Tel: +33 (0) 4 68 45 72 67 or +33 (0) 6 27 10 40 60
Website / 4 avenue de l’amiral Narbonne,

Arrival date…………………………… Departure date………………………….………

Expected time of arrival (4pm or later)…………….. Time of departure: 10.00 am.

Linen is provided - including towels (but not beach towels), duvets, sheets and pillows.

I, ...... wish to book the property at 4 avenue de l’amiral Narbonne, 11120 Bize Minervois, France from and to the above dates.

Your details:


Terms and conditions:

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions (see below). I agree to pay the deposit immediately to secure the booking, and to pay the balance of the rental a minimum of four weeks prior to commencement of the rental period.

Signed ...... Date: …………………………………………………….

Persons who will be staying in the house:












Please complete, sign and post to:

Debra Westerberg,

4 avenue de l’amiral Narbonne,

11120 Bize-Minervois,


(Alternatively, you can print this form, sign and scan, and email back to me)

Terms & Conditions

The agreement covers the rental of a fully equipped house, by the owner to "the Client".

1. The confirmation of the received deposit is the formal acceptance of the booking. This deposit is non-refundable. The balance is due, at the latest, four weeks before the start of the rental period and in the case of cancellations after this date the balance (less expenses and losses) will be refunded if the property is re-let. I shall try my utmost to do this. If the balance is not received as stated the owner reserves the right to cancel the reservation in writing.

2. A security deposit of 200 Euros is required in case of, for example, damage to the property or its contents. Its sum is not the limit of the clients' liability to the owner. It is payable on arrival. It is returned, all being well, at departure.

3. All rentals commence at 4:00 pm. and finish at 10:00 am.

4. The maximum number of guests to reside on the property must not exceed that stated unless the owner has given written permission.

5. The property should be left thoroughly cleaned and as found. The owner reserves the right to take the cost of cleaning from the security deposit if cleaning is not done prior to departure.

6. The client must report to the owner without delay any defects in the property or breakdown in the equipment, services or appliances in the property. Arrangements for repair and/or replacement will be made as rapidly as possible.

7. The owner shall not be liable to the client for the following:

·  Any temporary defect or stoppage in the supply of public services to the property, nor in respect of any equipment, machinery or service in the property.

·  Any loss or inconvenience caused to, or suffered by the client due to the seasonal unavailability of public services to the property or the surrounding area.

·  Any loss, damage or inconvenience caused to or suffered by the client if the property is destroyed or substantially damaged before the start of the rental period and in any event, the owner shall, within seven days of notification to the client, refund all sums previously paid for the rental.

·  Any loss, damage or injury suffered by the client, their party, their vehicles or personal possessions whilst on the property.

8. During June, July and August the rental includes electricity. At other times electricity consumption will be charged at cost.

9. The client is strongly recommended to arrange a comprehensive travel insurance policy (including cancellation cover) and to have full cover for the party's personal belongings, public liability, accident etc., since these are not covered by the owner's insurance.

10. Sorry, pets are not allowed, nor smoking inside the house.