Tuesday 19th January 2016

Who was here:

Ian Penfold (Co-chair/carer rep/ parent/carer) / Marcia Lawman (co-chair)
Alison Cooper (Parity for disability) / Geoff Belsham (Basingstoke Mencap)
Laura Timms (HCC) / Tania Peckham (day services)
Cathy Marshall (Loddon Social Enterprise) / Madeline Close (Healthwatch Hampshire)
Helga Firth-Bernard (parent/carer) / Nikki Mulligan (Speakeasy)
Lee Dauscha (Speakeasy) / Leon Major (Speakeasy)
Amanda Kent (Speakeasy) / Florence Garland (admin)
Linzi Holt (Liaise)

Apologies: Bernard Pearcey, Stuart Vail, Jo Maxwell-Heron, Janet Chierchia, Ann Barker, Mo Rowe

Notes of the last meeting and matters arising

Laura’s added notes (after meeting): We talked about some of the changes happening. Laura works with residential homes. Some of those may de-register. This means changing from a registered care home to a supported living service. People have a tenancy in supported living. The care and support is registered in a different way but is still covered by CQC. We talked about what these changes mean and our concerns.

We also talked about day services. Day services are not covered by CQC. The LD plan talks about people wanting to learn new skills and HCC wants to help people do this through day ops. There is an event for day service providers in January. JasonNorum is the lead for the project called “enablement”.


Dial a ride: Leon’s group has written a letter and a councillor has now responded. There will be no cuts in evening and week ends and they will add an extra line for phoning in. Leon and the group are happy with the letter.

Ian has written to Winchester transport and is awaiting a response.

He shared details of a Community transport search web page on the Hantsweb website where you can go to search for transport in your area. Here is the link:

The transport forum are restarting:

They are held every 6 months.

Thursday 17th March 2016. This will be held at Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council offices from 10am-12 noon – Amanda to check with her group

Tuesday 10th May 2016. This will be held at Hart District Council offices from 10am-12 noon – Ian to go

(As it is the same date as the Blue LIG meeting, the Blue LIG meeting has now been changed to the 3rd May).

Healthwatch Hampshire –

Madeline Close and colleagues check what health and social care do. They also have a researcher who can work on certain projects in some parts of the county. They have an advocacy service for NHS complaints too.

There is no easy version of the leaflet but it can be filled-in by a professional or you can ring the telephone number.

You can give positive or negative comments.

Madeline is working on an art project for learning disability. People will describe themselves by doing a portrait and also giving information for going to the doctor/dentist etc.

They link with the health facilitators from Southern Health for annual health checks.

Visits to care homes: there is training from Healthwatch for interview visits which are carried out by their volunteers. (all volunteers are DBS checked). Healthwatch Hampshire are more likely to inspect homes where CQC has not been. Amanda added that there is a current project exploring the quality checkers through the local authority (training programme and standards to be agreed).

Madeline to email Ian their terms of reference.Further information below:

This information on PLACE is taken from the NHS England website

Patient-led assessments of the care environment (PLACE)

Good environments matter. Every NHS patient should be cared for with compassion and dignity in a clean, safe environment. Where standards fall short, they should be able to draw it to the attention of managers and hold the service to account. PLACE assessments will provide motivation for improvement by providing a clear message, directly from patients, about how the environment or services might be enhanced.

April 2013 saw the introduction of PLACE, which is the new system for assessing the quality of the patient environment, replacing the old Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT) inspections. The assessments will apply to hospitals, hospices and day treatment centres providing NHS funded care.

The assessments will see local people go into hospitals as part of teams to assess how the environment supports patient’s privacy and dignity, food, cleanliness and general building maintenance. It focuses entirely on the care environment and does not cover clinical care provision or how well staff are doing their job.

The assessments will take place every year, and results will be reported publicly to help drive improvements in the care environment. The results will show how hospitals are performing nationally and locally.


