Greater Glasgow NHS Board

Agenda for Change - Project Steering Group

Minutes of a Meeting of the Agenda for Change Project Steering Group held on

Thursday 8 April 2004 at 12 noon in the Boardroom, Dalian House

PRESENT: Elizabeth Stow, Joint Chair, Full Time Officer, Society of Radiographers

Jonathan Best, Joint Chair, Chief Executive, Yorkhill NHS Trust

Rona Agnew, Area Partnership Forum Representative

Stewart MacLennan, Area Partnership Representative

Donald Sime, Area Partnership Forum Representative

Caroline Fee, Area Partnership Forum Representative

Jennifer Crockett, Area Partnership Forum Representative

Isobel Quarrell, Area Partnership Forum Representative

Juli McQueen, KSF Project Lead

Janice Whitelaw, Terms and Conditions Project Lead

Paul Watt, Job Evaluation Project Lead (part of meeting)

Rosslyn Crocket, Nurse Director to Greater Glasgow NHS Board

Jim Whyteside, Public Affairs Manager, Greater Glasgow NHS Board

Jim Cameron, Director of Human Resources, South Glasgow Division

Marjorie Mullins, Administration Manager (minutes)

1. APOLOGIES: Irene Shields, Deputy Director of Human Resources, Yorkhill Division

Alan Boyter, Director or Human Resources, North Glasgow Division

Ian Reid, Director for Agenda for Change, Chief Executive, Primary Care Division


The minutes were accepted as a true record.


a)  Capacity Staff Representative and Management:

Donald Sime reported receipt of 14 staffside nominations for the Train the Trainers Course, from which 5 are to be selected. Donald Sime and Rona Agnew to discuss with Bill Goudie, as a priority, the appointment process to ensure that nominees have the appropriate qualities to deliver subsequent training, and provide names to Paul Watt. Paul Watt to provide management nominations and notify Janis Millar, from the National Team, of final nominations.

Action: Donald Sime / Rona Agnew / Paul Watt


a)  Management Group:

Awareness Training:

Janice Whitelaw reported that the level 1 awareness sessions held on 18 and 19 February had been successful and feedback had been circulated. Level 2 training currently being undertaken, this is virtually same material as level 1 but directed at other groups of staff:

§  10.03.04 - Yorkhill Division.

§  30.03.04 - Primary Care Division - Juli McQueen reported that feedback notes are ready and she would arrange for these to be circulated.

§  08.04.04 - South Glasgow Division - Jim Cameron informed the group that another training session will be set up for Victoria Infirmary staff.

§  13.04.04 and 05.05.04 - North Glasgow Universities Division.

§  GGHB - Jill Thompson had requested that GGHB staff access training sessions across Glasgow.

§  Juli McQueen confirmed that all level 4 sessions could be accessed by staff across all operating divisions wishing to attend at a time and venue most convenient. This option had been discussed at a recent Knowledge and Skills Framework local sub-group meeting attended by the OD and Training managers across Greater Glasgow and the group agreed this was a good use of resources.

Away Day for the Project Steering Group:

Juli McQueen confirmed that this full day event would be held on 19 April at the Reid Macewen Training and Conference Centre. The day would be facilitated by Nina Fedenczuk and Ian Reekie. The recommendation that a follow up day also be held would be discussed at the event. The event programme would be e.mailed to members as soon as possible. Donald Sime requested that Bill Goudie be invited to attend, this was agreed by members. Jennifer Crockett requested detailed notes be available for members unable to attend, this was also agreed.


Jim Whyteside reported that the first meeting of the Communications Groups had met and outlined the proposed communications arrangements:

·  A communications plan to be prepared around the milestones of AfC process.

·  Communications and contact points to be provided at Divisional level.

·  A supporting Greater Glasgow infrastructure to be provided consisting of regular up dates in Staff News; a newsletter for Divisional management; a newsletter for all staff; a dedicated webpage hosted on; colour posters carrying contact details for information adapted for each Division.

·  All materials to feature an AfC brand/ID.

·  If required, Divisions to organise individual letters to all staff, e.g. to announce commencement of job matching.

·  All published information to be cleared through PSG/Communications sub-group to ensure consistency and accuracy.

·  Contact had been made with Divisional communications teams for further suggestions and confirmation that existing internal briefing and distribution systems can be used.

·  The Director of Corporate Communications has been asked to consider any needs arising from possible external media interest.

It was suggested that an e.mail box be provided on the webpage for staff to pose individual questions. For staff without easy access to intranet/internet it was suggested that a telephone contact point be provided. However it was agreed that individual Divisions should take responsibility for ensuring staff have access to information.


