October 31, 2011

10:00 AM

Town of SaratogaTown Hall

In attendance:

Voting Members


Tom Richardson, Chairman

Sara Idleman, Vice-Chairwoman


Ed Kinowski, Supervisor, Town of Stillwater

John Sherman, Mayor, Village of Schuylerville

Linda Palmieri, Town of Stillwater

Tom Wood, Supervisor, Town of Saratoga

David Doonan, Mayor, Village of Greenwich

John Rymph, Supervisor, Town of Easton

Alane Ball-Chinian, Proxy for Commissioner Rose Harvey


Teri Ptacek, Executive Director, Agriculture Stewardship Association

Joe Finan, Superintendent, Saratoga Battlefield National Historical Park

Andrew Alberti, Lakes to Locks Passage

Devin Lander, NYS Assemblyman Steven Englebright’s office

Jim Brangan, Lake ChamplainBasin Program

Tim Holmes, Friends of Saratoga Battlefield

Michael Aikey, NYSMilitaryMuseum

David Bullard, The Marshall House

John Hayes, Director, ProspectHillCemetery Association

Brit Basinger, Saratoga Associates

Patrick Mantle, SienaCollege

At 10:00am Tom Richardson called the meeting to order and welcomed members, visitors and made introductions.


A motion to accept the minutes of the September 26, 2011 meeting was made by Ed Kinowski and seconded by Sara Idleman, to be passed unanimously.

New Business

ChamplainValley National Heritage Area Regional Stakeholder Presentation

Jim Brangan discussed CVNH as the managing entity for the National Heritage Area - huge area - Canada/Mohawk. Collaborative approach to management - 11 counties. Looked at the Partnership as an example in the management plan - Regional Stakeholder Process - Looking for an opportunity to make Partnership the Saratoga Regional Stakeholder - has $2200 available for the stakeholder program.

Ed Kinowski asked if we need goal settings - more info.

Jim Brangan noted the RFP is online and for it to be introduced into the minutes.

Ed Kinowski asked the question of, what are the goals for having the Partnership be the regional stakeholder.

Jim Brangan mentioned the management plan - using federal resources the CVHA administers money for projects that are inline with the management plan. Not looking for concrete goals - looking for an opportunity to increase dialogue between Partnership and other counties.

John Sherman asked about the $2200.

Jim Brangan answered by stating his organization will be providing the $2200 for the Partnership.

Ed Kinowski asked for the exact wording - will forward the motion / 2nd from Sara Idleman.

Jim Brangan mentioned Haeritage Areas bring together heritage organizations and provide funding for related projects.

Tom Richardson noted everyone has different projects and asked if they will be funded.

Jim Brangan answered yes, our finance committee will prioritize projects from the entire area.

Tom Wood asked what types of grants.

Jim Brangan replied we have $500,000 budget, grants go up to $25,000.

Ed Kinowski asked if we can combine grants from two counties and get more.

Jim Brangan mentioned that has not been done but may be possible.

John Rymph asked why we are spreading out so much.

Tom Richardson noted the idea is that this is a positive opportunity since there are funds to distribute.

John Rymph noted this is all the tax payers’ money.

Tom Richardson then asked Mr. Rymph why would we let other people get money we have paid into.

Jim Brangan mentioned grants are awarded to the applicant based on the validity of the project.

Tom Wood discussed the Town of Saratoga has received funds for all manner of projects that have been critical and could not have been raise locally. The money will go somewhere else if we don’t get involved.

Joe Finan noted the Stewardship Plan was completed at a grass roots - natural evolution to include this CVNHA.

Tom Richardson mentioned Devin and he took a trip to Utica and the Partnership received the American Planning Association Award for the Stewardship Plan.

John Rymph opposed Resolution, everyone else in favor.

Ed Kinowski mentioned he would be willing to be the Partnership’s contact.

Michael Aikey of the NYSMilitaryMuseum would like to make the MilitaryMuseum as the direct partner - would like a resolution for next month.

Saratoga Battlefield Cultural Resource Program

Much new work is taking place, expanding vision of the Schuyler Estate. A number of forts from several wars exist in the Schuyler area - 5 forts in 3 different wars - an ABPP grant is being put together. Len Tantillo is interested in doing some work in the area - New Netherlands Institute has been contacted - also expanding Partnership with SienaCollege. Archeology project is being wrapped up, Regional Historic Information Study is also taking place.

Joe Finan noted information will be very useful answering questions of why here. Also, met with OPRHP/DOT/OGA and Canal Corps to allow for the transfer of NYS land to NPS in Schuyler area.

Tim Holmes suggested putting in a grant application to a charitable trust for various sword surrender site interpretations.

Joe Finan also noted looking to put in a dock by the Battlefield.

Brit Bassinger has not heard back from ABPP on Sword Surrender Site Plan.

Patrick Mantle mentioned his project is going well, has done many interviews and would like to preview the project at the November Partnership meeting. The project will come in several types of media - DVD, digital etc. Put on next agenda.

A motion to adjourn was made by Ed Kinowski and seconded by Tom Wood to be passed unanimously. The next meeting is scheduled to take place on November 28, 2011 at 10am at SaratogaTown Hall.