Friday, November 6

Notes from GGJ Membership Call

Agenda for Full Membership Call

Intros/Check ins - 5 minutes

Report back from September CC/Co-leads meeting (Jorge Glackman, Environmental Health Coalition, Political/Popular Education Co-lead) – 5 minutes

Reports from World Social Forum International Council and US Social Forum National Planning Committee meetings (Cindy Wiesner, GGJ Program Coordinator) – 5 minutes

The Road to Detroit: Planning for the US Social Forum, Part 1– 20 minutes

Discussion questions

What activities is your organization planning for the US Social Forum?

How many people are you planning to take to the USSF?

The Road to Detroit: Planning for the US Social Forum, Part 2 – 35 minutes

Social Forum Standing Committee recommended goals and activities for the USSF (Maria Poblet, St. Peter's Housing Committee, Co-lead Social Forums Standing Committee) – 5 minutes

Discussion and feedback – 30 minutes

Next steps – 10 minutes

Updates – 20 minutes

Inter-Alliance Dialogue – 5 minutes

Communications – (Jen Soriano, GGJ Communications Coordinator) – 10 minutes

Membership Assembly – proposed dates and hosting request – 5 minutes

Friday, February 26 - Sunday February 28, 2010

On Call:

Jihan Gearon, IEN

Jen Soriano, GGJ communications staff

Michael Guerrero, Cindy Wiesner, GGJ

Kali Akuno, Kamau Franklin, Saki Hall, Malcolm X

Leah Wise, REJN

Serena and Will, MWC

Carlos Jimenez, JwJ

Mary Kay Harris and Fred, DARE

Earlina Fisher, CVH

Genaro Lopez- Rendon and Che Lopez, SWU

Louis Head and Monica Cordova, SWOP

William Copeland, USSF staff (guest on call)

Tammy Bang Luu, LCSC

Jorge Glackman, EHC

Mari Rose Turac, APEN

Le Tim Ly, CPA

Vinnie Villano and Steven, CVH

Maria Poblet, St. Peters Housing

Angaza Laughinghouse, BWFJ

Dave King, Portland Jobs with Justice

Priscilla Gonzalez, DWU

Steve Williams, POWER

Report back from September CC/Co-leads meeting (Jorge Glackman, Environmental Health Coalition, Political/Popular Education Co-lead) – 5 minutes

Please Refer to PowerPoint that was sent out today by Michael.

Post G20 activities and actions, we had a CC and Co-leads meeting in Pittsburgh.

We did an evaluation of GGJ's work and have some initial recommendations on work from now until the Membership Assembly.

We also spoke about the priorities for the alliance in 2009-2010: Inter-Alliance Dialogue (IAD) process and USSF.

Challenges within GGJ: we may have fragmented the membership when we created 7 working groups and standing committees. Working groups have not had a lot of member participation, but we affirmed the importance of the issues to the membership: militarization and war, global well-being, and globalization and migration.

GGJ has had less success organizing campaigns, Participation in working groups has been waning.

Generally we have had more participation in the Standing Committees which address over-arching needs, not specific issues. We have also had more success getting broader member participation in specific events or “points of convergence”.

Recommendations from the CC and Co-leads meeting:

  • Scale back work of Working Groups until Membership Assembly in 2010. Fulfill outstanding obligations.
  • Map out points of convergence
  • Maintain Standing Committees and cross-cutting work.
  • Institutionalize international connections & work
  • Focus GGJ's energy towards the US Social Forum.

Reports from World Social Forum International Council and US Social Forum National Planning Committee meetings (Cindy Wiesner, GGJ Program Coordinator and Tammy Bang Luu, LCSC, co-chair Outreach WG/NPC) – 5 minutes

Meeting in Montreal October - important meeting towards the organizing in Dakar, Senegal in 2011, the site of the next WSF.
Next year is 10 year anniversary of WSF

There was a lot of reflection on where are we at as social movements, also in relation to the global multi-dimensional crises.

There have been some major advances in global movements in the last 10 years, but a lot of fragmentation globally as well in the international movements, we haven't been able to collectively respond to crisis - hot spots of militant response but no collective response overall. Some alternatives mostly in Latin America, but not a collective global challenge to the failures of capitalism. We need to utilize this year of forums as a mechanism to address the state of resistance, development of alternatives, challenges to the neo-liberal model.

Regional and thematic forums, about 20 between now and Dakar 2011 eg. world forum on education in Palestine, Iraq social forum, economic crisis forum in Mexico in May

What is the thread that connects all of these? How do these build momentum toward next WSF?

No unity at the IC on new slogan. How to make connections from Social Forum to another Social Forum.

USSF seen as important and strategic. Many IC members wanting to come and participate. Also how to internationalize a global response to the global crisis's (food, economy, climate).

There is discussion on a Global Day of Action around Crisis on June 24, 2010 (3rd day of the USSF)

To view all of the forums being planned in 2010, check out the link.

USSF NPC report back:

Meeting was in Atlanta, 2 weeks ago. It was really productive and we advanced on a lot of work.

Large delegation from Detroit there, met folks in Atlanta who held down logistics for USSF 2007 was a breakthrough for NPC meeting

Still trying to figure out what are the fronts of struggle and what's the political framing - next NPC meeting in January, will be important to think about this and what opportunities are present

Clarified goals for social forum, similar to what was stated before but with amendment that each city hosting the social forum should have deepened resources and capacity/enhanced movement through the social forum.

Revised Goals for the USSF 2010

  • Create a space for social movement convergence and strategic discussion
  • Advance a social movements agenda for action and transformation
  • Build stronger relationships and collaboration between movements
  • Deepen our commitment to international solidarity and common struggle
  • Strengthen local capacity to improve social conditions, organizing and movement building in Detroit

Consulta process, agreed on program tracks - would be good for GGJ members to fill out consulta form - GGJ committed to 20-25 member groups filling out form, especially give feedback on program tracks. Look out for the email that will go out in this next week.

The Road to Detroit: Planning for the US Social Forum, Part 1– 20 minutes

Discussion questions

What activities is your organization planning for the US Social Forum?

How many people are you planning to take to the USSF?



1. Panels and possibly plenaries - Take Back the Land based on some of the practices in Miami keeping people in foreclosed homes

2. Police misconduct

3. People's Assemblies: local elections and turn that mobilization into a people's assembly: increase participation post election.

10-15 people from around the country


In the past, workshops on public housing and welfare, not fleshed out yet.

25+ people


Workshops to present case studies, not fleshed out yet but will get back (economic crisis, jobs campaign)

500 people


Probably workshops about distro of stimulus money, neighborhood accountable development

15-20 members, beginning to do fundraising. Any information on logistics would be appreciated.


Discussion around state of emergency: job layoffs budget cuts slashing resources for cities

models of people's assemblies, share the successes. What the crises and neo-liberalism is doing to our communities and the working class.


Beginning to talk about doing workshops or participating in workshops

We want to bring a bus load, maybe 75 people.


Active member of the NPC and co-chairing PMA and Resource Mobilization WG, and youth from organization are taking a lead on calling for the re-establishment for the Youth Working Group, looking to have a phone call next week.

Work Brigade, currently in Detroit.

People's Freedom Caravan, setting up a web-site

100 members plus 100 people from allied orgs


Figuring out what's going on with youth and the social forum

Moving forward with People's Freedom Caravan

Last year mobilized two buses, this year targeting 15 allied orgs in New Mexico

about 200 people


Develop climate justice, land use campaigns in collaboration with CEJA delegates to represent these issues, form alliances

Workshops around leadership development showing leaders who've transformed their communities

2-10 people


Bring indigenous people to the social forum, focus on climate justice issues, national and international energy policies, green jobs

Indigenous tent with speakers and ceremonies

around 20 people


Have begun to have discussion. But looking at bringing Union members

about 20 people


Workers congress, bringing together workers who have been left out of job protection processes

10-15 people

St. Peters Housing

Reach a higher level of alignment and common work R2C

Merging with Just Cause Oakland, foreclosure crisis and black and latino community work central to merger

20 people?


How to bring the Ecological lens, been working with local groups and have been working with Movement Building Project. and CEJA

5-10 people


Organizing in Chinatowns around the country, continue to connect work through social forum

12-20 people

Southeast Regional Economic Justice Network

BAJI, Black immigration network took hold last April 2009 social forum not on radar screen yet census and redistricting big political moments, figuring out how to take advantage of opportunities


Been an active member of the NPC and the co-chair of the Last time, criminalization of black and brown communities, state of the black left and state of the left in general. Brought 25 people to Atlanta, will look to increase participation. How to use social forum to convergence with other groups


Sent a report on Focusing on bringing Youth from California. There is a goal to bring 4 buses of youth from L.A., the Bay, Central Vally and North CA. They are doing p.e. with their youth on Social Movements. She was suggesting that we talk about how to coordinate possibly with a National Freedom Caravan.

75 people

Just Transition Alliance

Sent a report that they will bring 4 folks to the forum. They want to do workshops on social ecology with all the forum breakouts. We would also focus on any environmental track.

4 people


  • Send in updates about workshops
  • Join the Social Forum Standing Committee Call on November 16 (information below)
  • Look out for consulta form and fill it out
  • Post info on website, look to website for updates

Angaza: Question: Detroit-As the model of the crisis.

TBL: there has been conversations on how Detroit is the model of the issues that have been happening.

