• Location: Silverwater
  • Part time, Term Appointment

The Honourable David Elliott, MP, Minister for Corrections, invites expressions of interest from qualified persons for appointment as Chairperson of the Serious Offenders Review Council (part time) for a three year term that may be renewed.

The Serious Offenders Review Council (the Council) is an independent statutory authority constituted under section 195 of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999. The Council’s principal function is to provide advice and make recommendations to the Commissioner Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) with respect to those inmates deemed serious offenders and high security inmates. The Council also performs functions in relation to the management of public interest inmates and escapees.

The Minister is seeking to appoint a candidate who preferably:

•Has extensive judicial experience

•Exemplary communication and interpersonal skills to lead and communicate with a range of stakeholders including members of the Council, Ministers of Parliament and public service agencies.

•Displays the highest standards of judgement and integrity

•Has proven ability to provide leadership of a small, multi-disciplinary body.

Eligibility Requirements:

As outlined in the Act interested persons must be either a sitting or retired judge of a NSW court or the Federal Court; a sitting or retired magistrate, or a person qualified to be appointed as a judge of a NSW court.

Enquiries: In the first instance, enquiries can be directed on a confidential basis to Ms Alyson McDade, Executive Officer & Registrar, Serious Offenders Review Council, telephone (02) 9289 5060 or via email at

How To Apply: Expressions of interest should be made by submitting a cover letter addressing the advertisement and eligibility requirements and a current curriculum vitae with the names of at least two referees.

Expressions of interest should be marked confidential, to the attention of the Executive Officer & Registrar, Serious Offenders Review Council, and emailed to .

Expressions of Interest close:28 July 2017 (midnight)


Term of Appointment

The appointment will be for up to three years from the date of appointment and may be renewed.

The Chairperson can expect to work up to 3 days per week.


Remuneration is equivalent to the daily rate paid for an Acting Judge of the NSW District Court as determined by the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal.

The Chairperson is paid a daily allowance for each meeting and Assessment Committee date, along with a reading day for each. The Chairperson is also paid a monthly retainer for additional duties required of the role.

Travel and subsistence costs directly related to the work of the Council are paid in alignment with Crown Employees Award.

Location of Meetings

The Council meetings are held at Newington House which is located within the grounds of Silverwater Correctional Complex. Assessment Committees of the Council, comprising of members of the Council, also attend NSW correctional centres to interview offenders.

Time Commitment

Meetings and Assessment Committee visits to Correctional Centres are held during business hours. Travel to some regional correctional centres may be required. The Chairperson can expect to work approximately 2-3 days per week.

How your application is handled

  • A selection panel, approved by the Minister for Corrections, will review the applications, determine a shortlist of candidates and conduct interviews, if deemed necessary.
  • The selection panel will then prepare a report with their recommendation for appointment for the Minister’s consideration.
  • The appointment will be made by the Governor of NSW on advice from the Minister of Corrections and endorsement by the Cabinet.