Southwest Florida Regional HIV/AIDS Council (RHAC)

Date: May 25th, 2011

Time: 9:30AM – 12:00PM

Place: Charlotte County Health Department

Attendees: attached list

I.  Order- The meeting was called to order by Dr. Hartner. Introductions were made by all in attendance.

II.  Consent Agenda- R. Bobo requested the surveys be pulled from the consent agenda.

Action- Minutes from the March 16th meeting were reviewed. Motion made by S. Craig to approve minutes; seconded by P. Dobbins.

R. Bobo requested the reason for the HOPWA satisfaction survey having a low response. S. Barrows stated that the surveys haven’t changed and will be placed on the Supervisors agenda for review, and possible add some consumers to look at the HOPWA Survey. Clients are given a survey for Prevention, and also the needs assessments. The Group that was formed for Survey review: K. Medina, S. McIntosh, S. Craig, R. Bobo, and A. Gallagher

III.  Ryan White Part B 2010-201 End Financials- M. Waite reported the end of the RW Wrap Up as there was $1904 which was overspent.
There will not be supplemental funds available for the RW12-RW13 contract year. Also the Drug line item did not show a higher spending due to the ADAP complications.

P. Dobbins inquired if there will be an issue revising the RW12-RW13 budget if there were to be a ADAP issue.

S. Barrows stated that a revision could be done, if needed.

G. Counts reported that there would be no Well Vista bail out, and the Bureau is doing a cost shifting strategy.

Out of 13 states combined with an ADAP waitlist it doesn’t compare to Florida’s 4,000 individuals which have been waitlisted for ADAP.

K. Medina stated that the PAP’s may not continue to assist with new applicants that are enrolling.

Dr. Hartner stated that Area 8 cannot afford another ADAP crisis and requested to look at the budget outside of the consent agenda to review Drug Disbursements.

M. Waite reported that at this time we are on track with the current spending at this time.

IV.  Draft HOPWA Budget 2011-2012- M. Waite reported that case management was increased due to being supportive services. An accountability service is being put into place.
R. Bobo inquired with lobbying is supportive service going to be utilized? S. Barrows stated that with a risk of higher request it is determined that it may be a shortfall. With review of the Budget every meeting there is an opportunity to brainstorm.

V.  Area 8 RW Part B Input and Accountability- Dr. Hartner (refresher)

RHAC Responsibility

Contract Manager Responsibility

HPC Responsibility

VI.  Open Clinical Committee Chair- S. McIntosh spoke with Tanya Schreibman, MD , she needs further information. M. Cuffage will be in contact with S. Murphy of McGregor Clinic

VII.  Open Lee Community Seat-Lee County has 3 names and will speak at the next Lee Prevention Meeting.

Open Charlotte Community Seat will be taken by Eric Stockley

VIII.  PCPG Update- S. McIntosh reported to keep focus to writing the Comp Plan. During the meeting they broke into groups, and there was breakout sessions, and access to linkage and care. Monday there was a guidance released which bring specifics to the Comp plan. S. Murphy is on the writing team from Area 8. There have also been multiple calls and teleconferences.
The Comp Plan writing team: S. McIntosh, P. Brown, S. Murphy, and R. Bobo as an alternate. There will be a meeting at the end of September in Tampa, and conference calls in the summer.
The Comp Plan is due March 31, 2012.

IX.  Prevention- Nilda Prozenza of Collier CHD PPG representative, J. Acevedo needs an alternate.

The Comprehensive Care Clinic and Charlotte CHD are doing rapid testing.

Hedges Prescription Pharmacy goes to Desoto in partnering with Charlotte CHD. M. Kehoe a representative of Hedges Prescription Pharmacy can go to all areas and offer testing if needed.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (Fort Lauderdale) is collaborating with Positive Healthcare and has 3 Vans.

R. Bobo and S. Craig have requested to see the contract due to CHD requirement of Deliverables, and Follow ups.

P. Dobbins stated there needs to be dialog and colorization so no one is lost to care after testing, and follow up.
There was a monitoring occurring in Sarasota, and Fort Myers. In which the contract was $120,000 but now $80,000.The Source and Light contract was $80,000 but now $70,000. Lee funds were cut and the contract will no longer exist.

J. Acevedo stated that the state lost 5 closing the gap contracts. The Miami Area is to assist with ADAP Program.
The PPG is writing the plan National HIV Strategy, and funding may go to the larger areas. Smaller areas will not go without funding but funding will be possibly cut.

In June, Area 8 should consider a proposal for multicounty prevention. (Naples, Lee, Hendry and Glades)

Geographic vs. Urban area ay give Area 8 an opportunity to compete. PPG has not done their plan yet, and are waiting on the State Plan to see how Area 8’s plan will fit into it.

X.  HRSA Report- P. Brown reported that a copy of the HRSA report was sent out via email with the RHAC materials by S. Barrows. The report is an opportunity of review to give insight on what is coming. As data is built use actionable data. Quality Management is important to do wait for state visit. Request regular dumps of data, ADAP is cooperating or freely sharing data. The Pharmacy is recommending take 38 ADAP positions and make 6 state positions instead. Pharmacy with ADAP Positions remain funded, Pharmacy with no ADAP positions remain un funded.

Review report and come up with strategy.

XI.  Public Comment

The Comprehensive Care Clinic is collaborating with Yale University for a Clinical trial research.
Which clients are accessing this instead of ADAP this study is headed by Dr. Schreiber.

The next RHAC Meeting will be September 28th, 2011 at The Charlotte County Health Dept

RHAC Members and Guests
Attendance List 2009-2010 / 9/15/2010 / 11/17/2010 / 1-19-11 / 3-16-11 / 5-25-11 /
RHAC County Health Department Members
Mary Kay Burns / Interim Charlotte CHD / ü / ü / ü
Donna Olsen / Charlotte CHD Alternate / ü / ü
Joan Colfer / Collier CHD / A / ü
Susan Craig / Collier CHD Alternate / ü / ü / ü / ü
Mary Kay Burns / DeSoto CHD / ü / ü / ü
Penny Kurtz / DeSoto CHD Alternate / ü / ü / ü / ü
Pat Dobbins / Glades CHD / ü / ü / ü
Robert Bobo / Hendry CHD / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü
Judith Hartner, MD / Chairman / ü / ü / ü / ü
Christine Griffith / Sarasota CHD / ü / ü / ü
Lynthia Oratokhai / Sarasota CHD Alternate / ü / ü / ü / ü
Barbara Laidlaw / Sarasota CHD
RHAC Community Representative Members
Eric Stockley / Charlotte County / ü / ü / ü
Ellen Cordoba / Marion E. Feather Collier / ü / ü / ü
Cheryl Adams / DeSoto County / ü / ü / ü
Jennifer Hood / Glades County / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü
Art Gallagher / Hendry County / ü / ü / ü / ü
Open / Lee County
Mike Kehoe / Sarasota County / ü / ü / ü
RHAC At-Large Members
Sean McIntosh / Patient Care Representative / ü / ü
John Acevedo / Prevention Representative
/Interim Co-Chair / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü
Area 8 DOH Representatives
Gail Counts / Area 8 HAPC / ü / ü / ü / ü
Jesse Flores / Area 8 Contract Manager / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü
Amy Zamot / Minority AIDS Coordinator / ü / ü / ü / ü
Lead Agency Staff
Ed Houck / HPC / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü
Susan Barrows / HPC / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü
Mike Waite / HPC / ü / ü / ü
Kim White / HPC / ü / ü / ü / ü
Alma Johnston / HPC / ü / ü
Peggy Brown / HPC / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü
Lauren Boyar / HPC / ü
RHAC Guests
Suzanne Stevens / DOH / ü
Dr. Jeff Beal / DOH HIV/AIDS Medical Dir. / ü
Amy Pinter / Positive Healthcare / ü / ü
Jan Leather / Positive Healthcare / ü / ü
Anne Solmo / McGregor Clinic
Sylvia Garcia / DeSoto CHD / ü / ü / ü
Bill McBurnie / Charlotte CHD / ü / ü / ü
Brenda Lastinger / Hendry/Glades CHD
Chris Ada / Aids Manasota
Jim Yearns / Lee CHD
James Ogedegbe / Charlotte CHD / ü / ü / ü / ü
Joan Surso / Sarasota CHD
Kim Hustad / Lee CHS / ü / ü / ü
Lyzza Archipov / McGregor Clinic / ü / ü / ü
Marie Boisol / McGregor Clinic
Sharon Murphy / McGregor Clinic / ü / ü / ü / ü
Nilda Porenza / Collier CHD
Mike Cuffage / Comprehensive Care Clinic / ü / ü
Richard Sapp
Diane Sabatino / Tibotec & Broward Part B / ü
Antonia Rafalsky / Hendry CHD
Christine Griffin / ü
Sonja Paige
April Glasco / ü
Stephen MacGregor / ü
Amber Beckwith / ü
Carolyn Moore / ICAN
Lynn McElroy / Tibotrco Therapeutics
Gil August / The Rauschenberg Center / ü
Lynn Mackavoy
Anna McDaniel / The Rauschenberg Center / ü
James McCloud / ü
Dr. Bill Ruby / ü
Louis Rozzero / Lee County / ü / ü
Susan Gerald / McGregor Clinic / ü / ü
Kristen Media / McGregor Clinic / ü