Regions for Economic Change: “Fostering competitiveness through innovative technologies, products and healthy communities”
7/8 March January 2007,Brussels
1. Contact Details:
Gender: Title:
Family name: GUERRYFirst name: PIERRE
Institution: Pluris Consultants : executive partner / Assembly of European Regions : institutional partner
Country: France
Street: 3 Chemin du Pré Carré
City: Meylan
Post Code: 38244
Phone: 00 33 (0) 4 76 41 91 82
Fax: 00 33 (0) 4 76 41 21 85
2. Project Description
Touring Nature, the Pan-European Routes to rural ecotourism
(on the basis of the Sustainable Development European Label Village+)
2.2 3-5 keywords classifying your project:
Pan-European Routes, ecotourism, quality label, sustainable development, destinations of excellence
2.3Summary of the project (history, structure, partners)
OECD: The concept of the initiative was originally presented to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) who chose to publish it in a workshop on the specifics of rural territories.
UNESCO: The initiative was presented to UNESCO - Division of Ecological Sciences which has agreed to have its logo and 200 Man and Biosphere reserves featured alongside the 200 Regional and National Nature Parks on the European Touring Nature Map. The aim is to encourage these protected nature areas and nearby areas that are not protected to apply for the quality label and be part of the network.
UNEP: After running a “pilot site” in Italy, the method of the labelling process was presented to the Tourism Programme Coordinator of the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) who expressed a favourable opinion. In particular, it has evaluated positively : the idea of involving visitors in the control/monitoring process (“expert visitors”), the involvement of local professionals of tourism as a condition to the label awarding, and the focus on sustainable development beside tourism development.
AER (NGO): The Assembly of European Regions brings together more than 250 regions from 32 countries and is granted with the consultative status with the Council of Europe. It is the Institutional Partner of the initiative via its Committee 1 "Regional development". A partnership agreement was signed with the creative company of the Touring Nature inititiave, Pluris Consultants, which is the Executive Partner. As the Executive partner, Pluris Consultants is the consulting company which provides assistance to the territories in the labelling process. Pluris ensures also the promoting of the Village+ Label and the Routes Touring Nature. Pluris has been consultant to the OECD to propose economic opportunities favouring rural development and enhancing territorial specificities through local products and ecotourism.
2.4Description of the project objectives and the results
The Assembly of European Regions will set up between 2007 and 2013, the pan-European Routes to rural ecotourism named Touring Nature. This initiative notably meets the objectives of Agenda 21 on sustainable tourism for the 2007-2013 period. To achieving this objective, the AER launches a call to candidacy to all rural territories across Europe ( Local Action Groups, Natural Parks, Groups of villages, natural reserves, MAB, Natura 2000 areas, …) to create a long-term international cooperation which will enable rural territories to benefit from ecotourism in economic terms. With this aim, the AER is proposing:
• An educational labelling process which actively involves 100 local professionals in sustainable development actions and allows the territory to become a destination of excellence by gaining the Sustainable Development European Label Village+ awarded by the Assembly of European Regions
• A permanent evaluation tool to assess the territory's quality from the visitors’ point of view
• International actions to promote the Pan-European Routes and thus the natural and cultural heritage of the member's territories and their local professionals.
The Assembly of European Regions labelled the first territory. It is the Lake Tisza in Hungary (4 counties, 73 villages, 2200 km2, 149 local professionals committed to the Village+ label). It is the location of the Hortobagy National Park, a Man and Biosphere Reserve, a Natura 2000 area, a World Heritage site and Ramsar convention.
To become member, you can download the presentation brochure of Touring Nature, the "Pan-European Routes to rural ecotourism" and the application form : consult the website of the AER : Heading "Tourism" or direct path :
Website promoting the Pan-European Routes: Heading "Routes" (under construction)
More information :
2.5Transferability– success factors – lessons learned
This method for economic diversification to rural areas is acknowledged by the OECD, UNESCO and UNEP. It meets the objectives of Agenda 21 on sustainable tourism for the 2007-2013 period. For one year, the pratical experience on the Council of Lake Tisza – Hungary- shows that the Village+ Label is a time-tested process. 149 local professionals committed, as individuals, to carry out sustainable development actions. After one year, 29 new professionals join the process.
2.6Other comments: (i.e. relevance of cross cutting themes such as gender equality, non discrimination, sustainability and demography)
3. Funding sources: (Please indicated which funding was used, name of the programme)
3.1Total cost:
3.2EU contribution:
3.3EU Programme:
3.4Other funding sources: