Communications Templates

Microsoft IT created a set of templates to help our IT communicators put the communications framework in action, and deliver with consistent quality.


Let employees know they must complete some mandatory action to avoid work impact, a negative experience, or to be compliant.


Let employees know they must complete some mandatory action to avoid work impact, a negative experience, or to be compliant.


Share organizational announcements, policy updates not tied to a product or services, or events not operational in nature.

This needs your attention.
Brief introduction here. Include the name of the product/service, who is affected, and a call to action. Try to keep it personal, active, and jargon-free: use “you” and “we” rather than “users” and “<Company> IT,” avoid acronyms, and limit the deep technical details.
Use a numbered list to outline steps required to complete the action. Test the steps to make sure they’re accurate—don’t rely on your memory, and don’t assume something is self-explanatory. Include links to IT Web page for additional information.
  1. Step one
  2. Step two
  3. Etc.

Information & Support
  • Technical Assistance—Access <Company Name> IT Support Services. <Link to Company IT Support Site>
  • Learn More—Visit <page name w/ hyperlink> to learn more about <product/service name>, including FAQs and Known Issues.

Thank you,
<Your IT Organization>
Have a non-support question or comment? Tell us at
<Link to Company IT Yammer group>.
Sorry to interrupt!
You need to take action.
Brief introduction here. Include the name of the product/service, who is affected, and a call to action. Try to keep it personal, active, and jargon-free: use “you” and “we” rather than “users” and “<Company Name IT,” avoid acronyms, and limit the deep technical details.
Use a numbered list to outline steps required to complete the action. Test the steps to make sure they’re accurate—don’t rely on your memory, and don’t assume something is self-explanatory. Include links to your IT Web page for additional information.
  1. Step one
  2. Step two
  3. Etc.

Information & Support
  1. Technical Assistance—Access <Company> IT Support Services
    <link to Company IT Support Site>.
  2. Learn More—Visit <page name w/ hyperlink> to learn more about <product/service name>, including FAQs and Known Issues.

Thank you,
<Your IT Organization>
Have a non-support question or comment? Tell us at
<link to Company IT Yammer Group>.
This is a “Must Read”
You need to take action.
Brief introduction here. Include the name of the product/service, who is affected, and a call to action. Try to keep it personal, active, and jargon-free: use “you” and “we” rather than “users” and “<Company Name IT,” avoid acronyms, and limit the deep technical details.
Use a numbered list to outline steps required to complete the action. Test the steps to make sure they’re accurate—don’t rely on your memory, and don’t assume something is self-explanatory. Include links to your IT Web page for additional information.
  1. Step one
  2. Step two
  3. Etc.

Information & Support
  1. Technical Assistance—Access <Your Company> IT Support Services <Link to your IT Support site>
  2. Learn More—Visit <page name w/ hyperlink> to learn more about <product/service name>, including FAQs and Known Issues.

Thank you,
<Your IT Organization>
Have a non-support question or comment? Tell us at Link to your Company Yammer group>.
Bear with us.
<Product/Service> will be operational soon.
Briefly describe the outage or impacting situation using the simplest of terms. Avoid jargon and technical details—just tell the user what they will/may experience and what product/service is affected.
Situation Details
  • Who is affected: be specific and include locations. E.g., All users in Building 4
  • Started at: Month DD, YYYY at TIME A.M./P.M. and include a time zone. E.g., September 20, 2014 at 10:00 A.M. PDT
  • Next update: Provide a date/time in the above format, or state if no update will be provided.

State briefly any workaround. Remove this section and the heading if there is no workaround for this situation.
Information & Support
  • Technical Assistance—Access Company Name IT Support Services <link to IT Support Site>.
  • Learn More—Visit <page name w/ hyperlink> to learn more about <product/service name>, including FAQs and Known Issues.

Thank you,
<Your IT Organization>
Have a non-support question or comment? Tell us at <Link to Company IT Yammer Group>.
This may affect you
We’re working on it.
Briefly describe the outage or impacting situation using the simplest of terms. Avoid jargon and technical details—just tell the user what they will/may experience and what product/service is affected.
Situation Details
  • Who is affected: be specific and include locations. E.g., All users in Building 4
  • Started at: Month DD, YYYY at TIME A.M./P.M. and include a time zone. E.g., September 20, 2014 at 10:00 A.M. PDT
  • Next update: Provide a date/time in the above format, or state if no update will be provided.

State briefly any workaround. Remove this section and the heading if there is no workaround for this situation.
Information & Support
  • Technical Assistance—Access <Company Name> IT Support Services <link to your IT Support Site>.
  • Learn More—Visit <page name w/ hyperlink> to learn more about <product/service name>, including FAQs and Known Issues.

Thank you,
<Your IT Organization>
Have a non-support question or comment? Tell us at <link to Company IT Yammer Group>.
All better
This issue is resolved.
Briefly describe the outage or impacting situation using the simplest of terms. Avoid jargon and technical details—just tell the user what they will/may experience and what product/service is affected.
Situation Details
  • Who is affected: be specific and include locations. E.g., All users in Building 4
  • Started at: Month DD, YYYY at TIME A.M./P.M. and include a time zone. E.g., September 20, 2014 at 10:00 A.M. PDT
  • Next update: Provide a date/time in the above format, or state if no update will be provided.

State briefly any workaround. Remove this section and the heading if there is no workaround for this situation.
Information & Support
  • Technical Assistance—Access <Your Company> IT Support Services <link to IT Support site>.
  • Learn More—Visit <page name w/ hyperlink> to learn more about <product/service name>, including FAQs and Known Issues.

Thank you,
<Your IT Organization>
Have a non-support question or comment? Tell us at <Link to your Company’s IT Yammer group>.
<Company Name IT>
Title goes
Subscribe | Unsubscribe

First headline goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Sed dui quam, mollis ac fringillaquis, vestibulumeget ipsum. Vivamuslobortis maximus massa, non rutrumnunclaoreet et. Vestibulum at nuncnec dolor cursus luctus. Aliquam a dolor lacus. Proin libero velit, rutrum ac tempus eget, temporsedurna
/ Call to action goes here

Second headline goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Sed dui quam, mollis ac fringillaquis, vestibulumeget ipsum. Vivamuslobortis maximus massa, non rutrumnunclaoreet et. Vestibulum at nuncnec dolor cursus luctus. Aliquam a dolor lacus. Proin libero velit, rutrum ac tempus eget, temporsedurna
/ Call to action goes here

Third headline goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Sed dui quam, mollis ac fringillaquis, vestibulumeget ipsum. Vivamuslobortis maximus massa, non rutrumnunclaoreet et. Vestibulum at nuncnec dolor cursus luctus. Aliquam a dolor lacus. Proin libero velit, rutrum ac tempus eget, temporsedurna
/ Call to action goes here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit.