Curriculum Enhancement Grant

The GEAR UP Effort

GEAR UP stands for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs. It ensures that students have access to the people and information needed to support their academic success and efforts to achieve college and career readiness. This is Year 5 for this grant and GEAR UP has previously funded these teacher “mini-grants”. Previous grant recipients include: John Kenlein for World History Classes, Megan Willingham-Robotics for freshman bots, Eric Woodard & Tami Losser – English classroom book sets, Mike Campbell for an anodizing kit for Jewelry/Science and others.

The Curriculum Enhancement Grant and its Purpose

GEAR UP provides LCHS financial resources it can use to establish new college success initiatives that help students achieve GEAR UP benchmarks* or support their college and career readiness efforts. LCHS may also use these fundsto enhance or supplementexistingcollege and career readiness initiatives. To help achieve these ends, the LCHS GEAR UPteam will offer faculty the opportunity to apply for curriculum enhancement grants to initiate programs or purchase goods/services that will help them support LCHS’s efforts to achieve its GEAR UP goals for students. The GEAR UP team will give preference to grant proposals that represent sustainable initiatives that positively contribute to the college and career readiness culture at LCHS.

TheGrant Awards

The LCHS GEAR UP team will offerfourawards with a maximum, individual grant value of$500.00 to faculty who teach junior level classes in core subject areas (English, math, science, and social studies). Additionalgrant award parameters are as follows:

  • The curricular enhancement in question must represent a new initiative or a substantive upgrade to an existing practice.
  • Awards cannot be used to replace/supplant funding for an existingcurriculum enhancement.
  • Award funds must be spent during the 2015-2016 academic year.

The Grant Awarding Process/Timeline

  1. Friday, November 20, 2015 (on or before): Interested faculty submit grant proposal form (attached) to the GEAR UP Office via e-mail or by dropping it off in Suzanne Maguire’s box.
  2. Monday, November 23, 2015: LCHS GEAR UP team reviews applications and notifies applicants of grant award status (awarded or not awarded)
  3. Tuesday, November 24, 2015: grant funds made available to faculty grant recipients

Curriculum Enhancement Grant

Proposal Form

Faculty Member Name:

Core Subject Taught (English, Math, Science, Social Studies):

Proposed Curricular Enhancement:

Curricular Enhancement Purpose:

Implementation Timeline:

Sustainability Vision:

Funding Amount Requested (up to $500.00):