Oregon State Unit on Aging
OAA Legal Assistance & Elder Rights Assessment Tool2017
Due March 31st, 2017. Please submit only to .
Provider Agency:Date of Assessment:
Contact person for assessment questions: Contact phone number:
Part 1: Area Agency Review
Legal Assistance (Title IIIB) Standards / Yes / No / Comments or Requested Description1.The AAA selects the legal assistance provider(s) with the experience and capacity to provide legal assistance under the requirements of OAA Title III-B in its planning and service area, including experience in providing legal services in as many as possible of the following areas:income, health care, long-term care, nutrition, housing, utilities, protective services, defense of guardianship, abuse, neglect, and age discrimination? Briefly describe the selection process.
2.The AAA’s contract with the legal assistance provider(s) includes agreement thatservices provided are to comply with requirements of the OAA.
3.In addition to securing availability of legal services through OAA funding, the AAA attempts to involve the private bar in legal assistance activities authorized under Title III of the OAA, including groups within the private bar that may furnish services to older individuals on a pro bono and/or reduced fee basis.
4.The AAA provides funding for its legal assistance program at or above minimum funding requirements. What is the current percentage level (%) of III-B funding?
5.The AAA annually monitors its legal assistance provider(s) to assess compliance withcontractual requirements and relevant state and federal laws and regulations.
6.The AAA’sterms of agreement with its contracted legal assistance provider(s) include(s) a plan to reach target populations and address priority needs as specified in the OAA.
7.The AAA reviews and revises targeting plans annually and communicates changes to its legal assistance provider(s).
8.The AAA contacts and works with its legal assistance provider(s) to establish or update local goals for the legal assistance program when developing a new Area Plan or making periodic updates to the Area Plan.
9.The AAA provides briefings to its area agency advisory committee regarding thelegal assistance program activities and direction.
10.The AAA assures that its legal assistanceprovider(s) set(s) no income requirement for clients to receive III-B legal assistance.
11. If AAA screens clients for legal assistance,AAA maintains client confidentiality.
If yes, please describe how client confidentiality is maintained. If the legal assistance provider(s) and not the AAA screen(s) clients, note that.
12. The AAA requires its legal assistance provider(s) to make available client satisfaction surveys or a summary of such surveys to assure that the views of older individuals are considered in the planning and operation of the legal assistance program.
13. The AAA assures that its legal assistance provider(s)hasa client grievance system in place.
14. The AAA does not require any provider of OAA legal assistance to reveal any information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege.
Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection (Title VII) Activities / Yes / No / Please identify if activities are provided by the AAA, a contracted legal services provider, or both.
For questions 15 to 20, does the AAA use OAA Title VII funding for one or more of the following elder rights protection activities?
15. Public education or outreach to prevent elder abuse or promote elder abuse reporting.
16. Public education or outreach to promote elder financial literacy and/or prevent elder financial exploitation or fraud.
17. Provide access to information about how elders can obtain legal services for protection of rights.
18. Provide information on how elders may access transport to obtain legal services, as may be needed in the PSA.
19. Provide information and referrals to shelter(s) or safe haven(s) for victims or potential victims of elder abuse.
20. Support and participate in multi-disciplinary team, or interdisciplinary team, meetings within your PSA.
Informational / Yes / No / Comments
21. Would the AAA support SUA development or assistance with development of a statewide standardized or recommended contract for provision of OAA legal services?
22. Would the AAA supportSUA development or assistance with development of a statewide standardized or recommended client satisfaction survey for legal services received?
23. What are the AAA’s top unmet needs or challenges associated with the provision of OAA legal services and elder rights protection in the PSA?
Part 2: Plans to Address Any Identified Gaps
Please identify up to 5 items from the checklist above where your AAA is either not fully meeting the standards, needs assistance to meet the standards, or needs to take further steps to reach a program goal.
Issue where AAA is not yet meeting standards, or has not been able to meet an area plan goal (#1 - 20) / Proposed plan or steps the AAA will take. / Lead orresponsible person / Goal date for completion1.
Part 3: Identification of Areas of Particular Program Success
Please identify 3 items from the checklist above where your AAA has been successful in achieving or exceeding its periodic goalswhile fully meeting the standards, and provide brief comment on whether this level of success is sustainable or can be further enhanced with current resources. Identify the main factor(s) in achieving success (e.g. negotiated contract terms, performance of legal service provider, program modification, or other specific action by management or staff)
Identify checklist item # (1 – 20). / Brief description of particular program success and sustainability / Main factor(s) leading to particular success (be brief and specific)1.
Due March 31st, 2017.Please submit only to SUA.Email@ state.or.us. Thank you!