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In line with the vision 2020 the Government of Rwanda has set in its Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) the target to increase access rate to electricity from the current 5% to 16% by the year 2012 to serve as an engine for socio-economic development of the country. The energy supply will be derived from all possible sources of energy in Rwanda. Among the sources of energy that the Government is seriously exploiting is Hydropower, Lake kivu Methane Gas, Geothermal, Solar, Wind, etc. The construction of two hydropower plants, namely; Rukarara and Nyabarongo, capable of delivering a total of 37 MW is ongoing. Parallel to this, 28 micro hydro power plants expected to produce a total of 16 MW are under construction, several others are under serious consideration. For oil and gas, the Ministry is engaged in discussion with private investors for exploration and conversion of methane gas into electricity.

A number of private investors have been attracted by the methane gas of Lake Kivu; currently two methane gas pilot plants capable of producing 8 MW are currently under construction, negotiations with three other private investors to exploit methane gas to produce 250 MW and inject it into the grid are at advanced stage.

In petroleum sector, the country is planning to ensure supply security in oil products by increasing storage capacity and reducing transport cost. This will require rehabilitating the existing petroleum products storage facilities and construction of new ones in such a way that the corresponding volume of storage facilities will be sufficient to sustain the national consumption during 4 months without supply. This translates into increasing of strategic storage capacity from the current 2 months to 4 months. It is also planned to extend the Eldoret-Kampala pipeline to Kigali, in order to ensure security of supply at reduced cost. In the upstream hydrocarbon sub-sector preliminary studies for oil exploration have been initiatedsince it is suspected that there are oil deposits in of Rwanda.

It is also planned to increase access to cleaner sustainable and affordable cooking and heating technologies. Here, studies on domestic energy in rural areas will be carried out to define projects. The use of improved stoves for rural area to save wood fuel inputs will be increased from the current 60% to 100% by 2012 where as in urban area the use of charcoal improved stoves will be increased from 40 % to 80% by the same year. An efficient stove promotion program for both rural and urban areas will be prepared and implemented. New and modern charcoal production methods are to promoted to use our forest rationally. The percentage of cattle farmers using biogas digesters will also be increased from the current less than 1% to 20%. A national domestic biogas programme has started in 2007.

In order to achieve the above mentioned ambitious targets, The Ministry would like to engage experts in the fields of energy economics, oil &gas and hydroelectric power.


1. Energy Economist

General task:

  1. Provide high quality economic analysis and advice on energy use and its implications to the Rwandan Economy
  2. Provide economic expertise as required to planning process to the Ministry and its departments

Specific tasks:

  1. To lead the analysis of energy and its interaction with economic growth and technology in the Rwandan economy
  2. To draw energy policies inferences from statistics
  3. To monitor trends in energy use and energy efficiency
  4. Analyzing international energy resource implications on the Rwandan economy
  5. To develop, analyze and evaluate energy trend policies and programs
  6. Monitoring and analyzing the performance of the market, identification of the key trends and cause and effect relationship
  7. To develop a framework for monitoring the National Energy Efficiency program and evaluate the progress
  8. Undertaking studies to identify energy-productivity trends and develop sustainable energy interventions
  9. To develop methods for analyzing energy efficiency and energy resources, their costs, benefits and intakes
  10. To analyze data to test the effectiveness of current policies, products or services and advising on the suitability of alternative courses of action;
  11. To evaluate past and present energy economic issues and trends;
  12. Analyzing energy data and assess feasibility, produce forecasts of future trends and make recommendations of ways to improve efficiency
  13. Modeling Energy systems including techno-economic aspects of energy sources
  14. To provide training to junior staff in his/her department

Qualifications & Experience:

  • A post-graduate qualification in Energy Economics, Energy Management or Energy Finance with at least 10 years experience in similar undertakings in Developing countries. Background in Energy Engineering field is preferred.
  • Knowledge of English or/and French.

2. Expert in Oil&Gas

General task:

Exploration of oil and gas, data analysis & processing and advice to the Ministry on all matters related to the use of oil and gas as a source of energy both upstream and down stream.

Specific tasks:

  1. Developing concepts to promote the country’s oil/gas potentials and stimulate effective and efficient exploration
  2. Conducting baseline studies and access corridor identification, to facilitate the development of high oil/gas potential areas
  3. Collect, analyze and organizing oil/gas exploration data to conceptualize and predict the nature and distribution of gas/oil deposits
  4. Analyze, interpret and integrate geologic data to establish and update geologic frameworks and models for oil and gas fields.
  5. Developing project initiatives, plans and proposals related to oil/gas resource issues and initiatives
  6. Designing, coordinating training and field courses in oil/gas exploration techniques
  7. Advise the Ministry on policy and legal matters, and support in developing implementation tools such as laws, agreement models, etc.
  8. Provide technical support to the Ministry in negotiations with private investors on exploration and development agreements in oil and gas sectors
  9. Provide technical support to the hydrocarbons unit on all matters related to oil and gas
  10. Assist the sub unit in charge of Lake Kivu Stability Monitoring during the extraction of methane gas.
  11. Provide mentoring to junior national staff

Qualifications & Experience:

  • A post-graduate qualification in Petroleum Engineering or Petroleum Geology or any related field
  • Not less than 10 years experience in oil and gas industry, knowledge in offshore exploration would be an added advantage.
  • Knowledge of English or French. Knowledge of both languages is an added advantage

3. Expert in Hydroelectricity

General task:

All aspects of planning, design, development and management of hydroelectric power plants

Specific tasks:

  1. Carries out conceptual and feasibility Studies of hydroelectric projects
  2. Leading and performing the preparation of preliminary and final design of hydropower plants; including rehabilitation and upgrade of existing facilities
  3. Carries out analyses, design and development of structures associated with hydroelectric power projects, such as dams, intakes and outlets, powerhouses, spillways and foundations, etc
  4. Undertake study on wide range of water resources development, such as hydrological studies to estimate river flows and floods
  5. Undertake operational studies to evaluate river flow and hydropower production, and economic studies to evaluate alternative projects and to optimize overall project configuration.
  6. Works with a multidisciplinary team of engineers and technologists to execute projects within budget and on schedule.
  7. Technical Management responsibilities; such as work scoping and planning, preparation of project cost estimates, performance monitoring, client interaction; etc
  8. Provide technical support in the negotiations of agreements in hydro power projects; such as water use agreements, power purchase agreements, etc.
  9. Take lead and provide guidance to local staff in the implementation of ongoing hydro power projects.

Qualifications & Experience:

  • A post-graduate qualification in Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering or any other related area with emphasis on hydropower planning and development.
  • Not less than 10 years of experience in hydroelectric power projects


The contract will be for an initial period of One (1) Year with the possibility of extension upon satisfactory completion of the contract.


A negotiable salary package which will be based on qualifications and relevant experience will be offered to the right candidate.


All applications with CV’s and relevant notified certificates should be addressed to:

Minister of State in Charge of Energy and Water

Ministry of Infrastructure

P.O. Box 24


Applications should reach the office of the Minister of state for Energy and Water on or before 29thof December, 2008.