Private & Confidential








Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE)

- Formal Meeting

Contact HR prior to sending this letter

Timescale: 9 calendar days notice of this meeting.

Save: Save this letter to the employee’s ePF

This letter is to confirm that I wish to meet with you under the ASYEPolicy. Specifically I wish to discuss:

  • Not successfully completing the ASYE programme

A meeting has been arranged for <time> on <date> in <venue>. Please allow <x hours/ the morning/ the afternoon> for this meeting. A copy of the ASYE Policy is enclosed for your information.

<Name and job title>will be in attendance. <He/she>will be supportedby<Name/job title of HR adviser>

This meeting is to review the outcome of your assessed and supported year in employment. The documents to be considered are the letter confirming the outcome of your ASYE and the ASYE Policy. A copy of the letter confirming the outcome of your ASYE will be provided to those attending the meeting.

The outcome of this meeting is that you may be dismissed on the grounds of performance capability with contractual notice.

You have the right to be accompanied during the meeting by a single companion who can be a trade union representative or official, or a work colleague from the Council. If you wish to be accompanied, you are required to let me know the name of your chosen companion before the meeting date.

If you have any access or communication needs or any other practical issues which you wish to be taken into account in the arrangements for the meeting, you (or your representative) should notify <manager's name> in advance of the meeting.

In light of the circumstances, if you do not attend the meeting it will proceed in your absence and you will receive notification of the decision by letter.

If you feel you need additional support, you may wish to contact the 24/7 Employee Support. This is a free, impartial and confidential service that is available to all employees, it is designed to help you across a wide range of areas related to your work life or personal life.All calls are answered by qualified and experienced counsellors. You can contact Employee Support on freephone 0800 030 5182 (or0161 836 9498 if calling from a mobile) at any time. Further information is available at

Yours sincerely

Full Display Name


cc: HR caseworker (as appropriate)

Representative (as appropriate)

Line Manager

Enclosed: Copy of ASYE Policy

