Curriculum Vitae – Dr Lawrence A. Leger

Senior Lecturer in Economics – Loughborough University

January 2010


Date of Birth: / 1 July 1948
Nationality: / British and Australian
Languages: / English, French


1971: / B.A. Social Psychology, University of Sussex
1975: / M.Phil. Clinical Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London
1985: / M.Comm. (Hons) Economics, University of New South Wales
1990: / Ph.D. Economics, University of Western Ontario.

Professional Experience

2001 – 2009 / Senior Lecturer in Economics
1989 – 2001: / Lecturer in Economics, Loughborough University.
1987 – 1988: / Module lecturer in Economics, University of Western Ontario.
1985 – 1987: / Research Assistant in Economics, University of Western Ontario.
1982 – 1984: / Private psychology practice (part-time)
1977 – 1981: / Counsellor, University of Sydney Counselling Service.
1973 – 1977: / Clinical psychologist, UK NHS. Specialising in social skills and personal effectiveness training.
1971 – 1973: / Occupational Psychologist, MoD. Social survey, job performance appraisal, personnel selection.
1966 – 1967: / Teacher of English. VSO project, Casablanca, Morocco.

Teaching Specialisation

Introductory: / Macroeconomics, Microeconomics
Final-year: / Financial Economics
Diploma: / Finance Theory and Applications
MSc and MA: / Financial Economics
Asset Management, Derivatives
Research skills in literature review, writing for research communication

Administrative Activities


2006 –: / Programme Director, BSc Economics, BSc International Economics
1997 –: / Departmental Teaching and Learning Committee
1997 –: / Personal tutor, departmental personal tutor scheme


1996 – 2006: / MSc/MA and PG Diploma: Programme Director, Admissions Tutor, Programme Development Co-ordinator.
2005 – 2006: / University Learning and Teaching Committee
2004 – 2006 / Development Co-ordinator and member of steering committee, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Graduate School.
2004 – 2005: / University Student Recruitment and Admissions Team
1993 – 1999: / Information co-ordinator, student postgraduate opportunities.
1997 – 2002: / Administration of MSc links with University of Skovde, Sweden.
1994: / Local Secretary, Economics, BAAS conference, Loughborough University.
1993 – 1995: / MSc programme committee.
1990 – 1993: / Loughborough University Ethical Advisory Committee.
1990 – 1993: / Junior staff representative on the Faculty Academic Board.

Staff Professional Development Activities

2007: / Workshop on staff appraisal for appraisers
2005: / Workshop on the Role of Head of Department
1999: / Student Supervision Workshop.
1994: / Workshop in student centred learning, Nottingham University.
1993: / Teacher Training for Probationers.

External Activities

2009: / Invited visiting professor, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
1997 –2008: / Professeur Invité, Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques, Université de Limoges (annual appointment since 1997).
2005: / Professeur Invité, Université de Lille.
2004 – 2006: / Recruitment fairs, for the University Student Recruitment and Admissions team and the University International Office (London, China and Vietnam). Departmental representative to Shanghai degree ceremony.
1997 – 1999: / Visits to University of Skovde, Sweden, for collaborative MSc development and recruitment.
1995 – 2001: / Collaborative research, University of Calgary
1995 – 1996 / Sabbatical Visitor, Laboratoire d’Economie Appliquée, Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques, Université de Limoges, for research.

Doctoral Research Supervision

2005 –: / Currently co-supervisor for two students
1992 – 2008: / Four students supervised to successful completion.

Referee for Academic Journals

Applied Economics, Accounting Education, Applied Financial Economics, European Journal of Finance, International Journal of Manpower, International Trade Journal, Journal of Forecasting, Regional Studies, Review of International Economics.

Work in Progress

“The Impact on IPO Performance of Reforming IPO Allocation Regulations: An Event Study of Shanghai Stock Exchange A-Shares” (with Fei Jiang) submitted 2009 to International Review of Economics and Finance.

“Industry and Country Factors in Stock Returns: Are Emerging Markets Different?” (with Ye Bai and Christopher Green) submitted 2008 to Global Finance Journal.

“EU Antidumping Measures against China: the Effect on Imports” (with Jia Ren and Michel Dumont).

“Firm Size and the Factor Structure of the UK Stock Market” (with Vitor Leone).

