Chapter 3-6 Review Questions

Section 3-1: What is Ecology?

  1. What is ecology? ______
  1. What does the biosphere contain? ______
  1. Complete the table about levels of organization:

Level / Definition
A group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area
A group of ecosystems that have the same climate and dominant communities
  1. What is the highest level of organization that ecologists study? ______

Section 3-2: Energy Flow:

  1. What are autotrophs? ______
  1. What is chemosynthesis? ______
  1. Heterotrophs are also called ______.
  1. Plant and animal remains and other dead matter are collectively called ______.
  1. Complete the table about types of heterotrophs:
  2. How long does energy flow through an ecosystem? ______
  1. Complete the table about feeding relationships:

Relationship / Description
Food Chain
Food Web
  1. What is a trophic level? ______
  1. In a food web, what organisms make up the first trophic level? ______
  1. What does a consumer in a food chain depend on for energy? ______
  1. What is an ecological pyramid? ______
  1. Why is it that only part of the energy stored in one trophic level is passed on to the next level? ______

Type / Definition / Examples
Herbivore / Cows, rabbits
Heterotroph that eats animals
Omnivore / Humans, bears, crows
  1. What is biomass? ______

Section 3-3: Cycles of Matter:

  1. Matter moves through an ecosystem in ______
  1. What do biogeochemical cycles connect? ______
  1. Water can enter the atmosphere by evaporating from the leaves of plants in the process of ______.
  1. Circle the letter of each process involved in the water cycle:
  2. Precipitation b. Evaporation c. Runoff d. Fertilization
  1. What are 3 nutrient cycles that play especially prominent roles in the biosphere?
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  1. In what process do plants use carbon dioxide? ______
  1. Why do all organisms require nitrogen? ______
  1. What is nitrogen fixation? ______
  1. What is denitrification? ______
  1. What is the primary productivity of an ecosystem? ______

Section 4-1: The Role of Climate:

  1. Circle the letter of the world’s insulating blanket:
  2. Oxygen b. The atmosphere c. The oceans d. Solar energy
  1. What effect do carbon dioxide, methane, and a few other atmospheric gases have on Earth’s temperature? ______
  1. What is the greenhouse effect? ______

Section 4-2: What Shapes and Ecosystem?

  1. Complete the table about factors that influence ecosystems:

Type of Factor / Definition / Examples
Biotic factors
Abiotic factors
  1. What is a niche? ______
  1. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about niches:
  2. Different species can share the same niche in the same habitat.
  3. No two species can share the same niche in the same habitat.
  4. Two species in the same habitat have to share a niche to survive.
  5. Different species can occupy niches that are very similar.
  1. When does competition occur? ______
  1. What is a resource? ______
  1. What is predation? ______
  1. When predation occurs, what is the organism called that does the killing and eating, and what is the food organism called? ______; ______
  1. What is symbiosis? ______
  1. Complete the table about main classes of symbiotic relationships:

Class / Description of Relationship
  1. The organism from which a parasite obtains nutritional needs is called a (an) ______.
  1. What is ecological succession? ______
  1. What is primary succession? ______
  1. The first species to populate an area when primary succession begins are called ______

Section 4-3: Biomes:

  1. What is a biome? ______

Section 4-4: Aquatic Ecosystems:

  1. What are the 2 main types of freshwater ecosystems? ______and ______
  1. What is plankton? ______
  1. What are estuaries? ______
  1. Organisms that live attached or near the bottom of the ocean are called ______

Section 5-1: How Populations Grow:

  1. What are the 4 main characteristics of a population?
  2. ______c. ______
  3. ______d. ______
  1. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about populations.
  2. They can grow rapidly.
  3. They can decrease in size.
  4. They may stay the same size from year to year.
  5. They stay the same size until they disappear.
  1. What 3 factors can affect population size?
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  1. If more individuals are born than die in any period of time, how will the population change? ______
  1. Complete the table about changes in population:

Type of Change / Definition / Resulting Change in Size
  1. Circle each sentence that is true about exponential growth:
  2. It continues until the organism covers the planet.
  3. It continues at the same rate as resources become less available.
  4. It does not continue in natural populations for very long.
  5. It continues in natural populations until the birthrate increases.
  1. When resources become less available, how does population growth change? ______
  1. Circle the letter of each instance when a population’s growth will slow down:
  2. The birthrate and death rate are the same.
  3. The birthrate is greater than the death rate.
  4. The rate of immigration is equal to the rate of emigration.
  5. The rate of emigration is less than the rate of immigration.
  1. What is the carrying capacity of the environment for a particular species? ______

Section 5-2: Limits to Growth:

  1. What is a limiting factor? ______
  1. What is a density-dependent limiting factor? ______
  1. What are 4 density-dependent limiting factors?
  2. ______c. ______
  3. ______d. ______
  1. A limiting factor that affects all populations in similar ways, regardless of population size is called a(an) ______.
  1. What are examples of density-dependent limiting factors? ______

Section 5-3: Human Population Growth:

  1. How does the size of the human population change with time? ______
  1. Why did the population grow slowly for most of the human existence? ______
  1. Circle the letter of each reason why the human population began to grow more rapidly about 500 years ago:
  2. Improved sanitation and health care reduced the death rate.
  3. Industry made life easier and safer.
  4. The world’s food supply became more reliable.
  5. Birthrates in most places remained low.
  1. Why can’t the human population keep growing exponentially forever? ______
  1. What is demography? ______
  1. What factors lower the death rate? ______
  1. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about human population growth:
  2. The demographic transition is complete in China and India.
  3. The worldwide human population is still growing exponentially.
  4. Most people live in countries that have not yet completed the demographic transition.
  5. The demographic transition has happened in the United States.
  1. What do age-structure diagrams graph? ______

Section 6-1: A Changing Landscape:

  1. Increasing demands on what resources come with a growing human population? ______
  1. True or False: Human activity uses as much energy as all of Earth’s other multicellular species combined.
  1. What 4 human activities have transformed the biosphere?
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  1. What occurred during the Industrial Revolution of the 1800’s? ______

Section 6-2: Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources:

  1. Complete the table about types of environmental resources:

Type of Resource / Definition / Examples
Renewable resources
Nonrenewable resources
  1. What is sustainable development? ______
  1. How do human activities affect renewable resources? ______
  1. What are 5 characteristics of sustainable use?
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. What is deforestation and how does it affect soil? ______
  1. How does the burning of fossil fuels affect air quality? ______
  1. What does acid rain contain that kills plants and harms soil? ______

Section 6-3: Biodiversity:

  1. What is biodiversity? ______
  1. What are 4 ways that human activity can reduce biodiversity?
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  1. When does extinction occur? ______
  1. A species whose population size is declining in a way that places it in danger of extinction is called a(an) ______.
  1. The process of splitting a habitat into small pieces is called ______.
  1. What is DDT? ______
  1. What 2 properties of DDT make it hazardous over the long term?
  2. ______
  3. ______
  1. What is biological magnification? ______
  1. Plants and animals that have migrated to places where they are not native are called ______
  1. What is conservation? ______

Section 6-4: Charting a Course for the Future:

  1. Where is ozone concentrated in the atmosphere? ______
  1. What is causing the problem of ozone depletion? ______
  1. What is global warming? ______