
Home Phone: Cell:

Email address:

Physical Address:

Drivers License #

I am interested in coaching (circle one): Football Cheer Basketball Baseball

Please indicate which age level you are interested in coaching:

I am interested in:Head CoachAssistant

Have you ever coached before? Yes No

Years of experience:

What is your coaching philosophy?

Have you ever attended a coaching clinic? Yes No

If yes, when/where:

Do you have a child playing? Yes NoChild’s name:

CPR Certified?Yes No If yes, Expiration Date:

Have you ever been convicted of a felony charge? Yes No

If yes, please explain:

I agree to submit to a Washington State Patrol background check Yes No

If you are requesting a head coaching position, do you know of anyone interested in helping you coach? Yes No

Name:______(They will also need to complete an application)

Your Signature: Date:

Thank you for your interest in our program.

Instructions for Completing Form

  1. Fill in spots that require typing.
  2. Bold or High light Yes or No Answers.
  3. Mail or Email (Preferred method) the Athletic Director in which sport your applying for.

All KYSA coaches are required to submit to aWashingtonState background check before any contact with the children. All coaches will attend various mandatory meetings before and during each season. These meetings will consist of safety, rule changes, team growth and the development of the program. Safety is our #1 concern, and all coaches will conduct safe and reasonable drills.

The KYSA will strive to attract the best coaches, with the experience necessary to run a program that will give each child the proper tools to achieve success. Coaches’ meetings are mandatory and conducted to insure that all rules are understood and that all requirements are met.

Coaches will represent the program in a positive manner in all events on and off the field. Coaches will show good sportsmanship at all times and be a positive role model for the athletes. This includes no alcohol or tobacco while in the presence of the players, on practice or game fields. Coaches found to be in violation of the codes of conduct, or misrepresenting the program in any manner on or off the field, will be subject to disciplinary actions - to include, but not limited to, temporary suspension or immediate dismissal. All decisions are final.
As a Coach, you are one of the most important elements in youth athletics. You must be familiar with the concepts, goals, and philosophies of the program, as well as theleague rules and regulations. Knowledgeable, team oriented coaches bring success to their programs, which not only reflects on their own team, but all teams within the league.
All our Coaches are to be concerned with their players’ grades, citizenship, and how effective his/her coaching is to the participants. While winning as well as losing is part of competition, great emphasis must be placed upon sportsmanship and overall attitude of the team. Coaches must realize that they are not just a coach to their team, but a role model. Their conduct on and off the field reflects upon their ability to positively impact their team and our community. You must teach teamwork, cooperation and discipline, and demand hard work from your athletes. Strive to make practices and games fun and rewarding for the athletes, so they will look forward to returning next season.
All coaches must keep themselves informed and up to date on the latest training techniques, drills, isometrics and stretching exercises used for developing young bodies. Coaches should know the proper way to instruct kids on techniques within their sport to prevent injury. It is mandatory that all coaches have reasonable knowledge in first aid as it relates to youth sports. You must have a thorough knowledge of the rules of the game and of the rules and policies that govern the program.

Copies of the KYSA Mission and By-Laws will be made available to all coaches.

Please return your completed coaching application to the following address:


PO Box 1784

Kingston, WA 98346

Or Email to: