12th June 2017

Dear Parents,

Our topic for this half term is ‘Undersea Worlds’. To enhance the topic, we would like to take the children on a visit to Sealife Centre Weymouth on Monday 26th June. During the trip we will have the opportunity to see wide a range of sea creatures, listen to talks about the animals, watch animal feeding times and have hands-on experiences with rock pool creatures.

As an extra special addition to our trip, we are planning to take the children on the train, departing from Wool station at 9.15 a.m. and returning from Weymouth station at 3.20 p.m., which arrives in Wool at 3.45 p.m. We would therefore ask that your child be dropped off at the station at 9 a.m., and collected from there at 3.45p.m. Please come in and see any member of staff if you have any problems with this arrangement.

Children willneed to wear schooluniform for ease of identification; but please ensure that they are dressed to suit the weather and that they have both a sunhat and a raincoat in a small rucksack. As you are aware, regrettably, we are unable to apply suncream to the children and so it may be wise to apply cream to your child in the morning and send some with your child which they will need to apply themselves. We will, of course supervise!

Children will also need a packed lunch; which should also put into their rucksacks. If you have already booked a hot school meal for that day a picnic lunch will be provided – you may wish to put in a few additions, as those provided can sometimes be a little basic. Children will not require any spending money; they will be treated to an ice-cream or ice-lolly during the day. Please ensure your child has sufficient water for a whole day out.

The school will subsidise the trip but we would ask for a voluntary donation of £10 per child to cover the remaining costs.

We will need 3 additional adult helpers for the trip. Please sign and return the permission below to enable your child to come on the trip with us and also let us know whether you will be able to help on the day.

Thank you for your support – if you have any further queries, then please do not hesitate to call in and see me.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Rachael Brown

Early Years Leader

I give permission for my child ……………………………………..…………………….. to attend the Weymouth Sealife Centre on Monday 26thJune 2017.

I confirm that I will drop my child at Wool station at 9 a.m. on the morning and collect from Wool station at 3.45 p.m.

I have enclosed my voluntary contribution of £10.

I can/cannot* help on the day.

My child will be collected at the end of the day by......

My contact number on the day will be …………………………………………………….……………………………….…

Signed …………………………………………..………………..………………….. Date ………………………………….………..

* Please delete as appropriate