Global Database Technical Services


Installation Standards


Oracle on Wintel

Version: 1.0

Status: Final

Last printed: 3/27/2002 9:58 AM

Global Database Technical Services


Document Scope 1

Introduction 1

Terminology 1

Section 1. Platform 1

Section 2. Requirements 1

Section 3. Flexibility 4

Section 4. Compliance 4

Section 5. Variance Procedure 4

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Global Database Technical Services


Document Scope

This document contains the GDTS standards for installing Oracle server based software on Microsoft servers.


Uniform installation and common configuration of Oracle software across GDTS supported

Microsoft servers.


See the GDTS Standards Terminology for the definition of guidelines, recommendations and standards.

Section 1.  Platform

These standards apply to Microsoft Windows NT and Win2000 Servers.

Section 2.  Requirements

2.1 (R) GDTS will need a remote control tool to access the server. The recommendation for a remote control tool, is SMS then PCAnywhere.

2.2 (R) Oracle should be the only application running on the server.

2.3 (S) Oracle should be installed on the “C:” drive of the server. Oracle must be installed with

an account that has administrative privileges.

2.3.1 (S) $ORACLE_HOME should be defined as c:\Oracle\ora8170s32 or

c:\Oracle\ora8170e64, “8170” is the version release of Oracle. The “s” or “e” is

determined by if this is a Oracle Enterprise Edition installation or Standard

Edition installation, 32 or 64 at the end is the bit word size.

2.4 (S) Installation of GDTS standard admin utilities/directories for database maintenance.

2.4.1 Copy folder Wintel_setup from GDTS shared drive location
gdts\_private to C:\temp on your new server.

2.4.2  Edit the script Wintel_setup.cmd to contain the proper drive letter for the

location of your admin directories.

2.4.3  Run the file by double clicking on the file, Wintel_setup.cmd. This script will call

script Wintel_admin_dirs.cmd which will create the admin directories, and

populate the directories with standard GDTS perl scripts. The script will also

install gzip for file compression utility and blat for a mail utility in location

c:\Winnt\system32. The result should be directory structure similar to the

example on the next page. “D” was the location specified for admin directories.

Script/logs files.





2.5 (S) Installation of Perl on your new Server.

2.5.1 On your server in folder c:\temp\Wintel_setup, just double click on the file

“ActivePerl-”. Perl should be installed on the “C:”

drive of the server, example C:\Perl. You should accept all defaults during the
Perl install.
2.5.2 After the installation is complete you need to install 2 modules, DBI and DBD,

which do not come with the default installation. Instructions for installing these

modules can be found in GDTS’s web site document, “Installing Active State Perl

on Microsoft Servers”.

2.5.3 When steps 2.4 and 2.5 are complete you can clean up by deleting the

Wintel_setup folder on your server in location C:\temp.

2.6 (S) Performing installation of Oracle database software for “Standard” or “Enterprise” installs should result in the same base products being installed. Additional products, upon customers request may be installed if all licensing requirements are met. The list of base products to install can only be arrived at by doing a “Custom” install and selecting the following products, do not create starter database during install.

Base Products to Install

Oracle 8i Server

Net 8 Products

-Net 8 Client

-Net 8 Sever

Oracle Utilities (all)

Oracle Configuration Assistants (all)

Development Tools (all)

Oracle Java Products (all)

Oracle Enterprise Manager Products

-Intelligent Agent

-Oracle Enterprise Manager Client

-Oracle DBA Management Pack (all)

Oracle Installation Products

-Oracle Universal Installer

Oracle No additional Cost Options (all)

-Use the following URL to Oracles web site for information on the availability of options for your specific installation

2.7 (S) Installation of Pro C for developers is accomplished through an additional install by doing a client install. You should select “Programmer” for install type and accept all defaults to complete your install.

2.8 (S) The Oracle Intelligent Agent and Oracle listener, should be run from the highest

$Oracle_Home version on the server. The services should be set to “automatic” to restart on server reboot. The other older versions of Oracle Intelligent Agent and Oracle listener services should be “disabled”.

2.9 (S) Use the TNS_ADMIN system variable with defined location of C:\Oracle\sqlnet. Because the account system will start services, databases and the listener, this must be a system variable and not a user variable. This location will be used for listener.ora, sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files. This will allow for multiple ORACLE_HOMES to use one set of files. Delete all of these files that are not in this location. To accomplish setting this variable, do the following:

2.9.1  Right click on my computers and select properties.

2.9.2  Click on Advance tab and then go into Environment Variables.

2.9.3  In the systems variable window highlight variable OS and edit.

2.9.4  Change the name from OS to TNS_ADMIN and set variable value to C:\Oracle\sqlnet. Click on Ok until you have exited the properties window.

2.9.5  Reboot the server.

2.10 (R) The following server configuration must be verified with the system administrator.

-The server is optimized for application server.

-If possible remove unused protocols. At a minimum TCP/IP should be installed.

-Verify Large System Cache is set to zero.

-Page File Size should be 1 ½ times the server memory not to exceed 2 gig.

-Disable the following services: License Logging Service, Plug and Play, Remote Access
Auto Connection Manager, Remote Access Connection Manager and Telephony Server.

Section 3.  Flexibility

In rare cases, such as temporary proof-of-concept or simple evaluation set-ups where independent servers are not available, web server or application server software can be run on the same box as the Oracle Database Server.

The data-files path can be specified on drives other than D: if additional drives are available, such as when EMC is implemented as an E: or F: drive.

Section 4.  Compliance

A post-install review with another DBA is required by GDTS.

Section 5.  Variance Procedure

Guidelines may be implemented with necessary and appropriate modifications without further documentation.

Variations from Recommendations must be documented and sent to the Technical Review Group for review.

Deviations from Standards require a variance. Document the change and the reasons for it and submit to the Technical Review Group for review, discussion, and approval or denial.

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