8th of November 2016

Present: Cllr. Mrs J Grime (Chairman)

Councillors: B Alldred, Mrs V Allen, K Bland, Mrs S Bland, P Holmes, Mrs I Hutchinson, Mrs J Johnson, Mrs A Roberts, Mrs M Webber.

3 members of the public, PC P Greaves and PCSO M Lucchesi.

Police Report:

The Chairman welcomed PC Greaves who reported:

Anti social Behaviour = 11 ASB reports - youths throwing eggs at properties on Common Lane and Twiss Green lane, and shouting abuse on bicycles in Culcheth Hall Drive. A rowdy group of youths were noted on Common Lane and swore at Police. One youth taken home and parents advised.

Criminal Damage. 3 reports of damage. One at Leigh Golf club, youths damaging the green area. All details obtained and youths apologised to the club for a local outcome. Damage to Newchurch Rectory and a resident’s motor vehicle.

Shoplifting. One report at Bents Garden centre, not detected.

Public order/violence. 3 reports of fights but not connected with any licensed premises or the night time economy.

Burglary in dwellings. Two reported ongoing enquiries.

Theft from motor vehicle. Five reported and four were insecure overnight, it is apparent that three of the thefts occurred on Warrington Road and strongly indicates that an opportunist trying car doors is responsible.

Theft of motor vehicle. No vehicles reported stolen.

People are still reporting parking issues on Common Lane and are monitoring, spaces are being left so traffic can pass. Site foreman aware of risk assessment responsibilities.

Hob Hey Lane is having construction site work and this is being managed by traffic lights. No reports to Police.

Various school and faith groups being visited. No signs of any parking issues to date on attending. Cheshire alert message was sent prior to the start of school new term warning of obstruction offences and Police will be monitoring.

PCSO Luchessi attended the Movie night at Culcheth High School on 28th.

Members noted details of “Operation Shield”. Police hope to obtain grant aid to purchase DNA kits that will be placed in homes to assist in the detection and arrest of burglars.

They also noted that parking on pavements creating an unnecessary obstruction is considered to be illegal but is a grey area and can depend on the decision of the courts.

Members complained that the Teens Shelter was regularly being abused by some young people in the village, with litter, evidence of smoking and drinking, and being used as a toilet. Police visit the site but have seen no evidence of abuse. It was agreed that publicity may make the problem worse.

Members noted that Jackson Avenue car park will be closed on Monday 14th November.

They also noted that the next Police meeting will be held on 2nd December at 1.00am at the Scout Centre, Jackson Avenue, Culcheth.

The Chairman thanked the PC Greaves for the report.

10.1 Opening

The Chairman welcomed members of the public.

10.1.1 Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests

Cllrs. K Bland, Mrs S Bland, Mrs J Grime, and Mrs J Johnson with regard to the Neighbourhoods Board survey, item 10.6.2.

10.1.2 Localism Act 2011 – Dispensations.

Dispensations were granted to Cllrs. K Bland, Mrs S Bland, Mrs J Grime, and Mrs J Johnson with regard to the Neighbourhoods Board survey.

10.2 Apologies for inability to be present

All members present.

10.3 Minutes of Meeting Number 9

Resolution 54/16

That the minutes of the meeting held on 11th of October 2016 be accepted as a true record.

10.4 Matters Arising

All matters covered by the agenda.

10.5 Borough Councillor’s Report

Members noted:

Libraries Survey – a motion was passed supporting the value of Libraries in the community. There was concern about the conduct of Livewire with regard to the survey process. Petitions will be discussed at the December Borough Council meeting.

Parish Liaison Committee – boundary changes - Latchford will be relocated in order to balance areas. Finance -2017/18 may be the last year that Parish Council precepts will not be capped. Parish Council complaints procedure – Parish Councils were asked to check if they had procedures in place The Clerk

Members noted that the proposed charge of £30.00 pa for the green “garden waste” bin would be voluntary. There is now little or no revenue from recyclable waste so the Borough Council will have to absorb the cost of collections.

10.6 Reports from Sub-Committees

10.6.1 Finance Sub-Committee

No meeting held this cycle.

10.6.2 Parish Land and Environment Sub-Committee

The members approved the minutes of the meeting held on the 25th of October 2016.

Neighbourhoods Board Survey - members noted concern from longer serving councillors that the draft comment did not adequately represent the work done by the Board over many years and would be signed off by councillors who had no knowledge of what the Board did.

It was agreed that comments would be submitted individually by the two group leaders. It was also agreed that a representative from the Neighbourhoods Board would be invited to speak at a future Parish Council meeting. The Clerk

10.6.3 Law and Order Sub-Committee

The members approved the minutes of meetings held on 25th October 2016.

Resolution 55/16

To approve that fixed solar powered Speed Indicator Devices be located as follows: 1 on the B5201 eastbound at Broseley Lane, Culcheth and 1 on the A574 southbound at Lateley Common, Glazebury.

Resolution 56/16

To approve that £11,800.00 be allocated to the extension of the PCSO Service Level Agreement to March 2018.

Members noted concern that “Operation Shield” would favour one particular area. An amendment was suggested that requested Parish Council be involved in setting the implementation criteria.

Resolution 57/16

To approve that £100.00 be allocated as match funding to support a grant application for “Operation Shield” on condition that the Parish Council is involved in setting the implementation criteria.

10.6.4 Planning Sub-Committee

The members approved the minutes of the meeting held on the 1st of November 2016.

10.6.5 Christmas Market

The members noted the minutes of the meeting held on the 1st November 2016.

10.8 Applications for Financial Assistance

There had been no applications received prior to the distribution of the minutes.

10.9 Accounts for Payment

Resolution 58/16

That accounts totalling £2542.78p for November 2016 be approved for payment.

10.10. Chairman’s Communications

1.  Members noted that The Essential Guide Magazine was running a campaign to support local businesses and traders. It was agreed that this would be supported by the Parish Council.

2.  Members noted details of the British Legion Remembrance Day Parade and Service.

10.11 Date and time of the next meeting.

It was confirmed that the next meeting would be held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 13th of December 2016 at Culcheth Centre.

The meeting was closed and opened to the public.

Members noted a complaint about the conduct and control of a recent Development Control meeting that left little time to discuss the Church Lane development.

They also noted that a comment had been sent to The Public Accounts Committee regarding HS2 but a letter to the Minister had not yet been sent as new information had been received.

They noted a complaint that insufficient information, sub-committee minutes, are not made available to the public.

They also noted concern about speeding traffic, particularly in the evenings, in Glazebury village.

Members noted that Speed Indicator Devices would be positioned at Broseley Lane, Culcheth and Lately Common, Glazebury.

They noted that untidy vegetation on paths at Holcroft Lane was an ongoing problem.

The Chairman opened a meeting to discuss Community Day 2017

11. Community Day 2017

1.  Location – members noted views on the suitability of Culcheth Green and the option of using Shaw Street Recreation Field. It was agreed that as there were no plans to drain Culcheth Green Shaw Street was a viable option that should be progressed.

2.  Theme – they agreed that the Civil War would be a good theme considering historic links with the area.

3.  Main Attraction – they agreed that a battle re-enactment feature should be progressed.

4.  Community Day will be an agenda item on the next Environment committee meeting when times and venues for future meetings will be fixed.

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8th November 2016 – Meeting No10