Minutes of the Meeting of Heckington Parish Council held in the Council Chambers, St Andrews Street, Heckington on Monday 27th June 2016 commencing at 7.00pm.
Chairman - Cllr Mrs J Palmer
Councillors – Mr T Atkinson, Mrs M Collins, Mr R Doughty, Mr A Garlick, Mr M Jones, Mrs L Peto,Mr M West, Mr R Woods
Clerk – Ms J Hudson
County Councillor – None
District Councillors – Mr S Ogden, Mrs S Tarry
Police – PCSO P Welby-Everard
Members of the Public – 17
Press – Mr A Hubbert, Sleaford Standard
Guest Speaker – Mr M Grosvenor
Welcome by the Chairman
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced guest speaker Mr Melvin Grosvenor, who proceeded to outline the current situation in respect of the HeckOff Campaign against the proposed Windfarm in the area of East Heckington. He gave extracts from the report compiled by Dr Yelland and confirmed the report was being sent to DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change) to add value to the opposition to the proposal. The presentation concluded at 7.30pm and the Chairman thanked Mr Grosvenor for his time.
The chairman then proceeded to continue with agenda items.
Public Speaking Time
  1. A member of the public informed the meeting that he was no longer required to give evidence at the tribunal case of Constructive Dismissal presented against the Parish Council. He stated that he believed the details of the case to be in the public interest and that, as he was no longer a serving Councillor, he was not tied by the non-disclosure of information rules and therefore would be using social media platforms to highlight this case. Cllr Mrs L Peto took the opportunity to speak in return.
  1. A member of the public highlighted that he had seen on Social Media, a notice from the Council offering tendering bids for a piece of land near to the allotment field, but that he hadn’t seen the notices in the notice boards. Cllr Mrs L Peto confirmed that the documents were displayed in the noticeboards as well.
  1. He also asked why fuller details were not reported on the minutes each month of the actual goods provided by each supplier. The Chairman confirmed that full details of payments were covered verbally at each meeting prior to the vote for them to be approved for signing.

1. / Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman noted that PCSO Welby-Everard was in attendance at this meeting and that his agenda item would be bought forward as he was on duty. There were no objections to this.
2. / Apologies for absence received
Apologies had been received from C/Cllr Mr B Young.
3. / To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Mr A Garlick declared an interest in agenda item 10 (1) (a) – A Planning Application
6. (brought forward) / Receive a report relating to Police matters.
  1. The PCSO confirmed that arrests had been made in respect of the break-ins at the allotments last month. He reported that some of the stolen items have now been recovered and a court case is pending.
  1. He confirmed that Side Bar Lane was the worse location on his beat for traffic speeding issues, but that he was limited in respect of what further actions he can take – for example PSCO’s do not have powers to issue speeding tickets. Due to the road being a main diversionary route in case of emergency on the main A17, ‘sleeping policeman’ and other such traffic calming methods are not allowed.
  1. He reported that there have been a number of incidents of ‘cold callers’ in the Leasingham area. They are thought to be targeting vulnerable and elderly residents. PCSOWelby-Everard confirmed that vigilance is required when answering the door to unknown callers, and that if there is any doubt as to the identity of the caller, then residents should call 101 to report the incidents.

4. / Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of Heckington Parish Council held on Monday 23rd May 2016 and the Extraordinary Meeting of Heckington Parish Council held on Thursday 9th June 2016 to be approved as Minutes and signed
Annual Parish Meeting Minutes Proposed by Cllr M West, seconded by Cllr R Doughty.
Annual Meeting of HPC Minutes Proposed by Cllr R Woods, seconded by Cllr M Jones.
Extraordinary Meeting of HPC Minutes Proposed by Cllr A Garlick, seconded by Cllr M Jones.
Vote results – unanimous for all.
Resolved - that the minutes as detailed above, be a true record of the meetings.
5. / Financial Matters
  1. To approve payment of outstanding invoices
Date / Reference / Description / Amount
27th June 2016 / 003954 / C Moodie / 21.95
27th June 2016 / 003955 / PDP Printed Products / 38.30
27th June 2016 / 003956 / NIC/PAYE / 1250.64
27th June 2016 / 003957 / Donaldson’s DIY / 24.34
Proposed by Cllr T Atkinson, seconded Cllr L Peto.
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved – to approve payment of outstanding invoices
6. / Item 6 brought forward as above
7. / Receive a report from County and District Councillors
  1. D/Cllr Mr S Ogden reported that nominations for this year’s Community Champion Awards were being accepted at NKDC.
  2. He also reported that NKDC had been very busy in respect of the recent EU referendum elections that were held.
  3. D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry that Anglian Water had been given to 7th July 2016 to respond to issues raised at the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 9th March 2016.

