Community (external) Services
AMNESTY INTERNATIONALis a global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights. As part of our service we will be learning about local and international human rights issues, and will be engaged in letter-writing campaigns and online petitions that work to bring pressure on governments and affect change throughout the world. In addressing local human rights issues, we will work with Distshwanelo, the Botswana Centre for Human Rights.
BSPCAThe Botswana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to(BSPCA) service focuses its work at the Broadhurst Animal Shelter where students help by walking dogs and assisting the employees with small projects. In 2010 we helped them build a garden that will produce vegetables for some of the animals, and there is a fundraising element to the service too.
CAMPHILLCamphill School, located in Otse about 50kms south of Gaborone, gives special schooling to both physically and mentally handicapped children ranging in age from 7 to 15.The Camphill service group visits the children on four Saturday mornings each term to give the Camphill children the opportunity to play with, and learn from, their older ‘brothers and sisters’. Activities include playing ball games, crafts, taking walks and swimming. Participants are encouraged to spread out among the children and get to know as many of them as possible. This gives a more personal touch to the service. The service is very rewarding for anyone who has the desire to help underprivileged children. The Camphill children value our visits very much, and eagerly look forward to our next visit.
CHESHIRE HOMESEvery Wednesday afternoon a busload of MAP students head for Mogoditshane to visit the Cheshire Home, a rehabilitation programme for physically disabled and mentally challenged children. MAP students find their interaction with these children extremely rewarding and the staff at the Cheshire Foundation have a small break from their chores while MAP students entertain the children.
CHILDLINE BOTSWANA Play is an important role in society as a response to child abuse. Childline provides emergency services for children in danger or distress. Students signing up for this activity will get the opportunity to work with the House Mothers and to help the children housed at Childline. Tasks include: helping the children with homework, reading to them, telling them stories, and playing. In this activity you have the opportunity to take control of your service, as you will be responsible for choosing and designing activities for the children.
COMMUNITY FOOTBALL SUPPORTIn this service you will assist Northside Primary School with their afternoon activities. The activities include football skills, cricket, ball skills, tennis, art, baking, etc. You will get first-hand experience in helping youngsters improve their performance in a variety of activities. Who knows, you may also help them identify their talents!
GABANE FEEDINGEvery Wednesday a combi of MAP students travels to Gabane village to go and give food to old people who do not have families to look after them. This is a two hour afternoon activity. It is very interesting and the service is very rewarding for anyone who has the desire to help under-privileged old people, who value our visits and help.
GABANE TEACHINGEvery Wednesday MAP students travel to the Pule Primary School in Gabane. Our students work in teams of two or three and teach classes of 15 to 20 Standard 5, 6 and 7 children. Our students benefit from the teaching experience and the primary school children always have a good time, and hopefully learn a bit too.
GALALETSANG TEACHING (Academic) If you are Form 3 and above and are interested in making a difference in somebody’s life, consider the Galaletsang Outreach Programme. You will directly impact the community by tutoring Standard 7 students at Galaletsang Primary School in Maths, Science, English to help them prepare for writing their PSLE exams. As this is a government primary school, Setswana will be an advantage but not essential. Also, you are welcome to stay for the second session, which is sports coaching.
GALALETSANG TEACHING (Sports) involves coaching the Standard 7 students at Galaletsang Primary School in Phase 2 (near Square Mart), will help students stay fit and healthy. It also educates them about the ways physical activity can help academic learning. You are welcome to spend the whole afternoon at the school by signing up for the academic part of this service ,which starts at 1.45pm. Both parts of this exciting new service are open to Form 3 and up.
GASIKO TEACHING is another wonderful opportunity to teach primary school students in Gabane (SeeGabane Teaching above).
HGM CHILDREN’S HOMEJoin us to visit the Hajee Goolam Mustapha Children’s Home in the Village. We will play games with the children and assist them with their homework. Occasionally, we will help with fundraising as well.
HOSPITAL VISITING Spending an hour at the paediatric ward at Princes Marina is a rewarding experience. When children are in hospital, knowing that people are coming to visit them brightens their day. We spend the hour playing games, drawing and chatting with them and make their hospital stay a little better.
“I AM”This service gets its name from the “I am Special” School in Tlokweng, where children with special needs get the assistance and encouragement they need. A small group of MAP students visit Tlokweng once a week to teach, play and with the delightful children there.
INTERACTThe fun fund-raising service! The best! A branch of the Rotary Club, Interact enables us to raise money for the ones less fortunate than ourselves. Though time consuming, this service is fun and very rewarding.
KAGISO SENIOR SCHOOL STUDY SKILLS AND POETRY SERVICEThis service includes the Orphan Clothing Drive, Poetry Service and Study Skills Service. The Orphan Clothing Drive Service will help provide much needed items for the vulnerable students, whilst the Study Skills Service will assist them, and the wider student body, in their academic learning. The Poetry Service will be working with the students so they can write and recite their own poems, and exchange poetry with them.
LEKGOLOBOTLO ORPHAN CLOTHING DRIVE Although you have never met them, let your heart go out to them. This is a service to help sort and distribute clothes to the underprivileged. Join us to sort clothes with pride, joy, happiness and fulfilment, knowing that you are putting a BIG smile on the faces of those you help.
MAITISONG SERVICEThis is a technical support oriented service. The students will be guided through the technical and backstage operation of theatre- using Maitisong as a practise space. There will also be workshops offered during this service to train students on the production of theatre shows. Students will be required to learn from practical exercises as well as organise equipment in Maitisong and the Moving Space. These students will form a database for Maitisong as students help (when needed) for productions. It will be conducted in close collaboration with Maitisong technical staff and is a service for students who have an interest in becoming producers, production managers, designers, lighting and sound technicians, or stage managers.
MAKGASA READINGStudents assist small groups of primary learners (a mix of ages) with their reading skills. They listen to them read, and guide, correct and explain for comprehension when required.
MAKGASA ICTOur studentstutor those at Makgasa helping them to learn basic computer skills.
NALEDI FEEDINGThis community service is run primarily by the 6th Form, and involves the delivery of grocery items to disadvantaged families living in the Old Naledi area of Gaborone. Funding of this project is mainly by the school, although the service raises funds to contribute to the purchases. Students involved in the service are exposed to the harsh realities of those who are much less advantaged in society and often find the trips to Old Naledi, and interactions with the families, to be both a humbling and widening experience.
NALEDI TEACHINGMAP students go to Tlhabologo Primary School and give lessons in English and Mathematics topics, these being the two subjects that give the primary school students most problems. MAP students give and mark assignments and tests. We teach Standard 7 pupils, who are usually about 13 years old; given this age, it is better if our MAP volunteers are a little older.
REACH OUTThe Reach Out programme visits the Naledi Educational Centre everyTuesdaywhere we meet a very diverse group of students. These students face not only social, but also, learning challenges. Our aim is to develop certain learning skills through fun ways. Our focus is, therefore, on "brain games", which can be a written, a creative or a physical exercise. The focus is on what they achieve in order to also build their confidence.
RE AGA MMOGO (Formerly BARCLAYS BUILD) We build not just houses, but homes – and have a fantastic time doing so! Join us on Saturdays for the most fulfilling experience of a lifetime.
TLAMELO PROJECTThis service takes place at lunchtime on Tuesdays. It consists of giving out cooked food to children, some of whom are AIDS orphans.After that we help with washing and drying the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. This project was initiated by the Open Baptist Church, and the food is kindly donated by some supermarkets around Gaborone and Crotone Foods. We are usually back in school by 2.10pm.
School (internal) Services
ART ROOM SERVICEArt room provides a service to both the Art and the Drama Departments. Students are expected to provide technical assistance in the Art Department (anything from making furniture to cleaning), and provide a work force for set building in drama productions. The usual commitment is for one session per week but this may increase during drama productions.
BIOLOGY LABThis service carries out the weekly cleaning and maintenance of the three biology laboratories.
BOOK COVERING Library books and departmental textbooks are best kept neat and in good condition by covering them. Our service helps preserve the appearance and lengthen the lives of our books, uses self adhesive foil to shield them from light and helps students learn a practical skill.
CHEMISTRY LABThis service maintains the three chemistry laboratories by ensuring laboratory equipment is stored correctly, and chemicals safely. The service also maintains the cleanliness of the three labs.
COMPUTER TUTORINGThis is a service to other school mates. A computer tutor is needed to support students doing assignments and project work. The tutors must have sufficient IT skills in order to help other students in the various applications software such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, database, etc and is therefore open to Form 3 and above.
ECO-WARRIORSThis group organizes actions inside and outside school to raise awareness about environmental issues. The members run the group as, without their initiative, no action can happen. It is a great opportunity for those who don’t want to watch things happen, but like to have a say in environmental issues. The group will meet once a week, but extra time will be needed for preparation and action.