(The below documents have been published under NHS England’s Gateway Reference: 02416. SCCI Approved – SCCI2085)

• Emergency departments / minor injury units – Also available as Word document

• External areas – Also available as Word document

• Food assessment – assessors – Also available as Word document

• Organisational questions – food and drink – treatment centres – Also available as Word document

• Communal areas – Also available as Word document

• Organisation and assessment details – Also available as Word document

• Organisation questions -food – Also available as Word document

• Organisational questions – facilities – Also available as Word document

• Out patient areas – Also available as Word document

• Patient assessment summary sheet – Also available as Word document

• Ward assessment – acute and community hospitals, hospices and treatment centres – Also available as Word document

• Ward assessment – mental health and learning disabilities hospitals – Also available as Word document

Supporting guidance documents

• Results calculation for 2015 – Also available as Word document

• Guidance on the organisation and conduct of assessments – Also available as Word document

• Guidance and information for patient assessors – Also available as Word document

• Guidance to organisations on the recruitment and preparation of patient assessors – Also available as Word document

• Preparation for patient assessors – Also available as Word document

Want to be a patient assessor?

The assessments give patients and the public a voice that can be heard in any discussion about local standards of care, in the drive to give people more influence over the way their local health and care services are run.

Assessment teams are a collaboration between staff and patient assessors, therefore patients must make up at least 50 per cent of the assessment team. Anyone who uses the service can be a patient assessor, including current patients, their family and visitors, carers, patient advocates or patient council members. The only restriction is that current staff are not able to assess the hospital they work at as a patient assessor.

Hampshire LD Partnership Board

LIG reps meeting on the 1st March 2016 at Badger Farm. Amanda organising.

The next Partnership Board meeting will be on the 23rd March and our topic will be the right place to live.

T17 LIG events drop in for this area (but you can go anywhere else if you cannot make this session)

  • Thursday 28th January 2016 – 10 am to 12 noon at Hook Community Hall, Ravenscroft, Hook, RG27 9NN

We will have someone from the LD team to talk about:

  • Housing
  • Enablement
  • My life my way
  • Historical context

Chapter 4 – the right place to live workshop:

Main Points

  1. Not enough communication with people so they know what is available and what their rights are;
  2. Health – Health services and support is not always accessible. Better community support needed and reasonable adjustments need to be applied.

Adult Services

  • More guidance needed about rights and discrimination – being left to get on with it.
  • People with LD are not being involved in planning and design of new housing and support services.
  • People with LD are not being asked to work with District Councils etc.
  • Tenancy – Insufficient support, check what is available.
  • Living away – not enough choice. Those with complex needs should be closer to families.


  • Hospital transfers taking too long
  • Annual Health Checks either not available or of poor quality
  • More help needed for people at home and we need more liaison/LD nurses
  • Aids and adaptions – waiting times are far too long and adaptions should be done before people move in, not afterwards.
  • Are NHS equal partners? (in theory yes)


  • More advocacy needed to help people express their housing needs
  • More advocacy needed to help people understand their rights and choices about where to live
  • More advocacy needed to help people to say where they want to live and who with
  • Help to speak out about rights and choices is good but was slow coming
  • More help needed to challenge professionals and services about rights and choices about where they live


  • Good but needs more liaison and routine contact with local officers.
  • Also need more routine liaison with emergency services

Passenger Transport – Need for more involvement

Trading Standards – Need much more help and support

DWP – No one had a good word to say

Other things: families might be dependant on income if applicants want to move.

Other things:

Transformation to 2017 is linked to the LD plan.

Laura will not be able to attend next time. Jason Norum will be coming instead.

Our LIG meeting in May has been changed to the 3rd May 2016 (instead of 10th May)

Dates for your diaries

The next meeting will be on 16th February2016Elizabeth Hall, Hook, 10.30 am to 12.30 pm latest

16 February
15 March
12 April
3rd May (note: please change)
14 June
12 July
None in August
13 September
18 October
15 November
13 December
Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road, Hook RG27 9HH (room 4).
10.30 am to 12.30 pm
free parking