The purpose of the progress report is to provide Grand Challenges Canada with a written record of grant-related progress and results, challenges/barriers, and lessons learned during the grant funding period. We use the information in this report to best support you with your project, to assess results and impact and to enhance learning. We ask you to provide us with a written update every 6 months.

When completing the report, please include all significant activities, challenges, lessons learned and accomplishments over the reporting period. Please note thatyou may be requested to provide additional informationtoyour Program Officer.


The completed report should be no more than 5 pages in length, excluding appendices and attachments. Please use U.S. letter page formatting (8.5 x 11 inches), 10-point font and one-inch margins. Please include your organization's name and grant ID in the footer.

Submitting Your Report

Please submit your report as a word document via e-mail to your Project Coordinator and also include your updated RMAF and Project Framework document as an attachment. In addition, please provide proof-of-completion for any of the bolded milestones (those listed in the Schedule of Payments & Reporting) if they were completed in this reporting period. Proof-of-Completion is required in order for us to proceed with payments on the grant. The “Schedule of Reports & Payments” in your grant agreement indicates when your report is due as well as the reporting period for each of your reports.


Your feedback is important to us. The report guidelines are designed to allow you to accurately report back to Grand Challenges Canada staff on the results of your grant. In an effort to ensure that these guidelines meet the needs of our grantees, we encourage you to provide us with your feedback. We will use your comments in our own learning, and will make an effort to incorporate them as much as possible, ensuring the template evolves to balance both the needs of grantees and Program Officers.

Please note: All written reports and their associated copyrights provided by you to Grand Challenges Canada will become the property of Grand Challenges Canada and the information contained within the reports may be reproduced, licensed, disseminated and/or translated by Grand Challenges Canada in any manner.While Grand Challenges Canada expects its grantees to report fulsomely on the progress of the project, it is your responsibility to ensure that no confidential or proprietary information is contained in written reports provided to Grand Challenges Canada.

Project Title
Organization Name
Grant ID Number
Project Start Date / mm yyyy / Project End date / mm yyyy
Grant Amount / In CAD dollars
Report Period from / mm yyyy / To / mm yyyy
Report Due / *As per the Schedule of Reporting and Payments included in your grant agreement
Has this project been granted a no-cost extension?
Principal Investigator(s)
Salutation / Email Address
Surname / Phone
First name / Fax
Suffix / Web Site
Mailing Address / Actual location of offices, not a post office box
Report Prepared by / Date Submitted / dd mm yyyy


Results & Progress

a)Please update the Project Frameworktable indicating progress against your objectives, activities, and critical milestones. In the “Comments” column:

  • For each milestone explain your progress to date, any results and if it has been completed.
  • For any milestone due that has not been achieved, please provide an explanation and mitigation strategies that will support its achievement.

Please note that any proposed amendments to the scope to the Project Framework must be submitted to your Program Officer for approval.

b)Please update the Results-based Management Accountability Framework (RMAF) table for your project. The RMAF outlines what innovative prototypes and/or service delivery models will be developed (outputs) and what the impact(s) of the innovation will be on the target population and other relevant groups (intermediate and ultimate outcomes).

  • If any of the expected results/ outcomes have been achieved at this time, please update the “Project Results – Achieved” column.

Please note: all expected and achieved results of the project should fall only within the timeframe of the grant. Referring to the Project Framework and/or RMAF, please include as an attachment any materials that demonstrateand support the quantitative and qualitative results achieved thus far. For example, a questionnaire if you conducted a survey, workshop reports if applicable, technical data that support technical development carried out including any figures, graphics, pictures or videos that may enhance the understanding of your project.

Challenges and Lessons Learned (0.5-1 page)

Grand Challenges Canada believes in the importance of identifying challenges, documenting lessons learned and capturing any unexpected outcomes to improve on future activities. Please describe the top 3 challengesand/or lessons learned to date and address the following for each:

  • How have these challenges/barriers affected your projected progress and timelines?
  • What are your mitigation strategies for these challenges/barriers?
  • How do you intend to apply these lessons learned to advance your work?
  • Is there anything that Grand Challenges Canada can do or could have done to better enable you during your grant period or to assist you with addressing challenges you encountered?

Please make reference to the risks and mitigations identified as a part of your project framework at project initiation when relevant.

Early Results (0.5 page)

Has your project generated any early results? If so, please describe.

Next Steps (0.5page)

Elaborating on your project framework, please briefly summarize what you hope to accomplish in the next reporting period, highlighting major activities, milestones and expected results.

Post-Grant Plans (1 page)

Grand Challenges Canada is committed to enabling the most promising innovations in its portfolio to reach their ultimate outcomes i.e.saving and improving lives in low- and-middle-income countries. Pleaseprovide an update on the path to scale for your innovation, highlighting any new thinking/developments, and outline the next steps you intend to undertake after the conclusion of this grant in order to advance your innovation towards impact. For instance, this may include further validation of a prototype in a clinical trial, commercialization and market access, scaling a validated model of care to other jurisdictions,widely disseminating relevant outputs, etc. Please identify potential partners/investors whose engagement will be critical in achieving these steps (e.g. manufacturers, distributors, healthcare providers, policymakers, ministries of health, non-governmental organizations, etc.), how you plan to engage them, and, if possible, the magnitude of funding you will need.Finally, please comment on the political environment within the area(s) you work/plan to work and how this may affect your innovation’s path to scale.

Other Accomplishments (0.5 page)

Has support from Grand Challenges Canadaenabled you or your team beyond the scope of the project? If so, please describe. Examples could include leveraging additional funding, career/professional progression, etc.


List all publications, reports, conferences attended and public presentations that resulted directly from this work. Attach any materials as appendices. Please provide URLs for any materials available on the web.


List any references to the work of others you have cited in this document (e.g., articles, reports, studies, standards), and any explanatory notes. Provide URLs for any materials available on the web.


Any additional feedback about your project or this program would be greatly appreciated. Please note that your feedback will in no way affect the evaluation of any of your future applications. Feel free to share your thoughts on themes, topics and/or potential speakers that you would like to learn from at community meetings.


Institution Name – 0XXX-XX