“A Re-examination of the Relationship between Spot and Futures Prices” (with Juan Tao and Christopher Green).

Refereed Journal Articles

2008: "Changes in the Risk Structure of Stock Returns: Consumer Confidence and the Dotcom Bubble" (with Vitor Leone). Review of Financial Economics, 17, 228-244.

2008: “Generating Innovations in Macroeconomic Variables” (with Vitor Leone), DOI: 10.1080/17446540701748965, Applied Financial Economics Letters

2003: “Asymmetric Information, Imitative Behaviour and Communication: Price Formation in an Experimental Asset Market” (with Olivier Brandouy and Pascal Barneto), The European Journal of Finance, 9, 393-419.

2001: “The Stability of Risk Factors in the UK Stock Market” (with Saiful Bahri), Applied Financial Economics, 11, 411-422.

2001: “Imperfect Intersectoral Labour Mobility and Welfare in International Trade: A Review of the Theoretical Literature” (with James Gaisford) Journal of Economic Surveys, 15, No. 4, 463-490.

2000: “Terms of Trade Shocks, Labour Market Adjustment and Anti-Surge Measures” (with James Gaisford, University of Calgary) Review of International Economics, 8, No. 1, 100-112.

1997: “UK Investment Trust Performance: Timing and Selectivity”, Applied Economics Letters, 4, 207-210.

1996: “Inefficiency and Charting Profits in the Istanbul Stock Market”, (with Seven Erol) The Asian Economic Review, XXXVIII, No. 3, 467-473.

1996: “The Performance of UK Investment Trusts”, (with Y. Bal) Service Industries Journal, 16, No.1, January, 67-92.

1995: “Environmental Degradation as an Incentive for Trade”, Review of International Economics, 3, No.3, 307-318.

1994: “Regional Land Markets and Trade-Induced Inequities”, Regional Studies, 28, No.2, 109-118.

1993: “Industrial Adjustment and Welfare: Destruction of Communities and Ways of Life”, The International Journal of Manpower, 14, number 5, 42-58. (Best Paper Award)

1993: “Land Rents and the Demand for Protection”, The International Trade Journal, VII, No.4, 435-462.

1979: “An Outcome Measure for Thought-Stopping, Examined in Three Case Studies”, Journal of Behaviour Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 10.

1978: “Spurious and Actual Improvement in the Treatment of Obsessional Ruminations by Thought-Stopping”, British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 17.

Book Chapters

2007: "Safeguard Measures and Impediments to Labour Mobility" (with James Gaisford),. In J.D. Gaisford, and W.A. Kerr (eds.), Handbook on International Trade Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, ISBN 978 1 84376 939 2.

1999: “Labour Market Adjustments to International Trade Shocks” (with James Gaisford and William Kerr, University of Calgary) in S.B. Dahiya (ed) The current State of Economic Science, Volume 4, Spellbound Publications, Rohtak. ISBN 81 7600 046 9.

Other Publications

1992: “EMU and Sovereignty: the Basic Issues” (with D.T.Llewellyn), Parliamentary Brief, July.

1991: Book note on Gerrit Faber (ed), Trade and Development: The Role of the EC in North-South Trade, The Economic Journal, September.

1978: “A Note on Hayes' Dual Component Model of Phobic Behaviour”, Newsletter, Association for the Advancement of Behaviour Therapy.

Conference and Seminar Papers

2008: “International Diversification Strategies Revisited: Are Emerging Markets Different?” (with Ye Bai and Christopher Green). Paper presented to the 15th conference of the Global Finance Association, Hangzhou.

2008: “The impact on IPO performance of reforming IPO allocation regulations: an event study of Shanghai Stock Exchange A-Shares” (with Fei Jiang). Paper presented to the 19th annual conference of the Chinese Economic Association (UK), Cambridge.

2007: “EU Antidumping Measures against China: the Effect on Imports” (with Jia Ren and Michel Dumont). Presentation to the Rising China in the Age of Globalisation Inaugural International Conference of the UCD Confucius Institute for Ireland and the Irish Institute for Chinese Studies.

2000: “Insider Trading and Stock Market Behaviour” (with Olivier Brandouy and Pascal Barneto). Paper presented to the Portuguese Financial Network conference, PFN2000, Braga, Portugal.

