North American Energy Standards Board

1301 Fannin, Suite 2350, Houston, Texas 77002

Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail:

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TO: NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Members and Interested Industry Participants

FROM: Laura B. Kennedy, Meeting/Project Manager

RE: WEQ Request for Comments

DATE: July 10, 2006

An industry comment period begins today, July 10, 2006 and ends on August 9, 2006 for one WEQ recommendation that is posted on the NAESB web site:

2nd Revised Recommendation R04006D – OASIS 1A Enhancements - Sale or Assignment of Transmission Service – The 2nd Revised Recommendation is posted in clean and redline format on the NAESB website:

Clean Version:;

Redline Version[1]:

Please note that this recommendation has been posted for comment and considered by the WEQ Executive Committee on two previous occasions. The recommendation has been remanded to the ESS/ITS by the WEQ Executive Committee on two occasions – November 29, 2005 and May 9, 2006 (You can access the minutes of the WEQ Executive Committee meetings referenced above on the WEQ Executive Committee page:

On May 9, 2006, the WEQ Executive Committee requested that the ESS/ITS review comments submitted by Entergy (the comments submitted by Entergy are posted on the NAESB Request Page: The ESS/ITS reviewed Entergy’s comments and revised the recommendation based on the comments and discussion. The ESS/ITS also drafted a Response To Comments Document (posted on the NAESB Request Page as an attachment to the Recommendation: that includes a response to each comment from Entergy. The ESS/ITS drafted the document as a reference for the WEQ Executive Committee and other interested parties to see how the ESS/ITS responded to the comments.

All interested parties, regardless of membership status within NAESB are eligible to submit comments for consideration. The WEQ Executive Committee will review this recommendation and consider it for vote as a NAESB WEQ standard at its meeting on August 15, 2006 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The WEQ EC will also review all submitted comments.

All comments received by the NAESB office by end of business on August 9 will be posted on the Home Page ( and forwarded to the WEQ EC members for their consideration. If you have difficulty downloading the recommendations and attachments, please call the NAESB office at (713) 356-0060.

