Meeting on 2/13/2008


Northern California Junior Lacrosse Association
Meeting of the Delegates
February 13, 2008
7:00 p.m.
1. Attendance
· Dan Nourse (Pres),), Beau Shore (Board & Diablo), Betty Hartog (Board & City) Jim Robertson (Board & Southern Marin) Jeff May (Board & Pleasanton), Mike Mindel (Pups Commissioner & Southern Marin) Don Aiello (Davis), Phil Connolly (Diablo), , Roger Ogee (Livermore), Christopher Dean (Ross Valley), Erich Nolan (Elk Grove), Andy Shoop (Gold Country), Bill Quinn (Fair Oaks), JR Styres (Casa Roble), Paul Abesi (Pleasant Grove), Deborah Ferguson (Palo Alto), Bryce Whitlock (Napa), Ed Ikeda (South Valley), Craig Hill (Novato), , Denise Prato (Stockton), Ryan Buenrostro (Stockton), Johanna Thomashefski (Palega), Wayne Schatz (Bret Harte), Andren Bernard (Bret Harte), Patrick Gainer (G. Bay), Karoline Platt (Folsom/Cordova),David Lee (Town), Ryan Stewart (Yuba City), Ben Tarcher (Berkeley), Jim Crowley (San Lorenzo), Jeff Baier (S Bay), Blake Abbate (Sonoma Ctry Day), Jamie Poore (Santa Rosa), Chris Hansen (Rancho Cotati), Hayedeh Scott (SF Tiger), Dave Tubbs (Morgan Hill), Ron Holcomb (SJ), Kim Lally (Skyline), Wes Koenig (Santa Cruz), Presley Troyer (West Valley), Mike Dallupe (Stuart Hall), Kelli Shore (Secretary) Keith Denebeim (Executive Director)
2. Call to Order
· The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m.
3. Approval of Minutes
· The minutes of the January 16, 2008 were postponed pending a quorum.
4. Presentations
· Alice Anderson: Alice is a non-profit attorney, attending tonight to talk about the possible needs clubs may have with getting non-profit status and the legal requirements when fundraising. The IRS is cracking down on non-profit organizations and how they handle fees, scholarships and income raised from fundraising. Alice is available to assist clubs with their needs. Her email address is . Tips and reminders posted on the website would be helpful, and Keith said the webmaster would take care of that. Another suggestion was made to put links on the website to IRS and Attorney General websites for guidance and resource information.
· Jeff Schweig: Keith reminded the delegates that each club is supposed to be doing background checks, including fingerprinting, on coaches. Keith found a new company that will provide this service. Jeff Schweig is here tonight to explain his service. A few clubs are already doing fingerprinting, but the public websites that are used to check backgrounds are not all that accurate. WePrintU is certified by the Dept. of Justice and can run the checks for violent convictions and sex offending crimes. The company is already working with a lot of youth sports’ groups. They charge $10/coach for the checks, but California has a subsequent arrest law, meaning any illegal activity performed by a checked coach in the future will be reported back to the organization by the Dept. of Justice anytime in the future. Jeff’s contact information is , 916-663-3088, 877-888-8802.
5. Commissioners’ Reports
A. Girls: Jenny reported. Next meeting is next Tuesday, 2/19/2008. Schedules will be up tonight; check for accuracy. March 1-2 CAL STX Play Day tournament for pups and juniors. Cost is $75 per player. End of Season tournament, Sat. 5/17, Juniors A, High School, Sunday, 5/18, Juniors B possibly Danville on Sat, 5/17. Northwestern is playing CAL this weekend at Memorial Stadium.
B. High School: Keith reported. A couple of season games were approved to start early. A few exhibition games will be held and are on the schedule. Playing up and playing down—must be 8 day gap between games. Three times of playing up commits you to that team. State tournament decision-Stockton has offered to hold NCJLA championship May 17/18; CA state championship will be in Petaluma May 31/June1.
C. Juniors: Keith reported. Sweet 16 and Elite 8 are May 17/18 (Pups 5/17, Juniors 5/18). Final 4 championships Sunday, June 1 for Juniors. Still need hosts, different divisions can play at different locations, but 6 fields are needed total.
