Pompey Pillage 2008 21st and 22nd June 2008 Warhammer 40K Rules


Please submit army lists prior to the event (7th June 2008) you will still be able to play if you do not submit a list by this date, but you will score 0 for army selection. Army List can be submitted to WH40K Event Co-ordinator via email to

You must use the same army List for all games. Please ensure that your name is clearly on the list, and please bring at least one copy to use on the day. If you forget then you will kindly be asked to write one out for us.

When you arrive on the Saturday morning you must register at the designated registration point. This is to ensure that all players who have entered are present.


Read your rulebooks, supplements and other relevant materials to refresh your memory before you attend the event. Remember you may play against players who do not interpret the rules the same way you do, so be prepared to compromise and realise that you may be wrong.

Remember there is a sequence of play (and a chart is provided in the rulebook). Should you forget to do something – tough, it’s your fault. Do not use the “Puppy-dog-eyes” tactic and try to make your opponent feel guilty, this is unfair. Accept your mistake and get on with the game.

Players playing particularly slowly or deliberately time wasting may receive a penalty score deduction.


Tables will be allocated on a random basis for every round! The computer does this automatically, so you should be prepared to move around a lot. This has been done in the interests of fairness to avoid people playing on the same tables over and over again.


Ideally, players from the same club should not get drawn against each other on the first game. If this happens, swap tables with someone on the table next to you. After the first game you will have to play whomever you are up against, unless you have played them before in this tournament.

In the event of being drawn against someone you played in a previous round the following will strictly apply:

1. As the table next to you will not necessarily contain the next best players, DO NOT swap with a player on the next table!

2. Use the lists provided and look at the players Rankings. Starting with the highest rank player who has a conflict, he will select the next highest ranked player, move to their table and play them. That person’s opponent will, of course have to swap and play the highest ranked player’s original opponent.

3. Follow the system outlined in point 2 above until everyone has a fresh opponent.

Any problems with this see the tournament organiser for 40k, he will be pointed out to you at the beginning of the Saturday session.


At the end of each game players will determine the number of tournament points as per the relevant tournament system rules (see later sections). Players will also mark their opponents for sportsmanship.

Fill in your score sheet; it is you and your opponent’s responsibility to do this correctly. Make sure both you and your opponent hand in the score sheet and each hand in a sportsmanship score sheet.


All ‘cocked’ dice must be re-rolled. Any special dice rolls must be declared before they are made and witnessed by either your opponent or an umpire. All dice should be properly rolled and in plain view (not on the floor!), also normal d6 must be used, not dodgy shaped ones or lucky big dice for important rolls!!


In the event of a rules debate, refer to the rulebook and supplements first, if this doesn’t help you can refer to one of the umpires and / or roll a d6. The decision of umpires will be binding, and remember it’s only a game.


Players will be required to exchange lists with each other at the end of a game for checking that the army you are playing with is the same as the one entered. Please take this opportunity to check the list and report any discrepancies.


During the lunchtimes of both days players will be asked to leave their army set-up and any associated display items. Please ensure you have a clear nametag next to your army, failure to do so may result in a 0 score for painting.

During these times the judges will be looking at the armies and judging painting. Scores from the judges will be as follows:

·  0 points for a completely unpainted army. Please no one!

·  5 points for having some units unpainted or which is painted to gaming standards, but has no effort on bases, highlights etc

·  10 points for a completely painted army, painted bases, nearly everyone should get this.

·  15 points for a well painted army. Squad symbols, highlights, banners etc. half should get this

·  20 points for a very well painted force, nice conversions, themed counters, great detailed bases etc. Probably only 10% of armies here.


Each round a sportsmanship score with 5 questions scaled 0 to 4 will be used (PLEASE READ THE QUESTIONS!). The highest and lowest round scores will be dropped and the remaining scores added together and divided by 3 to give a total score between 0 and 20. There will also be a most sporting opponent award.


If there are an odd number of players on the day we will resolve this by having one of the judges play.


A range of trophies will be available and should include (subject to the number of entries) First, Second, Third Place, Best Painted Army and Best Sportsman. All aspects of the marking other than game play will be added in after the 5th game to ensure that people are drawn against each other solely on the basis of their gaming ability. In the case of a draw for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place we will first look at the number of games won / lost and then at sportsmanship, army comp then painting to determine the winner.


Please inform Martin Burke or James Balfe if you have discovered any obvious omissions or errors with this rules pack.

If there are any loopholes in the rules please let us know rather than exploiting these to give an un-fair advantage. If you can’t win fair and square, then where’s the fun ?


In addition to the rules, can players bring any relevant materials needed, e.g. dice, templates, and miniatures! etc. In other words everything you need to play.



 9-9.30am register (announcements)

 9.30-12.00 game1

 12.00-12.45 lunch (announcements)

 13.00-15.30 game2

 15.45-18.15 game3 (announcements)


 9.30am arrive (announcements)

 10.00-12.30 game4

 12.30-13.15 lunch (announcements)

 13.30-16.00 game5

 16.30 awards


All tournaments and competitions need rules and restrictions. Restrictions and practices change from event to event and we have tried to take on as many player suggestions as possible. Please feel free to add new suggestions so that they can be incorporated in future tournaments.


 The tournament will be played using the relevant current rules and supplements that are available to the public 2 weeks prior to the tournament.