EDIBLE PERMACULTURE GARDENHave you ever noticed how most produce sold in Botswana comes from South Africa? Permaculture is a hot topic these days as people revisit methods of growing food that is nutritious, inexpensive, and uses less fossil fuel to transport. Our permaculture garden is designed to provide fresh produce for some of our community service projects. We will learn by doing and prioritize having fun and enjoying the work we do. It will include a variety of activities like preparing plant beds, irrigating the beds and making compost to grow vegetables, fruits, and herbs whilst being as organic and sustainable as possible.
LIBRARYLibrary service is a privilege that entrusts students with a position of responsibility. Students who sign up for library are trained to cover, repair and shelve books, as well as process new books by stamping, putting on spine labels and bar codes. They also get the chance to manage the circulation desk to issue and receive books, and enter books into the library computer system.Any 6th Form boarders who sign up for this service are trained to manage the library.
MAP JOURNALISM Do you want to write for MaP? Would you like to gain journalistic experience by writing for not one but THREE MaP projects - Yearbook, Newsletter, and MaPVoices? Then sign up for the new SPE MaP Journalists. You must have a passion for the written word, a strong sense of responsibility, a great work ethic, and a sharp eye for detail. Open to Form Twos and above. Places are limited, and the final team will be determined through a writing exercise.
MARIMBA TROUPE This activity counts as a service and enrichment as the rehearsal schedule is intense at two hours a day, four days a week. Community service element will be built into it. Marimba involves rigorous performance study of complex marimba music. Its sole purpose is to produce world class marimba entertainment. It encompasses the development of a sensitive ear, heart and dexterity through technical exercises, musical studies, rehearsals and elaborates musical enlightenment in various musical styles and compositions. Furthermore, it is intended to foster self discipline and diplomatic professionalism.
MATHS TUTORSMaths Clinics are open to any student who may need help with prep or revision and, in order to handle the number of students requiring assistance, Clinic Tutors are provided. They are usually 6th Formersor, in exceptional cases, Form 5 Additional Maths students. They are expected to move around the room helping students of all levels. The teacher on duty will be fully involved as back-up, but especially to tutor Form 6 students. Tutors find that helping their fellow students is a rewarding experience and gives them confidence in appreciating underlying mathematical principles. Tutors are also encouraged to do an additional service as well.
MENTORING PROGRAMMEThis works on the understanding that younger students often feel more comfortable talking to older students who have been through what they are experiencing. Mentoring is an opportunity to develop relationships between older and younger students, and supplements the Student Support that is available at MAP from Peer Counsellors, Form Teachers, Year Heads and Directors. Form 5 and 6 students are invited to join the programme in term 1, 2011.
PHYSICS LAB Students are responsible for: dusting benches and side desks, making sure equipment is correctly stored, removing tippex from desks, cleaning sinks, fixing simple pieces of equipment, filing, making posters, and general improvements to the laboratory.
READING BUDDIES Want to do something meaningful that will also look impressive on your personal statement when you apply to universities? Then you need to become a Reading Buddy. You will spend just 45 minutes each week helping a younger student with their reading, whilst learning some valuable teaching skills.
SPORTS SERVICE This is a service specifically for form ones in which they do a variety of activities around school to help set up for games, care for equipment, and play an integral role in the athletics program at Maru-a-Pula. This is an exciting opportunity to make a difference at your school and get an inside look at how things work!
STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL (SAC)Each class elects a SAC Representative who attends meetings on Monday afternoons at 2.15pm. They bring issues, ideas and suggestions for functions and ways of improving the school from their classmates and these are discussed with Mr Taylor, Mr Peloewetse, Ms Brown and Ms Turnbull.
YADU (Youth Advocates for UNHCR) works under the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to utilize the youth of Botswana in increasing awareness of the status of refugees within Botswana. Refugees have long suffered many negative stereotypes upon entry into Botswana, and the UN is committed to reversing this mentality. YADU at MaP will be comprised of a small group of committed and innovative students who plan events/fundraisers throughout the course of the school term/year to raise refugee awareness. YADU members will also have opportunities to interact with refugees through various forms of communication and liaise with UN workers committed to our shared goal of refugee awareness. Service trips out to the refugee camps will also be a part of our agenda.
Any written queries can be forwarded to Ms Turnbull, Director of SPE, at ,