President: Dr. Johan Blanckaert
Vice-President: Prof. dr. Françoise Van Cauwenberghe
General Secretary: Dr. Bernard Mathys
Treasurer: Prof. dr. Marie-José Tassignon

Belgian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (BSCRS)
Belgian Contact Lens Society of Ophthalmologists
Recognised Professional Society
General Secretary’s Office: Dr. B. Mathys, Av. Van Overbekelaan 166, 1083 Brussels

I, the undersigned, MD,


Zip code: City:

Tel: Fax:


Membership options / Ophthalmologist / Resident in training* /
This annual contribution includes:
- Access to the scientific meetings organised by SOBEVECO-BSCRS, free or at a reduced rate
- Membership of the European Contact Lens Society of Ophthalmologists (ECLSO)
- Access to the “Members Only” zone of the BSCRS website
Following an agreement between SOOS-UPBMO-BBO and BSCRS-SOBEVECO, all extramural ophthalmologists should be member of BSCRS-SOBEVECO / 1 year:
90 €
3 years:
225 €
you save 45 € !!! / 1 year:
0 €
3 years:
0 €
This annual contribution includes:
- All advantages for working members of BSCRS-SOBEVECO
- Full membership of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS):
Access to ESCRS On Demand w Access to iLearn w Access to the CME accredcited online
learning platform w Reduced registration fees at ESCRS congresses w Subscription to the
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery w Online access to the Journal of Cataract and
Refractive Surgery w Subscription to ESCRS EuroTimes w Bimonthly eTIMES bulletinw Voting
rights w Access to “Members Only” area of the ESCRS website w Membership pack
including Membership certificate, Membership card with password and access code for
“Members Only” area of the website / 1 year:
190 €
3 years:
475 €
you save 145 € !!! / 1 year:
0 €
3 years:**
0 €
* must be member of OBAO – certification of your training director is requested
** three years are counted from the year of training the application has been sent in

I hereby officially declare to comply with the rules of the professional medical deontology.

Date: Signature:

In order to validate your subscription the names (or stamps) and signatures of two supporting members are required:

Once your membership application has been accepted by the General Assembly, you will be invoiced by the Treasurer of the SOBEVECO-BSCRS.

Bank account: AXA • Dascottelei 35 • 2100 DEURNE • BE37 7512 0381 5228 • AXAB BE22