There has not been decisions yet, but the NPC is thinking on how this can be incorporated

Leah: question about local organizers involvement

MLG: the goals have been clarified, local national collaboration has been discussed

January NPC is meeting discussion on the political aspects of the USSF

Will Copeland: not a lot of people are involved in the organizations that are involved in social forum, great support from activist groups, disconnect between activists and local communities. Talking about a Detroit local people's movement assembly to focus on issues in Detroit as part of PMA. Community tours to connect struggles across the country, Neoliberalism automation globalization of capital, discussion of alternatives, glad we're moving toward being on the same page.

There is an internal conversation that needs to go in this next period from now to the Member Assembly on the contribution of GGJ to the movement building efforts in Detroit.

The Road to Detroit: Planning for the US Social Forum, Part 2 – 35 minutes

Social Forum Standing Committee recommended goals and activities for the USSF (Maria Poblet, St. Peter's Housing Committee, Co-lead Social Forums Standing Committee) – 5 minutes

GGJ GOALS FOR USSF (from social forums standing committee)

Goal: Deepen unity among GGJ organizations through practice, political education, platform development and celebration;

- "Assembly" referred to for March is GGJ Membership Assembly

- Recommendation of CC mtg last June re. GGJ role and campaigns; i.e. World March of Women involving 60 countries/regions, with major issue areas, but focus is political unity and they have points of unity for each area;

- GGJ has been most successful on convergence work; question is whether we want to launch campaign in preparation for USSF, develop a political platform, etc.

- Possibly related – Peoples' Movement Assembly – process and not singular day, and continue through all the days of the USSF; this can fit well within whatever GGJ decides to do;

Goal: Make local to global connections real in preparation for the USSF

- GGJ track of workshops – last time inspired by Right to the City and the way RTTC workshops flowed; could be guide for series that could highlight organizations and roles GGJ plays re. critical political issues of the current moment; link grassroots responses in both the GS and North (eg rural and urban displacement); identify a couple of major issues and bring people together;

- Identify individuals and organizations that can work on this

- Tour (as listed)

Goal: Strengthen strategic relationships and coordination with national and international allies

- Food crisis/security – conference in DC in September focused on this, could be a good area (could be a really good fit with folks in Detroit – including relationship to climate justice)

- Bring in key people that relate to current issues (like now, it would be someone from Honduras)

- Set of Intl networks we are targeting for relationships – Hemispheric Social Alliance (trade, related), World March of Women, COMPA, several indigenous networks, Climate Justice Network, Friends of the Earth International, Via Campesina – strengthen strategic partnerships already being developed;

Goal: Build convergence with other social justice sectors

Build with other sectors in the US, i.e. Women's Movement, Labor (Workers Centers and traditional Unions)

Identify new allies

Goal: Participate actively in the NPC and Working Groups

- How many GGJ members are on NPC at present? Eight, looks like (Actually more like 10 - IEN, Padres Unidos, SWOP, POWER, Project South, SWU, LCSC, St. Peter's, PODER, Jobs with Justice) Others are active on working groups, like Afro Eco

- Possible to focus on getting more participation on NPC by GGJ organizations? Several do not have a lot of infrastructure and enough capacity to participate in NPC; others said that they wanted to come back on; Standing Ctte exists in part to play conduit/communications role with lower-capacity organizations; some outreach is being done; connections for groups need to be relevant to their ongoing work (goals/objectives); some are doing educational work within their own organizations or others – would be helpful if GGJ pop ed folks could work on this;

- PMA developing materials that may be of use to this process

Goal: Have large and visible representation of GGJ at the USSF 2010
500 GGJ members
50 International allies

Overall Questions/Next Steps

- How is all of this going to be carried out?

- CC to bring threads together and feed back; Membership Assembly will be prep towards USSF?

- Recommendations coming in should be how to integrate everything such that they focus on the USSF

Standing committee - would like more people to join the standing committee to make these goals happen, looking for a co-chair

Next Social Forum Standing Committee Call

Monday, November 16 at

3pm EDT, 2pm CDT, 1pm MDT, Noon PDT

If you want to get involved in this committee or need more information: Contact Maria Poblet:

BWFJ: We would love to see coordinated action for GGJ members at the USSF.

Leah - how does program direction address tension within our movement - what role is GGJ playing in lifting voices of people of African descent internationally - need discussions

Maria: workplan doesn't specifically address this, hope is this work will raise visibility of work that already does exist like freedom caravan that was addressing black and latino unity and hopefully other work will arise

Jorge: the school raises discussions about gender, race, other issues need to talk with NPC about how this can be incorporated into USSF

Michael: how do we start to bridge all these different issues, identifying these kind of things are really important. how much of this is generated by orgs within GGJ South by Southwest process was really significant, figuring out ways to build relationships that got people in conversation and being part of a community