By Judge Navin-Chandra Naidu

Bismarck, North Dakota, September 15, 2005


•  Is not subject to government orders, rules, regulations and laws if he or she disobeys any of these unjust imperatives. There is no penalty in disobeying an unjust law.

•  Is not subject to government jurisdiction without his or her acknowledgment, permission, consent and approval.

•  Is free to choose the jurisdiction he or she wants to be under whether ecclesiastical, tribal, or others.

•  Does not need to swear allegiance to the government that he or she disagrees with owing to the government’s domestic and foreign policies.

•  Does not believe in representative democracy where the vested interest of career politicians takes center stage instead of the Peoples’ expectations.

•  Decides not to give the government jurisdiction over himself or herself willingly, freely or voluntarily.

•  Demands that the government seek his or her permission before using his or her name in any government issued order, regulation, subpoena, other court documents, marriage certificates, driver licenses, birth certificates, death certificates, social security cards and other such government sponsored documents.

•  Copyright’s his or her name for all times.

•  Is free to sue the government in a court of equity of his or her choice.

•  Organizes police power to stop government overreach. This includes establishing and ordaining a Peoples Court and a Peoples Correctional facility with a Peoples Peackeeper Unit.

•  Abides by and complies with the Bill of Rights as enshrined in the United States Constitution at all times.

•  Decides how he wants to make a livelihood under the rule of law and equity.

•  Believes in natural law and justice as opposed to common law.

•  Does not believe in conscription.

•  Is free to trade, barter, invest, buy, sell, exchange, hypothecate, and divest freely, willingly and voluntarily without governmental intrusion.

•  Is free to set up a Peoples bank, a Peoples Stock Exchange and trade any commodity he or she wishes with other Free People in a local, regional, national and global context.

•  Has power and authority to effectuate a citizen’s arrest regardless of rank, title, or position of the arrested person; and to bring such arrested person before the Peoples Court for a trial; and subsequent punishment in a Peoples Correctional facility if such arrested person is found blameworthy and guilty.

•  Has power and authority to purchase and place satellites in space for Peoples needs and requirements outside of any governmental intrusion or intercession.

•  Has power and authority to join forces with other like and right minded People to establish and ordain a nation state under Article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of Nation States.