2013/2014 –Festival Food Vendors - EXPRESSION OF INTEREST
Why participate in the WhitehorseCity Council’s Festival Season?
With an approximate 50,000 people in attendance from across the City of Whitehorse and beyond, the Whitehorse Festival Season 2013/2014offers an exciting and joyous environment for vendors to provide the variety and quality of food expected by its residents and guests.
Application Information
Council operates three major festivals and one minor festival Global Fiesta. Due to high demand for space at our major events, we ask that vendors indicate their preference for attendance (1st to 3rd), and indicate whether they are able to attend Global Fiesta. Preference will be given to those that are able to attend Global Fiesta.
Council is committed to supportingcommunity and non-for-profit groups, andcommercial food vendors will be selected once the community and non-for-profit groups have been allocated.
Food Vendor Operation Criteria
- All temporary or mobile premises food premises operating within the state of Victoria are required to be registered under the Food Act and lodge a Statement of Trade through an online registration database called Streatrader. Streatrader can be accessed by visiting:
- A Statement of Trade is required to be submitted no later than 5 days prior to the event.
- Electrical equipment and gas appliances used at Whitehorse City Council events must be tagged and tested(a cost will be incurred for items that need to be tagged and tested on the event day).
- A copy of your Public Liability Insurance must be current and attached to your application.
- Community groups will need to clearly display signage of the community organisation at marquee/site location.
- Balloons are not permitted on site.
- Vendors are not permitted to sell beverages in glass bottles.
- Council is committed to reducing the carbon footprint of events and increasing sustainability measures. All vendors should reduce the amount of packaging they use and MUST use recyclable products. Polystyrene and non-recyclable items are not permitted on site. Additional sustainability measures will be introduced on an event by event basis.
- At some events we will be engaging a ‘wash against waste station’. Vendors operating at these events will be issued with recyclable plates and cutlery to serve on. Environmental volunteers will be collecting and washing these for continued use during the event.
- Vendors must ensure that their stall and menus are accessible for those with additional needs. Menus will need to be in large print for vision impaired guests and order points should be easily accessible for guests in wheelchairs or children.
- Vendors must provide their own clean water for hand washing and food preparation.Waste water will need to be disposed of by the vendor.
- Spruiking and amplification are not permitted; please contain your activity/display to your allocated area.
- Vendors are required to provide their own fire extinguisher and fire safety blanket.
Additional Information:
- Bump-in and out timeswill be advised closer to the event date via an information email package containing a site map and location guide, times of operation and additional important information.
- The Nunawading Civic Centre and Box Hill Gardens sites where the Festivalsareheld have a limited number of parking spaces. Stallholders are requested to park off site after bump in of their marquee/stall and equipment to ensure that this limited parking is available to festival participants or VIP’s. You will be notified if parking can be allocated.
- A commercial food vendor fee will be determined for each event. Please do not pay any funds to Council until an invoice has been issued to you. Should you need to hire any equipment from Council (e.g. marquees, tables etc.) please advise when providing your application.If a vendor pulls out of the event within two weeks of the event date, they will still be required to pay all outstanding event invoices (where applicable).
- A site and safety check will be conducted prior to operation. The Whitehorse City Council reserves the right to prohibit operation if a stall fails to comply with OH&S and Environmental Health standards.
- Damage to Council land or property will incur additional costs and impact on future attendance at Whitehorse City Council events.
2013/2014 Festival Season events available:
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SPRING FESTIVAL, Sunday 20 October 2013
10am - 4pm, Civic Centre Lawns, Nunawading
Approx attendance: 20,000
CAROLS CONCERT, Sunday 15 December 2013
5:30pm - 9:30pm, Civic Centre Lawns, Nunawading
Approx attendance: 8,000
AUSTRALIA DAY CONCERT, Sunday 26 January 2014
5:30pm - 10pm, Civic Centre Lawns, Nunawading
Approx attendance: 13,000
GLOBAL FIESTA, Sunday 16 March 2014
12 noon - 5pm, Box Hill Gardens, Box Hill
Approx attendance: 2,500
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☐Commercial Entity☐Community Group/Non for profit organisation / ABN:Streatrader Trading Name: / StreatraderRegistration number:
Contact Name: / Position:
Landline: / Mobile:
Email: / Website:
Postal Address:
*List top items (up to 10) and show approximate price ranges
*Provide photo of menu
*Attach a photo of your vehicle in operation if applicable / Do you operate trade from a Vehicle? ☐YES ☐NO
Will you require a storage vehicle to stay on site as part of your display? ☐YES ☐NO
*TOTAL space required must include any space at the front or sides of the marquee that you wish to use, and space for any vehicles included. / What is the TOTAL space that you will require? incl. outside tent
☐ 3x3 ☐3x6 ☐ 6x6 ☐ other:___m wide x ___m deep
Do you need to hire a marquee or furniture through Council? ☐YES ☐NO
*All electrical equipment brought on site must be tagged and tested, or a receipt for purchases within the past 6 months. / Is power required?☐YES☐NO
If yes,what will you need power for? Please list:
FIRE SAFETY: / You must provide your own: (tick if yes) ☐Fire Extinguisher ☐Fire Blanket
*Please select which events you would like to attend, in order of preference.
Please only select one 1st, one 2nd etc. / EVENT / SHOW 1st to 3rdPreference OR select N/A
SPRING FESTIVAL 2013 / 1st 2nd 3rd N/A
WHITEHORSE CAROLS 2013 / 1st 2nd 3rd N/A
AUSTRALIA DAY 2014 / 1st 2nd 3rd N/A
GLOBAL FIESTA 2014 / Able to attend? ☐Yes ☐No
YOU MUST attach a copy of your current Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency (not a receipt)to this EOI
The Festival Coordinator has the right to decline an Expression of Interest or refuse a vendor permission to attend.
The Festival Coordinator has the right to determine the location of the display/stall.
PRIVACY NOTIFICATION The information requested on this form is being collected for the purpose of organising the Whitehorse Festival Season 2013/2014. The information will be used solely by Council for that primary purpose or directly related purpose and will not be disclosed to any other party except as required by law. Should enquiries be received after the Festival regarding your stall, these will be forwarded on to you.
Please return forms to: David Milne, Event OfficerTel:03 9262 6352
Email: Fax:03 9262 6424
Locked Bag 2, Nunawading DC VIC 3131Mob:0400 975 386
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