Woodseats Medical Centre

Patient Leaflet


We offer a full range of contraceptive services including:

·  Emergency Contraception (The morning after pill)

·  The combined oral contraceptive pill ( "The Pill")

·  The Progestogen only pill (the Mini pill)

·  Depo injection (the injectable contraceptive)

·  IUD (copper coils) can be fitted here

·  IUS (Mirena or Jaydess (hormone containing coils)

·  Contraceptive implant

Referral can be arranged for:

·  Female Sterilisation

·  Vasectomy (male sterilisation).

If you require any more information on contraception, sexual health, or abortion follow this link to the Family Planning Association website www.fpa.org.uk

How do I get contraception?

If you wish to start a new contraception for the first time please ring triage (between 08.30 and 09.30 Mon-Fri) to discuss this with a GP or speak to the Practice Nurse.

If you need emergency contraception please contact us as soon as possible. It is important that if you take the morning after pill you take it within 72 hours of intercourse, preferably 24 hours. If you require this please tell the reception team so that they can arrange for you to see a nurse or for a doctor to contact you as soon as possible.

How do I get a repeat prescription of my contraception?

If you are established on contraception, either on any form of the pill or the injection, then you can arrange a pill check or an injection with one of the practice nurses. For most people on oral contraception we will need to see you once a year for your pill check. You will need to book a nurse appointment for your annual pill check.

What do I do if I want a coil fitting?

If you would like a coil fitting please call the surgery between 08.30 and 09.30 to speak a Doctor who can arrange your appointment.

The pros and cons of coils will be explained to you.

You may be required to have swabs taken to make sure there is no infection present (this is a bit like having a smear).

The appointment to have a coil fitted will be 30-minutes with a GP and a health care assistant.