Academic Biology Course Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. Koch Phone: 732-981-0700 Ext.7119

Room: 121 of the West Wing (Patton Wing)

Office Hours: After School Wednesday and Thursday or by appointment if necessary.

Instructor: Mrs.Harding


I.  How to Contact the Teacher:
Parents and students are encouraged to contact the teacher at any time, preferably by email:

II.  Course Description:

Academic Biology is a 6 credit full year course for students in grade 9 designed as a college preparatory course. This course presents the science of life from the molecular to the global level. The class meets 6 blocks/5 days during the 7 day 7D2 scheduling cycle. As an academic program of study, Biology allows students to build a better understanding of the diversity and complexity of life around us as well as their interactions with each other. This program builds skills and shows how the study of Biology is fundamental to understanding life functions and interactions with the environment. Biology is inherent in all aspects of our world. The methods and philosophy of classroom experiences follow the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) which incorporate Science and Engineering Practices, Cross-Cutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas.


·  Prentice Hall Biology by Miller and Levine (provided)

·  Three- ring binder with loose leaf paper

·  Pens & pencils

·  5 Tab Dividers (Enter/Exit, Notes, Lab Handouts, Homework, Readings) optional

·  Assignment Pad/Notebook

III.  Daily Procedures:


A.  Immediately after entering room, pick up handouts from front table.

B.  Completed Homework: put in homework box for grading

C.  Sit in assigned seat

D.  Place on your desk/table:

1.  Binder/ Notebook , open to where we left off yesterday

2.  Writing Tool

3.  Assignment Pad: Record the homework for the day

E.  Check the front screen for DO NOW or further instructions

F.  Raise your hand to ask questions or contribute to discussions. One person speaks at a time.

G.  Remain seated until dismissed.

IV.  Expectations of Student Performance:

A.  Be on time and bring all materials to class every day: Your notebook, something to write with, your ambition. You will need all these things every day, if you need to leave the classroom to go and get them, you may receive a tardy.

B.  Participate in class activities with other students in groups of various sizes as well as independently.

C.  Behave in an acceptable manor that will not hamper the learning of yourself or others.

V.  How Instruction will be Delivered:

A.  Lecture/discussion, group work, open-ended discussions and problem solving.

B.  Hand on activities both in the lab and classroom.

VI.  Course Assessment Plan:

A.  Your grade will be determined on a point basis and will be based on your progress through the quarter as measured by the following:


10% Class Participation & Class Preparedness

10% Research Project(s) – Current Events and Term Projects*

35% Lab Reports & Lab Participation (No one is forced to Dissect)*

35% Quizzes & Tests (including DO NOW activities)

* Loss of 10% for each day late

B.  Homework assignments: You are required to do some of the work outside of class time. Homework assignments may include: some take home reading (2 – 4 pages), completing questions from a lab activity, current events, studying for tests, etc. Homework is due at the start of class and is NOT ACCEPTED LATE. Allowances may be made if you attempted to do most of the assignment, but didn't understand a portion of it. In that case, see me for help before class. You will need to explain what you were able to understand and what you didn’t.

C.  You are required to maintain a notebook. This should be a 1" 3 ring binder.

Notebook checks - students will be required to maintain a notebook and bring it to class every time. There will be notebook checks and they will add up to a major portion of your grade.

D.  If you have an excused absence and miss class, email me or check our Schoology for class work. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure your missed work is made up! If you do not make up work, it will be counted as a 0. If you are absent on a day we do a lab, you will need to find a way make up the lab.

E.  Your grades will be handed out on a regular basis and are to be kept in your notebook. You can also access your grades on Genesis.

F.  Although attendance does not directly affect your grade, missed work and lack of involvement in the learning environment will definitely lower your grade. You are advised to miss as little of class as possible.

G.  There will be a weekly participation grade. Participation isn’t necessarily about answering questions in class, but includes: being on time for class, being prepared at the beginning of class and being engaged in class lesson (as opposed to coming late to class, talking to your neighbor, napping or having a cell phone out).


Graded labs, tests, and research projects are held in student portfolios. Tests are graded and reviewed in class the following day then added to the portfolio. Graded labs and projects are not reviewed during class time. Students are invited and encouraged to review their portfolio at any time and will review their portfolios in class at least once per marking period. Parents are invited to make an appointment to review their child’s portfolio that will be also reviewed during parent teacher conferences in November.

NJ Biology Competency Test (NJBCT) – May 31 – June 1

Approximate Scope and Sequence

First Marking Period:

·  Characteristics of Life

·  Structure and Function of Life (Biochemistry, Cell Structure and Function)

Second Marking Period:

·  Cell Energy (Photosynthesis, Respiration/Fermentation)

·  Interdependent Relationships (Ecology)

Third Marking Period:

·  Inheritance & Variation

·  Mitosis & Meiosis

·  Nucleic Acids/Protein Synthesis

·  Genetics

Fourth Marking Period:

·  Genetic Engineering

·  Evolution

·  Diseases and Immunity