Marjorie Mullins reported that the core team had moved into the Golden Jubilee National Hospital and although currently working in temporary accommodation are expecting to move to 2ICUC week commencing 19 April, following upgrade of IT server.

b) Job Matching/ Evaluation Group:

Consultation Feedback:

In the absence of Paul Watt, Caroline Fee reported that there was still time for comments to be fed back on the Job Matching Panels Guide, Job Description Template and Process for Reviewing and Agreeing Job Descriptions, however these should be fed back to Paul Watt within the next two weeks. Jennifer Crockett reported on a draft national template, which is to be presented at the next meeting of SPRIG and this may delay a decision. Elizabeth Stow confirmed that if a national template was to be used a decision would have to be made at that meeting as project groups were unlikely to accept any further delay and proceed regardless.

Action: Paul Watt / Caroline Fee

Process to Identify Job Matchers:

Caroline Fee reported on several examples of projected costings for job matching panels, which Paul Watt had prepared, and it was requested that Paul e.mail a copy of this initial document to members. Caroline Fee and Paul Watt to firm up scoping exercise on costings to present to next meeting.

Action: Paul Watt / Caroline Fee

c) Terms and Conditions Group:

Local Guidelines:

Janice Whitelaw reported that although this element is one of the main strands it is currently not covered by a national training strategy, which SPRIG is looking at. Janice also reported that she is preparing a working draft of a summarised document to be used as a starter pack, which should provide an easy to read guide. Janice agreed to circulate to members for comment, when complete.

Local Sub-Group Working:

Janice Whitelaw reported that she had prepared a flow chart which had been circulated with the Agenda. Janice said that the first job was to identify how to populate local sub-groups and expressed concern that Yorkhill is the only Division currently up and running. The population of the other sub-groups printed on this document, such as “policy and procedure group” will be considered at a later stage recognising that local determination may be Glasgow or National level. Rosslyn Crockett stressed that it is important not to duplicate effort and suggested looking across the whole of Glasgow and not just Divisional. The discussion digressed to job matching/evaluation issues around batching of jobs as although new jobs should be relatively easy to batch the problem is with established posts. Rona Agnew stressed that it should be the job which is evaluated and not the person doing the job and that most staff could legitimately claim to be performing above and beyond the requirements of the post. Rona also stressed the need for consistency across the whole of Glasgow and that the KSF should deal with the person doing the job.

d) Knowledge and Skills Framework:

Local Sub-Group Working:

Juli McQueen reported that the team is trying to identify the core elements and confirmed that the group are looking at:

·  Key workstreams and how KSF links in.

·  Designing slides for Corporate Induction.

·  Training events for managers.

·  How to deal with staff – taking expectations forward.

·  General awareness training, levels 2, 3 and 4 and stressed that levels 3 and 4 is for all staff to access across the City when convenient.

·  Database for KSF for profiles, which should help with structuring PDPs.


a) Staffside Co-ordinator Role:

Jonathan Best reported that a letter had been sent to each union and professional body requesting provision of resources. Only two responses had been received, one from UNISON, declining the request, and the other from the GMB offering the services of Susan Russell, full-time officer, initially for 2½ days per week, rising to full time if and when this was required, for which the GMB would pick up the costs. Jonathan Best and Elizabeth Stow to meet with Susan Russell as soon as possible.

Action: Jonathan Best / Elizabeth Stow

Donald Sime queried the job description for the post. Elizabeth Stow stressed that it is the responsibility of the Project Steering Group to define the role. It was agreed that Donald Sime and Rona Agnew discuss with staffside members to agree the job description, which should then be recommend to the Area Partnership Forum.

Action: Donald Sime / Rona Agnew

b) Train the Trainers / Staff Side Reps:

Donald Sime reported the need to agree a schedule for paring down the nominations received to the required 5. Donald Sime and Rona Agnew to discuss with Bill Goudie.

Action: Donald Sime / Rona Agnew

Paul Watt reported that he has been nominated to attend a course to become accredited to provide training for the Train the Trainer courses.

Elizabeth Stow requested an update on the position of accrediting reps for Agenda for Change to be available when called upon, both as job matchers and advising members on agenda for change issues. Rona Agnew confirmed that she had approached the RCN and requested fast tracking but stated that following this through with other unions/professional bodies could be part of the Staffside Co-ordinator’s role. Donald Sime and Rona Agnew to chase up Bill Goudie to get letter out to organisations requesting names of reps.

Donald Sime / Rona Agnew


Checklists for Job Evaluation, and Assimilation to new Terms and Conditions had been prepared by Paul Watt and Janice Whitelaw, respectively, and copies were distributed to members. Juli McQueen had also prepared checklist which would be e.mailed to members. These documents were intended to provide an update to members. Juli McQueen stated that the Project Plan produced from the Away Day should be the means of updating information.


The contents of the letter regarding AfC Executive Pay Arrangements was noted by the members. Jim Cameron reported that a working group has been set up to take this issue forward.


There was no other business to record.


The next meeting will be held on Friday 14 May 2004 at 12 noon in the Conference Room at Dalian House. Lunch will be provided.


GG Agenda for Change Project Steering Group – Minutes 8.4.04

Marjorie Mullins, Agenda for Change Project, Tel: 0141 951 5840