Hello Students,

We at Health Education and Promotion would like to wish you a safe and happy fall.

We wanted to take this opportunity to alert you to information regarding enforcement of alcohol-related laws in Davis.

If you’ve been out and about at night you may have noticed more officers around. They are there to protect you. There is more of a police presence during fall quarter to respond to the increase in alcohol-related complaints and make sure you are safe. Police will be conducting roving DUI patrols to make sure the streets are safer. The police will be responding to noise complaints and issuing tickets to party hosts in the amount of $160. If you decide to ride your bike to the party and have been drinking, do not ride it back. The police are also giving out citations for a BUI (Biking Under the Influence). This citation comes with an $824.00 fine. So the best bet is to take Tipsy Taxi at $2.00 a ride. Their number is 752-6666.

Why are we concerned? Last year we had 18 alcohol poisonings and we want to prevent that from happening this year. We want to start by letting you know the warning signs of alcohol poisoning:
*Repeated, uncontrolled vomiting

*Slow or shallow breathing (less than 13 breaths per minute or more than 8 seconds between breaths)

*Cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin

*Unresponsive or unable to be awakened

If you see any of these signs call 911, from a cell phone call: 752-1230 for UC Davis Police or 757-5400 for City of Davis Police. On that note, thanks to those who have contacted residence hall staff or called 911 when others were in trouble. Getting residents the help that is needed is the number one priority. We need everyone's assistance. We would rather play it safe than deal with a student death.

You should also know that even if you are off campus, you still represent the University and all the polices and laws apply. Student Judicial Affairs has jurisdiction over students’ off campus behavior.

In more exciting news: Health Education and Promotion has an online tool that you can use to compare your drinking to others on the Davis campus. The tool is called e-CHUG and it’s located on the Safe Party website: . This website discusses how to be safe if you chose to drink. We also have some great Safe Party t-shirts for sale for $10, which gets billed to your student account. If you come to Health Education and Promotion and present your e-CHUG completion certificate you will get 25% off the t-shirt or $5.00 off any item at Redrum Burger.

If you need assistance with an on-going alcohol issue or are concerned about a friend, please contact an RA or one of the professional staff members (Coordinators) in your area. They will be able to assist you. Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT, 752-6334) is also a great resource for students. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS, 752-0871) is another resource. Services at ADAPT and CAPS are free and confidential. We want you to stay safe and happy during your time here at Davis.

HEP:Health Ed:ATOD:Safe Party Initiative:PRC Visibility:Emailstudents08