Fiction Book Report NAME

This is Book Report Number (Circle one)

1 2 3 4 5 6 PeriodDate

Book Reports are due on or before(1) September 18 ,(2)October 30, (3) December 12, (4) February 19, (5) April 17, and (6) May 23.

Novels from theEnglish Three Reading List have been approved in advance, all others must be approved in advance.


AuthorCopyright year

Job one: CONVINCE MR. FOWLER THAT YOU that the book has been completely READ

This form is to be filled out (Front and Back) and attached to your book report as a cover sheet. Without this form Book Reports will be not graded! -- Label each task carefully.

Task 1.Find, identify,define and explainat least six examples from among the following literary techniques found in the book. Oneliterary technique may be used twice That means five different techniques must be identified. Forty percent

*Define the literary technique

*Provide the entire example from the text.

*Identify chapter and page number of the example.

*Provide proof in the form of an explanation that the quotation is an example of the identified literary technique. (explain what the author is doing)

Personification, Hyperbole, Flashback, Synecdoche, Foreshadowing, Irony --various kinds – (verbal, situational, cosmic, dramatic), Oxymoron, Paradox, Pun, Tone, Satire, Stereotype, Theme, Epiphany, Hubris, Juxtaposition, Subtext, Idiom, Malapropism and Understatement.

Follow instructions for task one precisely.

A sample is on Mr. Fowler’s website

Task 2.Write a coherent and unified paragraph of at least seven complete sentences (Underline the topic sentence) that tells the plot and action of this book. twenty percent


Explain the main conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist.

Tell how this main conflict is finally resolved.

Task 3.Write at least a seven sentence paragraph (Underline the topic sentence) defining one major character.twenty percent

Give details of their actions that revealed their personality and characterizations.

Provide a brief analysis of the character, what do they want? How do they accomplish their goals?

Task 4.Write at least a ten sentence paragraph (Underline the topic sentence) judging the book as a critic. Recommend the book to others by praising its virtues or warning readers to avoid the book because of its faults. Write about both plot and characters in your judgment of the book. Support opinions with specificstwenty percent

This Book Report may be done on traditional paper or as a powerpoint or media presentation with a class presentation. See Mr. Fowler for prior permission as there must be a meeting of technology. My purpose is to get students reading, enjoying reading, not to make reading a dudgery.

On the back – List All books you have received book report credit for this school year

*Both sides of this form must be completed before the work will be graded.

Book Reports completed this year –Fiction

Please provide the book title. If there is none, write in – none.

Students may not read more than two books in a series for credit during the year. Mr. Fowler wants to encourage an eclectic range of books to be read. Likewise students may not read more than two books in the science fiction or fantasy genre. Students reading books that have been made into a movie need to attentive to point out differences between the book and the movie. Make it clear that you have read the book and not merely watched the movie.

If you failed to turn in a Book Report Write NA Indicate the grade earned on the prior Book reports. Be sure to list the current book Report.

Book Report Number OneSeptember 27, 2012


Book Report Number TwoNovember 2, 2012


Book Report Number ThreeDecember 10, 2012


Book Report Number FourFebruary 12, 2013


Book Report Number FiveMarch 20, 2013


Book Report Number SixMay 28, 2013