2000: “Macroeconomic Variables, the Size Effect and the Factor Structure of the UK Stock Market” (with Saiful Bahri). Seminar presented at University of Limoges, France.

1999: “The Size Effect in the UK Stock Market” (with Jordan Jordanov). Seminar presented at University of Limoges, France.

1998: “The Hedging Power of Beta in the UK Stock Market”. Seminar presented to the University of Limoges, France.

1996: “Costs of Employment and Terms of Trade Shocks: Efficiency versus Equilibrium and the Policy Response”, (with James Gaisford). Paper presented to the Canadian Economics Association Annual Conference.

1995: “The Performance of UK Investment Trusts”. Seminar presented at the University of Limoges, France.

1993: “Regional Welfare and Distribution with Labour Market Inertia”. Paper presented to Regional Science Association International, British Section Annual Conference, Nottingham.

1992: “An Environmental View of Trade and Development: Trade in Externalities and the Gains from Aid”. Paper presented to European Economics Association Summer School in International Trade, Florence.

1990: “Regional Land Scarcity, Labour Relocation costs and the Demand for Protection”. Paper presented to European Research Workshop in International Trade (ERWIT), June, Aix-en-Provence.

1989: “Labour Relocation costs and the Demand for Protection”. Seminar presented to University of Wales, Bangor.


1990: Labour Relocation Costs and the Demand for Protection, Ph.D. University of Western Ontario.

1985: Location and Output in the Australian Steel Industry, Master of Commerce (Hons). University of New South Wales.

1975: Thought-Stopping as a treatment for Obsessional Ruminations, M.Phil. University of London.

Departmental Working Papers

2009: “The Impact on IPO Performance of Reforming IPO Allocation Regulations: An Event Study of Shanghai Stock Exchange A-Shares” (with Fei Jiang) Working Paper 2009-04,

2007: “Generating Innovations in Macroeconomic Variables” (with Vitor Leone), Working Paper 2007-19,

2007: “Changes in the Risk Structure of Stock Returns: Consumer Confidence and the Dotcom Bubble” (with Vitor Leone), Working Paper 2007-15,

2000: “Insider Trading, Imitative Behaviour and Price Formation in a Simulated Double-Auction Stock Market” (with Olivier Brandouy and Pascal Barneto), LU Economics Research Paper Series, 00/01.

1999: “Imperfect Intersectoral Labour Mobility in Models of International Trade : A Review” (with James Gaisford) LU Economics Research Paper Series, 99/5.

1998: “The Stability of the Factor Structure of the UK Stock Market” (with Saiful Bahri), LU Economics Research Paper Series, 98/18.

1998: “Terms of Trade Shocks, Congested Adjustment and Safeguard Measures”, (with James Gaisford) LU Economics Research Paper Series, 98/16.

1997: “The Hedging Power of Beta in the UK Stock Market” (with Saiful Bahri) LU Economics Research Paper Series No. 97/29.

1996: “Costs of Employment, Terms of Trade Shocks, and Policy Responses: Efficiency versus Equilibrium”, (with James Gaisford) Economics Discussion Paper Series, 96-02, University of Calgary.

1996: “Timing and Selectivity: The Performance of UK Investment Trusts 1974 to 1994”, LU Economics Research paper No 96/3.

1993: (with Mark Holmes) “Regional House Prices and the Ripple Effect”, LU Banking Centre Research Paper Series, No 72/93.

1992: “Environmental Change and Trade in Externalities”, LU Economics Research paper No. 92/14.

1992: “Trade-Induced Inequity and Regional Re-distribution”, LU Economics Research paper No. 92/9.

1991: “Adjustment Costs and Region-Specific Assets”, LU Economics Research paper No. 91/15.

1991: “Trade Shocks and the UK Poll Tax”, LU Economics Research paper No. 91/4

1991: “Regional Land Scarcity, Labour Relocation costs and the Demand for Protection”, LU Economics Research paper No. 91/3.

Awards, Scholarships and Grants

1996: / Faculty research grant for financial economics.
1985-89: / University of Western Ontario Sloan Foundation Fellowship, University of Western Ontario Special University Scholarship.
1985-89: / 2-year Fees Bursary, 2-year Ontario Graduate Scholarship (full fees).
1985: / University of NSW Special Departmental Scholarship.
1973-5: / Institute of Psychiatry NHS full fees and maintenance sponsorship.