Written Communications II
ENG 102
Spring 2010
Instructor: Mike Foxe-mail:
Office: SS 113Office Hours: M-F 8:00 – 5:00
Office Secretary: Julie DavisOffice Phone: 428-8590
Instructor Web Site:
Keep This Packet and Refer to It!
Course Objective
The purpose of English 102 is to improve reading, writing and critical thinking skills. This builds on the foundation laid in English 101, including discovering, developing, organizing, communicating, and revising ideas.
Booth, A., Hunter, J. P., & Mays, K. The Norton Introduction to Literature, Ninth Edition. Norton, 2006.
Ruszkiewicz, John, et. al. SF Writer, Fourth Edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008.
Student Assignments
Late Assignments
All assignments should be turned in on time. The MAXIMUM grade you can receive on a late assignment is ½ of the total grade.
Neatness of Assignments
All written assignments must be typed. I will not accept handwritten assignments. If you turn in a handwritten assignment I will not grade it and it will be considered late.
Attendance at all class sessions is critical to gain mastery of the subject. As the instructor, I reserve the right to drop any student who misses more than six classes during the semester or more than three classes in a row.
There are 1000points possible in this course. Letter grades are earned according to the traditional system (90% = A, 80% = B, 70% = C, 60% = D, and 50% and lower = F).
Item / Points / Percent of GradeQuizzes / 100 / 10%
In-class exercises / 50 / 5%
Research Paper Preparation / 100 / 10%
Research Paper Final Draft / 200 / 20%
Midterm Exam / 50 / 5%
Writing Portfolio (Fiction Essay, Fiction Writing, Poetry Essay, Poetry Writing, Drama Essay, Drama Writing) / 400 / 40%
Final Exam / 100 / 10%
Total for course / 1000 / 100.00%