English IV Honors Mrs. Jens

Actual Topics for College Essays, 2015

Select one of the topics below and write a rough draft of the essay. Please type it and bring it to class on______

1. The University of Florida (http://www.admissions.ufl.edu/ugrad/personalessay.html):

2015-2016 Essay Topics - Please choose one of these essay topics if you are applying to the UF Freshman Class of 2020. 500 words maximum.

a. You have been elected President of the United States. Write your inauguration speech for us.

b.Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective." Describe a time when your perspective changed. How did your perspective change and why did it change?

c. If you were offered the role of the villain or the hero in a movie, which role would you accept and why?

d. If admitted to the University of Florida, tell us three SPECIFIC things you plan to do during your time here.

2. Florida State University


We firmly believe that every person is unique and of value. Our University is enriched by embracing individual differences and creating a community that is much more than the sum of its parts. In 650 words or less, share your story with us. Tell us how you came to be the person you are today, and about your passions and future expectations. Describe how you will benefit from our community and how our community will benefit from you.

3. University of Central Florida


We ask that you respond to two of the topics below. Your responses should be no longer than a total of 500 words.

1. If there has been some obstacle or bump in the road in your academic or personal life, please explain the circumstances.

2. How has your family history, culture, or environment influenced who you are?

3. Why did you choose to apply to UCF?

4. What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that will allow you to contribute to the UCF community? (Type your two essays with a line between them or on separate paper, with the topic typed above.)