Academic Math 3

Fall Semester 2015

“There are two things in life you can control – attitude and effort.”

Instructor Information

Tim Byrum

Email address:

Availability for extra help during SMART lunch is posted on the board.

Course Overview

Academic Math 3is a college preparatory course that will be completed in one semester rather than in a year- long setting.The pace of this class will be rapid! The most successful students are those who take responsibility for their own progress. You are expected to complete your homework, be prepared for class, take good notes, and work with a study partner.

Keys to success:

  1. Complete assignments daily.
  2. Take clear and concise notes.
  3. Study daily.
  4. Ask questions to clarify difficulties.
  5. Maintain consistent attendance.

Necessary supplies:

  1. 3 ring binder notebook with dividers.
  2. Loose leaf notebook paper (College Rule) and a composition notebook.
  3. Pencils
  4. Graphing Calculator (TI-84) (not required but strongly recommended).
  5. Earbuds to listen to videos on the computer.

Classroom Expectations:

  1. Be polite. Respect others, their property and space.
  2. Come to class on time and prepared.
  3. Do not speak when Mr. Byrum or a classmate is speaking.
  4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on to speak.
  5. Pay attention, follow directions, participate, and ask questions.
  6. Take responsibility for your work, including make-up work.
  7. Remain in your seat until dismissed
  8. Cell phones and electronic devices turned off and out of sight.
  9. No food or drink in class, however bottled water will be okay.


  1. Visual/Verbal Warning
  2. Teacher- student conference
  3. ASD/ Parent Notification
  4. Office Referral
  5. All school rules/ consequences will apply

I reserve the right to skip one or more of the above steps depending upon the severity of the situation.

Classroom Procedures:

Upon entering the classroom, check the board to find out what you should be doing. I should not have to remind you to be quiet and to get to work at the beginning of the class period. Please place book bagsunderneath your desk, not beside the desk. Have required materials on your desk and be ready to work for the entire period. Remember all math work must be completed in pencil or else a zero will be recorded. Do not work on any other subject during math class. No hall passes will be issued during the first 15 minutes of class. Also, please ask at the appropriate time to use the bathroom. This means not during a lesson or activity.

Computers are an educational tool and are the school’s property. When we use them in class, I will let you know. Otherwise, they need to be closed and put away. When we are using the computer and you are asked to restart it, please do so or there will be consequences.

Attendance/Make-up Work:

Please read carefully the section in your student handbook on attendance. Remember:

  1. For field trips, be sure to ask for assignments ahead of time or the next day of class.
  2. It is your responsibility to get all work missed due to an absence. All class assignments can be found on Edmodo once it is operational.
  3. If you are absent only the day of a test, you will take it the day you return to class.
  4. If you are absent the day of a review, you will take the test as scheduled.

Field Trips:

If you are in a class that is going on a field trip you must hand me the permission slip as soon as possible. For me to give permission you must have an 80 class average and less than 6 absences in my class. No exceptions will be made.


50% Tests and Projects: Tests will cover unit material and review material. Tests will always be announced ahead of time. Projects will count as one test grade.

35% Quizzes: Your performance on quizzes shows me if you have mastered a concept before a big test.

15% Classwork, Homework , and class participation: Class participation and class work are the keys to your success in my class. Assignments will be given to practice a certain skill. In math you will succeed if you practice and understand the skill. You are responsible for checking the Edmodo website and watch the assigned videos and take notes on the videos.

Grading Scale:

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: < 59

SMART LUNCH: Please see the board to determine the times that I will be available for extra help during SMART lunch. In order to get credit for attending SMART lunch, you must be working on math. If you find a concept difficult, come in for help. Do not wait until a test or quiz to prove that you do not understand something. In addition, this time will also be used for students to complete make up work.

I hope that we have a profitable and enjoyable semester together.

Tim Byrum

Math teacher

South Iredell High School