[From a Mason’s Wife]

Dear [first name]:

Congratulations on your husband being elected to receive the degrees in the Masonic organization! You can be very proud of him for making the decision to join an organization that emphasizes good character and high moral standards, an organization that believes in the strength of marriage and family.

Your support and encouragement of your husband’s efforts as he learns about the organization is very important. As your husband grows in his knowledge of Freemasonry you will see his personal growth in character and high ideals that are the center of Freemasonry. He will share in the common goals of philanthropy, community service, and leadership that Masons are dedicated to as they help those less fortunate and work to make the world a better place. The men of this lodge will become his spiritual brothers working together to be an integral part of your community. What they accomplish together touches the lives of countless people—from young students seeking a college education to older adults in need of medical care.

Freemasonry encourages good men to become better men through continuous self-improvement and reflection. Your husband’s commitment to the Masonic principles will help him to become a more compassionate citizen, husband and family member. Freemasonry opens the door to new people, new experiences and opportunities, and can assist both of you to build a stronger relationship and family culture of your own.

As you become more acquainted with the Masons and what they stand for, you will discover how truly special this organization is. I am proud of my husband’s affiliation with the Masons, and I am sure that both you and your husband will also find the experience to be rewarding and fulfilling.

I would like to personally welcome you to the exciting world of Freemasonry. I look forward to meeting you in the near future as we both support our Masons.


[Mason’s wife]

Revised 02/12/2016