September 8, 2004 – 7:00 pm

Ken Edwards Center, 1527 Fourth Street, Santa Monica 90401

The purpose of the Commission on the Status of Women is to enhance the status of women in our community. The Commission will promote these goals through investigation of, advocacy for, and policy development regarding issues relevant to women and girls, and by creating leadership and career advancement opportunities for women and girls in our community.

1.  Call to Order

2. Inspiration

3. Roll Call

4. Approval of Minutes from August 21, 2004 meeting

5. Public Input

6.  Announcements and Correspondence

7.  Committee/Liaison Reports

A. Child Care and Early Education Task Force (Commissioner Riel)

B. Association of California Commissions for Women (Commissioner Hayes-Raitt, Alt. Chair Skulski)

C. Westside Domestic Violence Network (Commissioner Riel)

D. Vacancy Nominating Committee (Chair Skulski, Vice Chair Hayes-Raitt and Commissioners Evans and Lipton)

8. Old Business

A. Discussion of & Possible Further Action on the Report On the Status of Women and Girls In Santa Monica, Including the Presentation of the Report to the City Council

B. Continued Discussion of & Possible Action on the Work/Life Survey

C. Continued Discussion of & Possible Action on the Youth Internship Project

D. Continued Discussion of & Possible Action on Public Information Materials, Including the Domestic Violence and COSW Brochures and COSW web page

E. Continued Discussion of & Possible Action on the Community Screening of “Iron Jawed Angels”

9. New Business

A. Discussion of and possible action on Commission’s recommendations to City Council on the FY 05-06 City budget

B. Discussion of and possible action on Young Leader’s Older Women’s Oral History Project

C. Discussion of and possible action on changing the date or location of the October meeting

D. Discussion of and possible action on CityTV update on COSW activities

Public input is welcome. Ken Edwards Center is wheelchair accessible. This document is available in alternate format upon request. For special disability-related accommodations, please contact Janet Hand at 458-8701, TDD 458-8696, or email at least 5 business days in advance.