8. / Receive a report from the Clerk
  1. The Clerk reported that the NKDC proposed Planning Application Trials as discussed at the last meeting, had not been started as yet.
  2. The HPC website appeared to be operating with no issues, having been checked following reported problemsby a resident at the last meeting.

9. / Receive reports from Councillors’ relating to their affiliation to local organisations
  1. Cllr Mr R Woods reported that a further £440,000 had been donated to the Windmill by the Heritage Lottery Fund. This was to make up for the shortfall due to inflation of the original donation.

10. / Planning Matters
(1)Applications ratified
  1. 16/0532/OUT – Erection of 50 residential dwellings with associated storm water attenuation basin and associated works. Irelands Field, Land North of Boston Road and East of Cobham Close, Heckington
  2. 16/0603/RESM – Reserved matters application for the erection of a bungalow (following outline Planning 15/1249/OUT). Land at 10 Station Road, Heckington NG34 9JJ.
  3. 16/0347/OUT – Revised application – design and heritage statement. Land at 18 St Andrews Street, Heckington.
  4. 16/0657/HOUS – Erection of 2 storey side and rear extension. 11 Council House, Old Main Road, East Heckington.
  5. Tree Works Conservation Area Application CA31-143 – reduce copper beech tree. Land at 18 St Andrews Street, Heckington.
(2)Approvals :
  1. 16/0317/FUL – Change of use of land for car sales (retrospective), extension to an existing workshop to form a new MOT bay, alterations to existing grain store, re cladding of existing cattle shed and erection of new workshop and associated works. Garwick Farm, Boston Road, Heckington NG34 9LX
  2. 16/0430/HOUS – Demolish existing flat roof rear extension and re-build adding new dormer roof to incorporate 1xdouble bedroom and en-suite. 27 Kyme Road, Heckington NG34 9RS
(3)Refusals :None
11. / To discuss memorials for Cllr A Israel and Cllr J Little
The Chairman confirmed that she had spoken with the families of Cllr Israel and Cllr Little about suitable memorials. As a result, she suggested a tree and plaque be sited for Cllr Israel and a bench be sited for Cllr Little.
Proposed by Cllr J Jones, seconded by Cllr M West.
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved – to source and site a tree and bench to act as memorials for Cllrs A Israel and J Little
12. / To discuss request to remove 18 metal posts along edge of playing field – old car park barriers
It was discussed that the metal posts were dangerous and that alternative barriers were in place already.
Proposed by Cllr L Peto, seconded Cllr A Garlick
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved – to grant permission for the removal of 18 metal posts along edge of playing field.
13. / To discuss the purchase of a new back plate for the Speed Indicator Device
Following previous meetings’ discussions about alternative positions for the SID, a number of residents had offered to finance a new back plate. The clerk confirmed the price excluding VAT for each plate was £53.00, plus a delivery charge of £25.00. It was suggested that savings could be made if more than one back plate was ordered at the same time, and it would be beneficial to have a number of different sites for the SID, especially along the Boston Road entering the village.
Proposed by Cllr R Doughty, seconded by Cllr J Jones
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved – to investigate other allowable sites for the SID prior to ordering 3 x back plates
14. / To discuss any new information regarding Dogs on Playing Fields
There was no new information available from NKDC on the banning of dogs on playing fields. It was reported that the Environment Health Officer dealing with this matter had resigned.
15. / To receive general correspondence
  1. Email of thanks from Independent Accounts Auditor – information only
  2. Email of thanks from resident – information only
  3. Email from LCC re: hedgerow replacement at Allotments following break in – information only
  4. Correspondence from LCC re: Lincolnshire Central Heating Fund – information only
  5. Correspondence from Western Power Distribution re: Wayleave application – information only
  6. Letter of complaint by member of the public re: an incident at May Meeting – public apology made – information only
  7. E-mail Campaign to Protect Rural England in Lincolnshire (CPRE) membership details and costs – information only
  8. E-mail re: Community Champion Awards –Council nominations to be discussed in closed session
  1. Letter of request to site memorial bench within cemetery grounds –
Proposed by Cllr M Jones, seconded Cllr R Doughty
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved – to grant permission to site a memorial bench within the cemetery grounds with conditions attached
  1. Letter from NKDC confirming cessation of LCC grass cutting funds from April 2017 – information only

16. / To confirm the date of the next meeting as Monday 25th July 2016.
17 / To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960
Proposed Cllr M Jones, seconded Cllr R Woods
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved – to go into closed session
Members of the Public left at 8.33pm
  1. Discussion held in respect of agenda items being listed under closed session.
  2. Suggestions for nominations for Community Champion Awards named.
No resolutions passed.
Meeting concluded at 8.45pm
Name ______
Signature ______
Date ______

27th June 20161 - 16 Initials :