 Army size will be 1,750 points for space wolves the 3rd HQ is not mandatory if both HQ’s are non dreadnoughts

 Chapter Approved army lists will not be allowed, this includes feral orks/mercenary kroot/ork warbands/tank companies etc.

 Players are expected to provide a copy of the rules for their army i.e. Codex or Army List, the most up to date rules must be used (including white dwarf army list updates like blood angels) for each codex and this also applies to the GW faq’s for version 4. Also the wording of certain items have changed since first print runs, see the wargear book for latest details.

 Armies should be fully painted and based.

 Ensure your army presents a ‘what-you-see-is-what-you-get’ approach. But if your model has a item on it that it has not paid for, tell your opponent during deployment. If you do not you may be docked points! (please keep this to a minimum for example your marines may have grenades stuck on but you have not purchased them, or you want to use a special character model as normal HQ but cant afford all his options that are on the model)This does not work the other way, if you want a plasmagun, buy one or convert it!

 Using non-citadel / GW models is acceptable, so long as they fit into the 40k universe and it is possible to tell what they are.

 Conversions are allowed and in fact are actively encouraged and may help to score you extra points in the army painting score.

HOUSE RULES AND CLARIFICATIONQ1. Can a Monstrous Creature hide behind a vehicle? A1. Use true LOS to determine whether the model can be targeted. If you can see the main body of the model then you may target it as per the 40k main rulebook. Vehicles behind other vehicles also use true LOS. Destroyed vehicles count as same size as alive and don’t magically change to level 3 area terrain.Q2. For the purposes of items such as medi packs what constitutes a 'failed save'? A2. A save is only considered failed if there is a save to make, therefore if you cannot make a save due to AP and you have no cover or invulnerable save then it cannot count as a 'failed save'. Q3. Do you receive the 4+ roll for Feel No Pain against Dangerous Terrain/perils of the warp tests? A3. No.

Q4. Can a Speeder hovering over a level 3 piece of terrain see over other level 3 pieces of terrain? A4. No


Q5. How does lash of slaanesh work?

A5. The unit must move the full move of the dice rolled in that direction. And obviously this cannot be used on a unit in combat


Q7. For the purpose of Synapse, does an opponents Tyranids confer their ability on your own troops? A7. No, the Synapse only works on the owner’s army. This goes for everything in the game, you cant use your opponents medics/resurrection orbs/teleport homers etcQ8. Toxic Miasma states that any one being attacked by the creature with it suffers the -1 WS, how does this work when there are multiple units in combat on both sides? A8. only unit being attacked suffers the minus 1 against he model with toxic miasma, if you are attacking other units they fight as normal INQUISITION

Q9. Can Mystics shoot at Drop Pods on the turn they arrive? A9. Mystics can target the Drop Pod after the passengers have disembarked. The Mystic can choose to shoot at the Drop Pod or the Passengers which disembarked. IMPERIAL GUARD

Q10. Can an officers leadership be boosted by Close Order Drill and then extended to surrounding units? A10. The Close Order Drill +1 Leadership is not conferred by the officers rule to other units. Also it only affects platoon command squads, platoon infantry squads and conscripts ORKS

Q11. Can shoota boys take nobz with powerclaws

A11. According to the codex and recent white dwarf army lists done by codex writer, yes

ELDAR Q12. Can models with the Sky Leap ability use it after deepstriking in the same movement phase? A12. The use of the exarch power Sky Leap counts as the units movement for that phase and can therefore not be performed if the use the Deepstrike rule, choose to move or suffer compulsory movement. Q13. How does the Harliquin power Veil of Tears work against powers that allow units to ignore the effects of minor psychic powers? A13. Same as warlocks so cant be nullified in anyway or ignored its not a minor pychic power and has no area effect.Q14. If I have Star Engines and my vehicle is Shaken can I still swap my shooting to move the extra 12"? A14. No, as you may not shoot you cannot swap your shooting for extra movement.


Q15. Does the deceivers ability to cause a unit to take a pinning/moral check count as a shooting weapon?

A15. Yes, it counts as an assault weapon. Infact all shooting phase pychics count as this unless they say otherwise, so you cant fireball one unit and charge another with your librarian.

Drop pods: the maximum footprint(area that blocks LOS) for the model is a ordnance template. (see forgeworld model for reference, home made drop pods should be around the size of a rhino)


 Games will be fought mainly on 6’ x 4’ tables. No table will be smaller than 6’ x 4’.

 All tables will be set with terrain and there will be a variety of types, but some tables may have denser terrain than others.

 Terrain will be specifically placed to try and give a balanced feel to the battlefields. Please DO NOT move the terrain. Anyone seen moving terrain, even if it is not to their advantage will be penalised points unless they have a damn fine explanation!

 All terrain 3 inches or higher counts as level 3 for LOS (so rock piles/forests/most buildings etc). All terrain about 2 inches is level 2(all ruins bases/smaller piles of rubble/small buildings/). Anything about half the size of a model is level 1(hedges/walls/barricades). Hills are true los blockers, however please discuss what this means before the game.


Players will compete in 5 games over two days. The first game will be determined randomly in advance. Grudge games will be allowed but both players in the Grudge must accept the match. The final 4 rounds will be based on the Swiss system, in order to find a fitting winner. All games will last two and a half hours unless stated otherwise. Note: this time includes deployment. There will be random Table Assignments. The missions to be played are: