Minutes of the Kilfinan Community Forest Company Board of Directors,

Tighnabruaich at Burnside at 7.30pm on Monday 13th December 2010


Vanessa Barlow

David Blair

Rob Blair

Iain Gamage

Andrew Graham-Weall

Michaela Hunter

Stuart Jack

Kristin Leicht

Sara Maclean

Roger Smith


Penny Graham-Weall.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting on 15th November 2010 were proposed as correct by Vanessa Barlow and seconded by Roger Smith. The minutes of a previous meeting on 4th November 2010 in Royal Hotel were proposed as correct by Vanessa Barlow and seconded by Ian Gamage.

  1. Treasurers Report

A brief report was presented by Roger Smith on the balances of the charity’s two accounts. The Royal Bank of Scotland shows a positive balance of £12,742.97 which comprises of FOT team wages and holds a reserve of £8021 of core funds. The Cooperative Account shows a positive balance of £23,459.70. A more detailed report will be available at the next meeting.

  1. Operational issues

Site Preparation SubGroup Report

A report had been previously circulated around the Board with a range of proposals to be put to the board regarding the next 3 months of CCF funding and works required in the site development.

Proposal 1:

An extention of 4 weeks to the FOT team’s contracts for two employees which would continue their employment from 25th February to end March to enable completion of the key CCF work.


Proposal 2:

Meeting Hut specification amended due to timescales to build in timber. Purchase of a lockable portacabin and store with open space to be roofed and decked at a later date.


Proposal 3:

Deferment of the machinery/compost shed, however Sara has spec’ed out a steel frame structure with posts, full specifications for planning and plans available at 12m x 9m at £5204 excluding VAT. Sara suggested we acquire this sooner due to increase in VAT rate in the New Year.


Proposal 4:

To procure an office unit (circa £3,000+VAT) to install in the forest site for staff due to imminent end in lease from NHS Highland. Board to release £3750 budget for this.


Iain Gamage asked if we have created a Register of Assets yet. Roger volunteered to compile one.

4.The Way Forward

Roger Smith outlined that a clear focus was required for our future activities and suggested the following sub-groups.

FOT / Site Development Sub Group

Renewable Energy Development Sub Group

Future Funding Sub Group

As the development of income from renewables has now been established as being 2-3 years away from fruition the group now need to focus on accessing grant or public funding for the next 2 years. In particular the Board need to look at immediate funding from end March onwards.

Roger suggested that an organisational framework be set out which includes each group’s Roles, Responsibilities, Tasks, Authority and suggested reporting mechanisms. Iain Gamage commented that receiving papers in advance greatly helped progressing the Board Meetings.

Michaela asked Roger to ensure that it was made clear that any board member with issues which affect their ability to deliver tasks to discuss this at an early stage with other group members. Kristin asked whether non-Board members could be involved in the sub-groups. This was agreed and will be necessary in some instances. The board then discussed the sub-groups and it was agreed that a Marketing & Publicity Sub Group would be beneficial.

Sub Group / Lead / Deputy / Other Members
FOT / Site Development Sub Group / Stuart Jack / Sara MacLean / David Blair
Vanessa Barlow
Renewable Energy Development Sub Group / Iain Gamage / Kristin Leicht / Rob Blair
Robert Borruso
Roger Smith
Future Funding Sub Group / Michaela Hunter / David Blair / Penny?
Sara (CCF)
Marketing & Publicity Sub Group / Andrew Graham-Weall / Jean?

Each group will identify key activities to be delivered and discuss this at the next board meeting. We need to look at opportunities over the next 2 – 3 years timeframe. Board meetings will be held monthly with advance reports being received one week in advance. Roger confirmed that Sara has full control of the CCF project budget which is approved to be spent to end March 2011. Any Subgroup proposals will require to be costed and approved by the Board.

5.Future Board Meetings

Roger suggested that the Board meet on the 2nd Monday of the month in future to ensure these are set in our diaries in 2011.

Mon 10th Jan, Mon 14th Feb, Mon 14th Mar, Mon 11 April, Mon 9th May, Mon 13th June,

Mon 11 July, Mon 8th Aug, Mon 12th September , Mon 10th Oct, Mon 14th Nov, Mon 12th Dec.

Sara stressed to the Board that the CCF applications will open early in the New Year and we had to work fast to identify activities for the next CCF phase to be able to submit a proposal.

6.Any Other Competent Business

FOT team

Stuart Jack proposed that the FOT team require some supervision in the building of the raised beds in the polytunnel. Costs would be £12 per hour for 2 – 3 days per week for 2 weeks.

Agreed. Stuart had spoken to FOT re Xmas celebration and Thursday 16th Dec for a night out. Michaela will arrange with Sean.

Xmas Trees

Andrew Graham-Weall will arrange the transport of the two Xmas trees for the community.

Community Energy Scotland

Iain Gamage updated the Board regarding his meeting with Felix White of Community Energy Scotland. Funding for a small scoping feasibility study is available to do an outline grid-study which will explore whether the grid can take any renewable energy developments. Felix will help us develop and prepare a brief. CES recommended we look at Investing in Ideas or loan capital and we need to start the community consultations now.


Michaela asked whether the board had decided on selling logs to the community. The board agreed that the split logs were not dry enough and we should send a letter to all who have enquired about woodfuel.

Rhodie Contracts

David updated the group on progress of applying for rhodie contracts. Dan has calculated that £60,000 would be payable in year 1 which means 8.5 months full time work for 3 people or 13 months for 2 people. This is 100% funded but requires at least 3 months cashflow costs in advance.

David also requested that the Board consider the purchase of a licensed copy of Mapmaker which will be essential for any land management contracts and any renewable energy scoping documentation.


  1. Meetings Actions

ACTION / By whom / By when / Complete?
Ask Geoff for quote for front office signage / David Blair
Discuss Kings Court involvement with Ken there. / Vanessa / Yes
Draft a detailed technical specification for the access route from the school / Roger Smith / To be done w/e 19 Nov
Volunteer booklet / Roger + Ian / ASAP / Information Recd. RS to complete
Source containers / Sara / ASAP
Create Register of Assets / Roger
Set out framework, roles, resp etc / Roger
Arrange Xmas night out for FOT / Michaela/Sean
Arrange transportation for Xmas trees & digging / Andrew
Handover FOT workplans to SubGroup / Stuart/Sara
Send letter to woodfuel enquiries re logs / Jean / Before Xmas
Purchase mapmaker / David