2015-2016ACTION PLAN

Committee: Member Resources

Subcommittee: _Diversity Issues

Subcommittee Chair: Lorrie Coop, , (TX)

Subcommittee Chair-elect: Diana Romano, , (OK)

Subcommittee Apprentice: Ines Beltran, , (GA)

Subcommittee Past Chair: Karen Dickrell, , (WI)

Goal: To create an awareness of diversity issues facing NEAFCS members.

( Strategic Plan Member Resources Goals 1, 2, 4, 5)

Objective: Offer members resources to use and implement in their respective county

and state.

(action steps) / Responsible for
(specific name) / When?
(specific date)
1. / Provide members with programming resources in the area of diversity through NEAFCS newsletter/website. Members will submit news article to:
  1. Margie Memmott
  2. Julie Cascio

(Goal 3) /
  1. Ines Beltran
  2. Edda Cotto-Rivera
  3. Karim Martinez
  4. Lorrie Coop
  5. Karen Dickrell
  6. Traci Armstrong Florien
  1. December 15/Jan. issue
  2. February 15/March issue
  1. April 15/May issue
  2. June 15/July issue
  3. August 15/ September issue
  4. October 15/
November issue
2. / Teleconference with members to discuss updates and outreach efforts
(Call Jody at national office to set up)
(Goal 2) / Lorrie Coop / January, 2016
April, 2016
July, 2016
3. / Research, submit proposal, and develop diversity concurrent session for annual conference with support from VP Member Resources
(Goal 1) / Diana Romano
Ines Beltran
Lorrie Coop
Edda Cotto-Rivera / January, 2016
4. / Judge Diversity Award Applications
(Goal 2) / 1.Ines Beltran
2.Karim Martinez
3.Diana Romano (alternate) / March/April, 2016
5. / Research, submit proposal, and develop diversity poster session for annual conference with support from VP Member Resources
(Goal 1) / Karim Martinez
Traci Armstrong Florien / January, 2016
6. / Plan and present webinar for members regarding ways to reach Spanish speaking audiences
(Goal 1) / Karim Martinez
National Office / April 2016
7. / Present concurrent session regarding diversity at Annual Session
(Goal 1) / Diana Romano
Ines Beltran
Lorrie Coop
Edda Cotto-Rivera / September 12-15, 2016
(Big Sky, MT)
8. / Present Showcase of Excellence/poster session regarding Diversity at Annual Session
(Goal 1) / Karim Martinez
Traci Armstrong
Florien / September 12-15, 2016
(Big Sky, MT)
9. / Present Mary Wells Diversity award at Annual Session
(Goal 2) / Diana Romano / September, 2016
(Big Sky, MT)
