DUS AwardsApplication Procedures

The winners of this year's awards will be selected based on the following application materials:

  1. Please provide concise but thoughtful and comprehensive statements addressing the three questions below. Each statement may not be longer than 500 words.
  1. What do you consider the most valuable aspect of being enrolled in the Division of Undergraduate Studies? Why?
  2. Provide a brief summary of the significant co-curricular activities (e.g., clubs, athletics, internships, part-time jobs, volunteering, etc.) you have been involved in for the past two years and explain how they have impacted your experience as an undergraduate student. Feel free to discuss positive aspects of these experiences as well as any related challenges.
  3. Tell us about an experience you had as a Penn State student (it could be a course, an interaction with an instructor, a reading, or an out-of-class experience) where you encountered views and cultural values different from your own. Explain how the experience impacted you.
  1. Academic record

We will print your transcript and current semester schedule for review.

Applications are reviewed anonymously; please do not include your name or any other identifying information in your submissions.Submit your applicationas a Word documentto Emily Herr byFriday,March 17, 2017.Submissions must be received from your Penn State email account. No late applications will be accepted. You must also complete the permission form below (signature in ink, not typewritten) and submit it with your application via email, by fax to (814) 863-8913, or by mail to Emily Herr, DUS Awards, 104 Grange Building, University Park, PA 16802.


Division of Undergraduate Studies Awards

Permission Form for Applicant

Please complete this form and return it with your application.The members of the awards selection committee will not see your completed form; it will not affect your eligibility for the awards.

Name (please print)
PSU ID Number

The Pennsylvania State University and the Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)have ____ do not have ____ (check one) my permission to quote portions of the statements I am submitting for the Division of Undergraduate Studies Awards to publicize the University and DUS.I understand that my statements may be quoted in various media, including hard-copy publications, video, and websites, in perpetuity worldwide.

Applicant’s signature