Best Regards,

Laura B. Kennedy

cc: Rae McQuade, President

NAESB Wholesale Electric Quadrant Members as of July 10, 2006

Segment / Sub-segment / Organization / Contact /
m / muni / ACES Power Marketing LLC / Roy J. True
d / muni / Alabama Electric Cooperative, Inc. / William Ronald Graham
m / iou / Ameren Services / Shawn Schukar
m / iou / American Electric Power Service Corp. / Barbara Radous
Joseph Hartsoe
Phil Cox
t / iou / American Electric Power Service Corp. / John Stough
Michael Desselle
d / muni / American Municipal Power - Ohio, Inc. / Pat Frazier
Chris Norton
d / muni / American Public Power Association / Allen Mosher
t / itc / American Transmission Company LLC / Julie Voeck
g / iou / Aquila, Inc. / Tom Saitta
t / iou / Arizona Public Service Company / Mark W. Hackney
g / muni / Basin Electric Power Cooperative / Jason Doerr
m / nd / Basin Electric Power Cooperative / David Raatz
t / muni / Basin Electric Power Cooperative / Dan Klempel
d / other / Bonneville Power Administration / Sydney D. Berwager
g / fed / Bonneville Power Administration / Francis Halpin
m / fed / Bonneville Power Administration / Brenda Anderson
t / fed / Bonneville Power Administration / Barbara Rehman
e / lind / BP America Inc. / Jeanne Zaiontz
d / muni / Central Electric Power Cooperative / Arthur Fusco
e / sgen / ChevronTexaco Energy Research and Technology / Carol Guthrie
t / iou / Cleco Power, LLC / Keith Comeaux
e / enduse / Comprehensive Energy Services / Jim Templeton
g / merc / Conectiv Energy Supply, Inc. / Gloria Ogenyi
Paul Dwyer
m / iou / Conectiv Energy Supply, Inc. / Gloria Ogenyi
Paul Dwyer
t / iou / Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. / Scott Butler
g / merc / Constellation Generation Group / Michael Gildea
d / iou / Consumers Energy Company / Andrew C. Dotterweich
Frank Johnson
g / iou / Consumers Energy Company / Steven L. Gaarde
Andrew C. Dotterweich
John J. Dellas
t / muni / Dairyland Power Cooperative / Chuck Callies
g / fed / Department of the Interior, US Bureau of Reclamation / Deborah M. Linke
g / iou / Dominion Energy Marketing, Inc. / Louis Oberski
g / iou / Duke Energy Americas, LLC (DEA) / Walt Yeager
m / iou / Duke Energy Americas, LLC (DEA) / Walt Yeager
d / iou / Duke Energy Corp. / Ollie Frazier
g / merc / Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc. / Barry Huddleston
n / n / Edison Electric Institute / David Owens
Dave Dworzak
g / m / Edison Mission Marketing & Trading, Inc. / William Roberts
n / n / Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) / Sam R. Jones
Ray Giuliani
g / muni / ElectriCities of North Carolina
(North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency) / Gregory Locke
e / lind / Electricity Consumers Resource Council (ELCON) / John Anderson
John Hughes
t / iou / Empire District Electric Company, The / Bary K. Warren
t / iou / Energy East Management Corporation / Marjorie Perlman
t / iou / Entergy Services, Inc. / Edward J. Davis
Narinder Saini
d / iou / Exelon Corporation - PECO Energy / John McCawley
m / iou / Exelon Generation - Power Team / Jack Crowley
e / sgen / ExxonMobil Gas Marketing / Steve Sayuk
Mark Scheel
Mark Ulrich
m / iou / FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. / Edward C. Stein
d / muni / Florida Municipal Power Agency / Steven H. McElhaney
g / muni / Florida Municipal Power Agency / Robert C. Williams
m / iou / Florida Power & Light Company / Gerry Yupp
Raleigh Nobles
t / iou / Florida Power & Light Company / Marty Mennes
t / at large / Florida Reliability Coordinating Council / Linda D. Campbell
t / muni / Georgia Transmission Corporation / Patrick McGovern
Mark Temple
t / itc / Hydro One Networks / Mark Graham
t / fed / Hydro - Quebec Transenergie / Victor Bissonnette
t / iou / Idaho Power Company / Tessia Park
m / muni / Imperial Irrigation District / Kim M. Kiener
Frank M. Barbera
t / muni / Imperial Irrigation District / Juan Carlos Sandoval
Javier Esparza
g / muni / Indiana Muncipal Power Agency / Dick Foltz
t / itc / ITC Transmission / Jim D. Cyrulewski
e / comres / Maryland People's Counsel / Mike Tomczak
t / itc / Michigan Electric Transmission Company LLC / Charles V. Waits
d / muni / Michigan Public Power Agency / James R. Nickel
Daniel E. Cooper
n / n / Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator / William (Bill) Phillips
e / enduse / Minneapolis Consulting Group / Mike Prickett
d / muni / Missouri River Energy Services / Brian Zavesky
t / muni / Modesto Irrigation District / Roger Van Hoy
e / reg / National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners / Lou Ann Westerfield
t / itc / National Grid USA / Herbert Schrayshuen
Peter Flynn
Mary Ellen Paravalos
d / muni/coop / National Rural Electric Cooperative Assoc. / Barry Lawson
m / at large / Navigant Consulting, Inc. / Richard G. Smead
e / reg / New York State Dept. of Public Service / William Heinrich
d / at large / New York State Reliability Council / P. Donald Raymond
d / at large / North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) / Donald M. Benjamin
Larry Kezele
Tom Vandervort
Bill Blevins
d / muni / North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation / David Beam
d / muni / North Carolina Electric Municipal Power Agency #1 / Andrew Fusco
m / muni / North Carolina Electric Municipal Power Agency #1 / Clay A. Norris
t / iou / Northeast Utilities Service Company / David Boguslawski
Calvin A. Bowie
e / comres / Ohio Consumers Council / Randy Corbin
g / merc / Ontario Power Generation / Barry Green
m / niou / Ontario Power Generation / Renzo Marcuzzi
e / at large / Open Access Technology International, Inc. / Kevin Burns
t / at large / Open Access Technology International, Inc. / Paul R. Sorenson
t / iou / Otter Tail Power Company / Daryl Hanson
Larry Larson
g / iou / PacifiCorp / Greg Maxfield
m / iou / PacifiCorp / Edison G. Elizeh
t / iou / PacifiCorp / Jim Hicks
Mark Maher
t / iou / PHI Power Delivery / Ken Gates
t / muni / Platte River Power Authority / Terry L. Baker
m / iou / Portland General Electric / Terri Peschka
m / fed / Powerex Corp. / Michael L. McWilliams
t / iou / PPL Electric Utilities Corporation / Ray Mammarella
t / iou / Progress Energy / Verne Ingersoll
Phillip W. Lewis
m / iou / Progress Energy (Regulated) / James Eckelkamp
m / iou / PSEG Energy Resources and Trade LLC / James D. Hebson
g / merc / PSEG Power LLC / Thomas M. Piascik
d / iou / Public Service Electric and Gas Company / Colin J. Loxley
t / iou / Public Service Electric and Gas Company / Jeffrey C. Mueller
t / niou / Puget Sound Energy, Inc. / George Marshall
Bob Harshbarger
g / at large / Qualedi, Inc / Stephen A. Morocco
d / muni / Sacramento Municipal Utility District / Robert D. Schwermann
g / muni / Sacramento Municipal Utility District / Thomas Ingwers
d / other / Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District / Wendy Weathers
Mark B. Bonsall
t / fed / Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District / Steve Cobb
m / muni / Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. / Lane Mahaffey
t / iou / South Carolina Electric & Gas Company / S. Porcher Stoney
g / fed / Southeastern Power Administration / Bob Goss
t / iou / Southern California Edison / Weston Williams
g / iou / Southern California Edison Company / Thomas Watson
d / iou / Southern Company Services, Inc. / Gary Rozier
Mark Crosswhite
Greg Butrus
g / iou / Southern Company Services, Inc. / John Ciza
m / iou / Southern Company Services, Inc. / Joel Dison
t / iou / Southern Company Services, Inc. / R.D. (Dean) Ulch
John Lucas
James Y. Busbin
Rebecca Martin
n / n / Southwest Power Pool / Carl Monroe
t / muni / Southwest Transmission Cooperative, Inc. / Larry D. Huff
t / fed / Southwestern Power Administration / Stanley L. Mason
m / niou / SUEZ Energy Marketing NA, Inc. / Ken Lackey
Cesar Seymour
t / muni / Sunflower Electric Power Corporation / L. Earl Watkins
g / merc / Tenaska, Inc. / Scott Helyer
d / other / Tennessee Valley Authority / Cindy Herron
CH Asst. (Dawn Arnorld)
g / fed / Tennessee Valley Authority / Kathy York
m / fed / Tennessee Valley Authority / Clyde Harmon
t / fed / Tennessee Valley Authority / Mitchell Needham
W. Terry Boston
t / itc / TRANS-ELECT, INC. / Paul D. McCoy
t / muni / Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. / Bruce Sembrick
t / iou / TXU Electric Delivery / Ellis Rankin
Debbie McKeever
m / niou / TXU Energy / Elizabeth Howland
Mike Grim
m / niou / UBS Energy LLC / Suzanne Calcagno
g / muni / Vermont Public Power Supply Authority / William J. Gallagher
d / iou / We Energies (Wisconsin Electric) / Linda Horn
g / iou / We Energies (Wisconsin Electric) / James R. Keller
m / fed / Western Area Power Administration / Jeffrey Ackerman
t / fed / Western Area Power Administration / Mark Fidrych
t / at large / Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) / Michael Wells
Louise McCarren
g / at large / Williams Power Company / Ron Mucci
d / muni / Wisconsin Public Power Inc. / Mike Stuart
g / iou / Wisconsin Public Service Corporation / William Bourbonnais
Charles W. Severance
Neal Balu
m / iou / Xcel Energy Inc. / David Lemmons
m / muni / ACES Power Marketing LLC / Roy J. True
d / muni / Alabama Electric Cooperative, Inc. / William Ronald Graham
m / iou / Ameren Services / Shawn Schukar
m / iou / American Electric Power Service Corp. / Barbara Radous
Joseph Hartsoe
Phil Cox
t / iou / American Electric Power Service Corp. / John Stough
Michael Desselle
d / muni / American Municipal Power - Ohio, Inc. / Pat Frazier
Chris Norton

[1] Please note that the “redlines” in this recommendation are redlines to note the changes made to the recommendation that was posted for comment on May 1, 2006 and remanded to the ESS/ITS by the WEQ Executive Committee on May 9, 2006.