2012

POP Quiz #1

  1. What is a CV or resume for?
  2. To show employers why you’re worth hiring.
  1. Is a cover letter the same thing as a CV? Explain the difference?
  2. No, it has a personal flare.
  1. Why do you need a cover letter?
  2. To interest your employer
  1. List ‘3’ important things you can have in your cover letter
  2. The job/position you’re aiming for.
  3. Work Experience
  4. Why are you right for this job?
  1. Remember A.I.D.A.? What do the letters (AIDA) stand for?
  2. Attention (Get their attention)
  3. Interest (Make them interested)
  4. Desire (Make them WANT you) ;)
  5. Action (Take action!)
  1. From the handout on personality traits, list your ‘3’ BEST traits.
  2. Leadership
  3. Enthusiasm
  4. Optimism
  1. List ‘3’ things that my pet hates.
  2. Poor Grammar
  3. Poor Spelling
  4. Incomplete sentences
  1. List 5 steps to a successful thus a great CV.
  2. Don’t leave gaps (Timewise ex. In 2002 I was at Timmy’s, in 2012 I worked at blah blahblah)
  3. Tell the truth. (Don’t lie)
  4. Jazz it up (Make it pretty)
  5. Keep it current
  6. Tailor it, depending on the job emphasize certain things that would prove worthy in that job.
  1. List me as many assignments that you think you should have completed thus far this year with respect to your ‘POP Portfolio’. The more you list, the more points you get.
  2. Title Page
  3. 25 word friend advertisement
  4. Top qualities, worst qualities
  5. Brochure
  6. Cover Letter
  7. Mini-autobiography
  8. Circle of Influence
  9. Notes
  10. C.V. or resume

Bonus question:

  1. The names of my twin boy’sare______MAX______DREW_____.

Bonus question part II:

  1. What was the name of that product I bought because the person on the TV was a great salesman?
  2. The Shticky


Title Page for your portfolio

  • Your Name
  • Teachers name
  • Date2012-2013
  • Title
  • P.O.P. Portfolio404-04
  • Graphics…creative logo, designs…show artistic talents!
  • Have some fun here...show me some creativity!
  • Complete the Brochure about YOU!
  • This is a document that shows who you are and what is great about you!
  • Your strengths
  • Your history
  • Birth date, family members, etc…