Minutes of the 62ndNew Zealand Speech-language Therapists’ Association Inc. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

Huia Room, Ibis Hotel, 18 Alma St, Hamilton

held on Thursday 23rd May 2013,commenced at 5.28 pm

Opening karakia

Kerri Gallagher opened the AGM with a karakia.

1Roll Call

Executive Council:

Helen McLauchlan – President, Philippa Williams – Professional Development, Clare McCann – Professional Standards, Lucy Greig – Member Networks, Sara Moore – Communications


Waimirirangi (Jean)Andrews, Areej Asad, Louise Bax, Rachel Bennett, Pamela Boon, Sharon Broadmore, Felicity Bright , Liza Brown, Edwina Burke, Carolien Clemens, Sharon Collier , Fiona Cook Olivia Cowell , Michele Cunningham, Brigid Fay, Kerrie Gallagher, Margaret Gaudelius, Emma Green, Linda Hand, Anna Jerebine, Meryl Jones, Marion Kazakos, Sally Kedge, Leigh Kennedy, Carla Knott, Rachel Loyez, Jane Musgrave, Emma Nahna, Cheryl Palmer, Alison Paulin, Megan Pickering, Ruth Price, Helen Rigby, Annette Rotherham, Lucy Sparshott, Claire Winward, Anna Miles, Elizabeth Doell, Lyn Curnow, Yvonne Cope, Biddy Robb, Fiona Hewerdine, Shirley De Beer, Elizabeth Wallhouse, Libby French, Karen Watson, Suzanne Purdy, Jodi White, Robyn Gibson, Deborah McKellar

Total Present – 56


Michael Robb, Judith Lemberg, Beatrice Clarke, Karen McLellan, Dean Sutherland, SaritaMacGregor, Sylvia Leao, Jo de Seriere and Lilly Boss, PariyaBehnami

Appointments of meeting officials

Parliamentarian and Timekeeper– Sara Moore

Scrutineers– Olivia Cowell and Ruth Price

3Minutes of Previous Annual General Meeting

Motion:That the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 23rd May 2012, having been previously circulated, be received and accepted as a true and correct record of that meeting.

Moved:Helen McLauchlan

Seconded:Clare McCann

Motion Carried

No Matters Arising

4Annual Report

Executive Council Annual Report:

The Council members presented a joint report on activity for 2012 and plans for 2013.

Strategic Projects:

International communication Project. Working on international Declaration of Communication rights. Dean Sutherland continuing a role with this project.

Highlights 2012:

  • Communication Matters
  • Awareness Week 2012
  • Beyond Boundaries Conference Auckland 2012 – Thanks given to Felicity Bright for her role in this and Andrea Benoit and Helen McLauchlan as co-conveners.
  • Clinical Issue – TeTiriti o Waitangi and practice
  • Journal:end of the New Zealand Journal of Speech-Language Therapy. Introduction of Speech, Language and Hearing(four issues a year)
  • Re-accreditation of University of Auckland and Canterbury University programmes. Having two universities in one year was due to Christchurch earthquake. Clare thanked the PAC for their work with this extra load
  • Final development and publication of the Scope of Practice
  • Convening a working party to review the NZSTA position statement on E-Stim
  • Streamlined membership renewal form for 2013 was developed within the capabilities of the current website
  • Changes to membership categories from 2012 AGM were successfully operationalised for the 2013 membership renewal period.
  • Improved communication between EC and members via e-mail

The Highlights 2013 so far….

  • Hamilton Professional Development Seminar –over 80 people registered for both days and 54 clinicians and researchers involved in the quality presentations
  • Clinical Issue –Voice. This opened with a teleconference lead by Anne Vertigan from Australia. This was attended by 72 people andthe second teleconference is to be held at the end of June on the topic of Paediatric Voice
  • Planning for the 9-11 April 2014 NZSTA Conference in Wellington is underway with Helen Rigby as the Convenor of the Conference Planning Committee. A request was made to members to look for sponsorship and to contact Sally Kedge with names.

Working Parties

A framework was developed in 2012 to guide how working parties are used and a subsequently there has been an increase in active participation by members. This allows the association to complete larger projects with limited resources.

Current working parties include:

  • Review of New Graduate Provisional Membership Framework*thanks to Sheryl Palmer
  • Review of Private Practitioner Member Benefits* thanks to Meryl Jones
  • Review of Code of Ethics and Ethical Complaints Procedure*
  • Website Redevelopment
  • 2013 SLT Awareness week – Aim to focus our advocacy efforts and build on media coverage

*Each of the projects has either been completed or is nearing completion

Reprioritised issues

Due to limited resources some projects have been reprioritised

  • Mentoring programme
  • Website - re tendered
  • Appointment of new Executive Director
  • Appointment of Clinical Advisors

Helen informed the meeting that NZSTA was working towards an office/administration share agreement with another professional association.

Financial Summary for the year ended 31st December 2011.

