California Legislators and the Gay Agenda

Please note the ever accelerating pace that the gay agenda is being forced upon the people.

November 5, 2008 Following the lead of the people of 43 other states, over five million (52.5% of California voters) amended their state constitution so as prevent the gay agenda re-defining marriage to include same-sex unions. (See the full story “DOMA, Obama, and the Gay Parade,” under page tab “President Obama” on this website.)

August 4, 2009 Nine months later Vaughn R. Walker, U. S. District Judge for the Northern District of California, declared the people’s amendment unconstitutional.

July 9, 2010 Eleven months later, U. S. District Judge Joseph Tauro in Massachusetts struck down Congress’s federal Defense of Marriage Act


Is not something seriously wrong with our government when just two federal judges, acting separately, can effectively disenfranchise the American people and strike down a wholesome Act of Congress – and never need worry about being called to account for their despotic acts?

The germ of dissolution of our federal government is in . . . the federal judiciary; an irresponsible body [for impeachment is scarcely a scarecrow] working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States. Thomas Jefferson (“Author of the Declaration of Independence,”) Warning: Your beloved America is in grave danger of collapsing from within.

February 24, 2011 Eight months later President Obama announced that the U. S. Government will end its defense of Congress’s ban on gay marriage (DOMA), because he views the law as unconstitutional.

March 18, 2011 – One month later - Margaret Hartman News Item: Congressional Democrats Fight To Repeal Defense Of Marriage Act.

June 18, 2011 Three months later - FortWorth Star Telegram: U. N. approves its first gay-rights resolution.…activists credited the Obama administration’s push for gay rights at home and abroad…

June 26, 2011 Eight days later - Fort Worth Star Telegram: New York lawmakers vote to legalize gay marriage.

July 3, 2011 Seven days later - Fort Worth Star Telegram: In a strongly worded legal brief, the Obama administration said the federal act that defines marriage as being between a man and a woman was motivated by hostility toward gays and lesbians and is unconstitutional. The brief was filed Friday in federal court in San Francisco in support of a lesbian federal employee’s lawsuit claiming that the government wrongly denied health coverage to her same-sex spouse.

July 6, 2011 Three days later - Fort Worth Star Telegram: Landmark gay history bill passed by lawmakers.

California lawmakers on Tuesday sent Gov. Jerry Brown a bill that would make the state the first requiring public schools to include the contributions of gays and lesbians in social studies curriculum. The bill adds lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people as well as people with disabilities to the list of groups that schools must include in the lessons. It also would prohibit material that reflects adversely on gays.

This is precisely what proponents of California Proposition 8 said would happen if federal judge Vaughn Walker overruled the people of California.

Opponents said not so. Judge Walker did strike down Proposition 8, and here you have it.

Is it not amazing that tag-along lawmakers and administrative tyrants hop to it whenever a federal judge speaks, as if God Almighty himself had spoken? No matter that over five million California parents, the majority of California voters, had spoken otherwise.

Actually judges’ demands are not laws at all – merely judges’ opinions, not enforceable unless the President chooses to enforce them. (The Executive, i.e. your elected President, is the only person Constitutionally authorized to enforce federal law.) Furthermore, your elected Congress is the only body Constitutionally authorized to enact federal law. Constitutionally speaking, federal judges can only opine.

Back to the California Gay law:

Do lawmakers ever stop to think of the implications of the idiotic laws they enact? It doesn’t seem so. First of all, school children will have to be taught all the forms of sexual deviation before they will have a clue what the teacher is talking about. (Now there’s a vital subject for you). Then researchers - with federal grants no doubt - will have to investigate the homosexual adventures of prominent persons of the past who have contributed something worthwhile. Will teachers also be required to point out that so and so was not homosexual? (How about all this for must-know history?)

Present day homosexual contributors could include federal judge Vaughn R. Walker who disenfranchised California voters regarding Proposition 8. (Now there’s a valuable contribution to society). Comedienne Ellen Degeneres could be honored.

But, for Heaven’s sake, don’t allow a negative word against homosexuality. California lawmakers must protect that state’s main industry – Hollywood. Dare not mention the fact that gay actor Rock Hudson died of AIDS, nor that it was gay men who gave the AIDS pandemic to the world.

And why on earth throw disabled persons into this politically and socially dirty game? Should researchers pry into the sexuality of President Franklin D. Roosevelt who was disabled with polio? And tell our school children whether or not he was gay? (Surely they are entitled to know such vital statistics).

Will the fools that rule never tire of enacting new and ridiculous “civil rights” laws to weary the life and minds of good folks?

Actually the California lawmakers motivation was most likely this: The present generation does not have a majority of people ready and willing to normalize and publicize homosexual behavior, especially same-sex “marriage.” So let’s use the peoples’ education money to indoctrinate a new generation who will embrace the gay agenda - even the total Humanist agenda for America.

If this asinine act of the California legislature should go nationwide, look for America’s academic achievement level to plummet still lower as compared to other developed nations. Most of those nations have the good sense not to squander their peoples’ time and education money on sociological nonsense.