D. Pups: Mike Mindel reported. 61 teams. Disbanded ‘C’ division-moved to B2. Playoffs on Saturday, 5/17, championship 5/31. Looking ok on venues. Lost Petaluma ‘B2’ team, so some teams will have open games.
E. Pee Wees: Keith reported. Petaluma also lost ‘A’ team.
F. Travel: Keith reported. U15 Vail team just returned from San Diego where they very successful and went undefeated. They only allowed 5 goals in 2 days.
Festival coaches
Paul Abess (Pleasant Grove)
Paul Frank (Pleasant. Grove)
Ray Gorman (Red Hawks)
Mike Emerson (Diablo),
Bill Glazer (Tomahawks),
John Walsh (Santa Cruz)
Tryouts went well and the League only had one complaint out of about 200 kids on the how the procedures for try outs were completed.
6. Treasurer’s Report
· Dan reported. Account balance is $185,439. Deposits pending $5025, liabilities $26,227. Referee invoices will be sent on or before 2/20 to primary/secondary club contact listed in NCJLA data base. Payment due in full by March 1st. Fee schedule: youth $50 game ($40 to ref), high school ($65 to ref), playoffs $100. Girls same at youth level. Directors insurance was renewed. 1099 forms were filed. $3600 was received from tryouts, $1200 was paid out, and remainder will go toward scholarships. See attached for more detail.
7. PCA Training
· Keith reported. 4 locations for 2008. If a coach is in the box, he is required to have a PCA card. Cards will be checked. Coach may petition commissioner to do course online. Contact the trainer for each location because space is limited. Clubs can do a parent and/or leadership workshop through the NCJLA discount.
8. Officials Training
· 5 locations for training, classroom and field. Over 120 officials were trained. Very successful weekend. Each club was to send at least 2 adults and most did. Many kids participated. Kids that could not make the field training can fulfill the requirement 2/23-24. Diablo is hosting a scrimmage weekend with paid referees where training could occur for new refs.
9. Southern Marin February Face off Tournament
· Last Saturday/Sunday. Texas Lonestars came in for the event and won it. Encourage other clubs to host these tournaments. Bases on great success with 8 teams from around the league, the ideas is that other Clubs continue with this type of tournament and create more opportunities to play lacrosse.
10. Score-sheets and Rule Cards
· If not in attendance tonight, you must make plans to pick up sheets. They will not be mailed in place of missing meetings.
· Mostly for boys’ youth teams. Laminated rule cards mandatory at every scorer’s table. Delegates need to pass out to each team. Changes from 2007-PCA card for every coach in box, uniforms must comply with NFHS rule book with exception of size of numbers, home teams wear WHITE and are responsible for changing colors if necessary
· Colored mouth guards (no clear or white) are required.
· Body checks-allowed at pups and juniors level- not allowed at Pee Wees.
The NCJLA will use the NFHS rule book for all rules including the exceptions as approved by the USLacrosse Youth Council and in the back section of the NFHS rule book.
· Stick lengths (juniors to 72”, ALL pups to 50-62”, pee wee 40-42”), sudden victories are 4 min. stop time for Pups and Juniors. No Sudden Victory for Pee Wees.
· If refs don’t show, try to still play game. Report refs that don’t show. Refs should be called and confirmed 48 hrs in advance by home team. Issues should be directed to Steven Walker.
· Table should have 3 chairs (timer, scorer, opposing team option).
· Games must be confirmed by home team. Use THE ARBITER. (
· Home team should update sPortability with score. Losing team if winning team fails to do so in reasonable amount of time.
· Field lined, 7 cones (4 corners, 1 at far side at midfield, 2 at box)
· Home team must have horns.
· Provide field marshal.
· Directions to the hospital. Directions to the field for EMS.
· Bathrooms must be available.
· Water for referees.
· Provide scorer with roster with names, numbers, position, starters.
· New: ALL fans must be on opposite side of field from scorer’s table and teams. No spectators on end line.
· Start on time. Keep the day on schedule.
· Greg Ward will be taking on huge task of keeping stats (scores, assists and goalie saves). Encourage teams to keep and report stats. Only one assist on a goal. Scorekeeper makes final decision on awarding goals, assists and saves.
11. Adjournment
· The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.