Helen presented the Financial summary.

  • Both income and expenses are up because of the 2012 conference and that there was a small deficit for 2012.
  • The equity and labiality were both increased compared to 2011. This will need to be monitored for the future.
  • The NZSTA used an Auckland based auditor for 2012 and the audit was unqualified, due partly to new systems being settled in place.


Alison Paulinasked the council if it would be possible to see a comparison across 3 years to allow for comparison between conference and non conference years.

Felicity Bright commented that generally the financial differences between the conference/non conference years are showing a more even pattern.

Motion:That the NZSTA’s 2013 Annual Report, having been previously circulated, be received and accepted..

Moved:Helen McLauchlan

Seconded:Sara Moore


5Honoraria for Executive Council Members for 2013 - 2014

Clare McCannpresented a motion to increase the Executive Council honorarium. It is up to eight years since it was last increased and that the amounts are before tax. Since the cost of living has risen in that time, she moved they increase as follows.

Current 2013 Honoraria $ (Gross)Proposed 2014 Honoraria $ (Gross)


$800 EC member$1,000 EC member

Motion:That the Executive Council’s honoraria for 2013-2014 be increased to $1,500 for the President and $1,000 for EC Members. .

Discussion:Felicity Bright expressed her support for this motion as work put in well deserves it. Alison Paulin asked what the total yearly cost is to the association.

Moved:Clare McCann

Seconded:Helen Rigby

Motion carried.

6Annual Membership Fee for 2013 - Clare McCann Speaking

In accordance with Rule 19.1 (c) of the Constitution, the annual membership fees for the ensuing year must be fixed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Clare informed the meeting that fees for 2014 will be increased by CPI: 0.9%.

Discussion – Yvonne Cope asks what student fees will be? Clare McCann answered it would be the current fee + 0.9%.

The proposed Annual Membership Fees for 2014 would be:

•Full-time (those working 26 hours or more per week): NZD397 (including GST).

•Part-time (those working less than 26 hours per week): NZD277 (including GST).

•Non-working (those who will not be engaged in their normal professional wage- or salary-earning related activities for all or any part of the year (e.g. when on parental leave)): NZD264 (including GST).

Recommendation: That the increase of fees for the 2014 year are noted at the Annual General Meeting

Motion:That the Associate Membership fee be increased so that it is the same as the Full Membership fee and they have the same fee structure for full-time, part-time, and non-working.

Discussion – Sally Kedge requested a reminder of what the difference between the two categories are, Clare McCann explained.

Suzanne Purdy expressed her support for the motion.

Libby French asked about CPD requirements for Associate Members. Clare replied that Associate members did not need to keep a CPD record

Moved:Clare McCann

Seconded:Philippa Williams

Motion carried.

7Resolutions presented to the National Office

In accordance with Rule 19.1 (d) of the Constitution, members were invited to submit resolutions to the National Office for consideration at the Annual General Meeting.

•No resolutions were received within 28 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

8Elect Officers of the Executive Council

In accordance with Rule 19.1 (e) of the Constitution, members are invited to elect officers of the Executive Council.

Helen informed the meeting that Clare McCann was stepping down.

There were no nominations received prior to the meeting for either Professional Standards or Māori and Cultural Development Portfolio positions. Nominations were requested from the floor with none received.

These roles will therefore remain vacant. The EC will continue to seek nominations

Lucy Grieg and Sara Moore have both completed 3 year terms

Lucy Greig was nominated and confirmed to the Member networks portfolio.

Sara Moore was nominated and confirmed to the Communications portfolio

Lucy Grieg will be taking maternity leave from the EC and Jodi White will hold this portfolio from July to September as cover.

Discussion – Linda Hand asked if Positions can be filled between AGMs or if we need to wait until next AGM to fill the positions. Helen replied that they are co-opted into role and then formally voted in at the next AGM.

9Proposed Alterations to the Constitution

Lucy Greig moved that;

In accordance with Rule 27.1 (a) of the Constitution, any alteration of the rules must be approved by at least 75% of members entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Therefore, eligible members are invited to vote on the proposed alterations to the following Rules of the Constitution:

a) Rewording of the Constitution Article 6.3

Current wording:


•The following persons are eligible to be or to become Associate Members of the NZSTA.

•Any person who is:

(a) in an allied profession whose application is approved by the NZSTA.

(b) trained as an SLT but now working as an academic or researcher only, does not intend to work as an SLT, and does not meet the criteria for Full Membership.

(c) trained as an SLT but has re-trained in another profession and does not intend to work any longer as an SLT.

The Executive Council would like to change the wording of Article 6.3 to the following:


•The following persons are eligible to be or to become Associate Members of the NZSTA.

•Any person who is:

•in an allied profession whose application is approved by the relevant sub-committee of the NZSTA

•Trained as an SLT but does not meet the criteria for Full Membership and whose application is approved by the relevant sub-committee of the NZSTA.


With the current wording there is duplication between this category and the Full Membership description of SLT-related activities (i.e. academic, research, management etc).

Moved:Lucy Greig

Seconded:Clare McCann

Discussion - Linda Hand asked what does a ‘profession’ mean?

Lucy replied that is why “approved by the relevant sub-committee of the NZSTA” was added as it is sometimes unclear.

Linda Hand asked if having the word ‘profession’ limited it too much. She gave the example of colleague at University who is a lecturer in linguistics. .

Felicity Bright asked if it is possible to change profession to Field

Suzanne Purdy asked if the word could be changed to Allied Field from Allied Profession?

Lucy agreed that it could

Moved: Lucy Greig - that the motion be accepted with the amendments (of ‘profession’ to ‘field’),

Seconded Edwina Burke

Motion carried.

b) Rewording of the Constitution Article 6.7

Lucy Greig moved that;

Current wording:


  • Any speech-language therapist who has retired from all speech-language therapy-related activities, for which they receive payment.

The Executive Council would like to change the wording of Article 6.7 to the following:


Any member who has retired from all speech-language therapy-related activities, for which they receive payment.


The previous wording (“Any speech-language therapist”) was too exclusive and did not acknowledge the contribution of retired Associate, Provisional and Student members. We want this category to be available to Associate, Provisional and Student members as well as Full Members on the occasion of their retirement.

Discussion: Deborah McKellar asked what about if you were never a member of the association of and you wanted to join as a retired member.

Linda Hand suggested that wording needs to be changed.

Following the discussion the motion was withdrawn


10Area Representative Announcements

The following Area Representatives have stood down:

  • Beverley Jackson & Sharon Collier, Northland/Tai Tokerau
  • Yvonne Cope, Auckland
  • Stephanie Davis & Shannon Emmerson, Canterbury

The following Area Representatives have been elected:

  • Alexandra Cave, Northland/Tai Tokerau
  • Carolien Clemens, Auckland
  • Megan Chinnery & Eleanor Barclay, Canterbury

The following Area Representatives continue in their first or second term of office:

  • Biddy Robb, Waikato/Bay of Plenty
  • Jodi White, Central
  • Libby French, Wellington/Nelson
  • Margaret Gaudelius, Otago/Southland

Recommendation: That the changes made to the Area Representatives are noted at the Annual General Meeting

Question from floor: Areej Asadasked if there were any changes to Student Membership.

Lucy Greig replied there were no changes to wording of student membership

11.General Business

Awards and Grants were presented. Philippa Williams announced the recipients of the awards and grants. She acknowledged the high calibre of the applications.

Student Achievement Awards

  • The University of Auckland – Beatrice Clark – for her ability to transform knowledge into practice in the moment
  • Massey University – Olivia Cowell – for her leadership skills and service to the profession
  • Canterbury University – Elizabeth Woolhouse – for her outstanding clinical skills across a wide range of clients and settings

The Marion Saunders Award - is not being awarded this year and is being reviewed due to the changes to the Journal

Clinical Directors Award – is not being awarded this year. The Clinical Directors from each programme will review the criteria before next year

Funding Grants

Sylvia Leao - will attend the PEVOC 2013 – Pan Voice European 2013 Conference in Prague where she had had two posters and one oral presentation accepted, with another paper pending. Also research on NZ the prevalence of voice disorders in NZ teachers.

Fiona Hewerdine - attending the 5th East African Conference of Communication Disability titled “Unity is Strength” where she will be presenting on the role of the SLT in palliative care, head and neck cancer and swallowing problems with AIDS. She visited this area 3 yrs ago to establish connections and share knowledge is now returning to continue to engage NZ SLTs internationally and support less privileged communities.

Sir Don Beavan Memorial Award

An award given for postgraduate study in memory of Sir Don Beavan.

Karen McLellan - The experiences of Maori with aphasia and their whanau. The contribution this will make to our matauranga on working with Maori with aphasia and their families in addition to her contribution to the NZSTA and your academic successes.

Michelle Stevens - : Identifying and validating pre-linguistic communication forms and function in children with developmental disability. This is an area in which speech-language therapists have a necessary role and can take a lead, as she is, in continuing to develop our knowledge base.

Research Excellence Award –

This award is sponsored by Stella Ward.

Sara Moore - A correlational study of cough sensitivity to citric acid and radiographic features of airway compromise.

Sara’s application stood out given, the contribution this will make to our knowledge, assessment, and management of clients with swallowing disorders. This is both an innovative and necessary piece of research which will continue to improve the service we provide to our clients.

12Close of Meeting

The President thanked everyone for their participation in the meeting.

There was a brief presentation to thank Clare McCann for her contribution to the Executive Council and the NZSTA.

Clare McCann responded by thanking the group and closed the meeting.

Meeting closed at 6.46 pm

Signed 20/6/13


NZSTA Annual General Meeting Minutes 2013Page 1 of 9